10 real and famous treasures that have yet to find


Who does not want to find a treasure, kilograms for 200-300 gold to live then somewhere in a warm place and enjoy the sun? The task is not easy, but feasible.

First you need to understand what to seek and where to dig. Pics.Ru collected for you the history of famous treasures, which no one has found.

Golden Koni Khan Batya

The famous Han ruined Ryazan, Kiev, a bunch of other cities and entered a huge amount of gold and jewelry. After that, he built the city of Saray-Bati in the lower line of the Volga and appointed it with the capital of the Golden Horde. Han ordered to cast two horses in a natural amount of pure gold and put them at the gate of the city so that everyone who went to understand, with whom it deals. After the death of Batya Koni passed into the possession of his brother Berke, and then to Mama, whom the united troops of the Russian principalities were broken on the Kulikov field. In general, where horses were going, no one can say. One seems to be buried in Kurgan along with Mama, and the second, rumors and legends, stole a robbery squad, taking advantage of the confusion after the battle on Don. But the robbers soon ... Togo, but did not find the horse. They either managed to bury him or drowned in the river.

Clay Sigismund III

Before the militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharski, flooded the Poles back to their homeland, they managed to capture a bunch of jewels. According to various testimonies, they have gotten at 900 wagons. King Sigismund prudently sent this impressive caravan back to Poland in the Smolensk Road, but he never reached the destination. It is believed that fearing the loss of gold, the Poles buried the treasures next to somehow. There are no accurate coordinates, so the treasure has not yet been found. According to historians, it is necessary to look for a loot somewhere in the area of ​​Mozhaisk, in the Moscow region.

Gold Montesums

Montesum is a guy who was not lucky enough to rule the Aztecs at the time of arrival of unwanted guests from Europe under the leadership of Ernan Cortez. Spaniards, using the force and technical superiority, were killed by decent people and captured the ruler. They set the condition that the leader will be returned in the event that his subjects can fill the dungeon of the montesums in gold to the top. And this, as - in no way, almost 50 cubic meters. Aztecs tried, but they did not have time for the last two months, and Cortes ordered to execute Montezum. After that, the uprising rose, and the Spaniards were forced to leave the city along with redemption. When Cortes again captured the tenochtitlan a year later, then the treasure was no longer there. The aborigines managed to do everything in the vicinity of the city. Since then, the gold of Montesums did not find it.

Treasures of Lima

In 1820, in Lima, the capital of Peru, the uprising rose against the Spaniards. To save the treasures accumulated during their domination, the Spaniards loaded everything to the ship and ordered the captain of Thomas to take the goods to Spain. It is believed that the ship was gold and jewels about sixty million dollars, if we consider in the current money. But the captain turned out to be the more rode. He killed all the passengers of the vessel who could have twisted him, hid the treasures in one of the caves of the island of Coconut, and admitted to happened only on her deathbed. By the way, it was this story for the basis of the book of Robert Luis Stevenson "Treasure Island". Despite the popularity of the legend, the Treasures of Lima still have found no one.

William Kidda Pirate Treasure

Pirate William Kidd, one of the most successful robbers of the Caribbean sea, is undeservedly coincide with the attention of the writers. He robbed ships at the end of the seventeenth century and gave not only a huge wealth, but also a bunch of enemies. To protect your treasures, Kidd hid several treasures on different islands. The pirate eventually caught and hang out, but they did not find gold. In the twenties of the last century four cards were found, indicating the location of treasures hidden in furniture items, which supposedly belonged to William Kidd. Alas - whether the cards were not in such detailed, or there were no wishing to look for, but Kidd's gold still had no one.

Gold Napoleon

When the French emperor took Moscow, its prey was 18 puddles of gold and 325 poods of silver. After some time, Napoleon's army was forced to retreat under the onslasis of Kutuzov's troops, and as a result, it was decided to get rid of excess cargo that strongly retained the movement of the column. The French gradually discouraged the precious trophies - something burned along the road, something was treated in lakes and almost nothing was taken to Paris. Pleasant news: all these wealth still rest somewhere on Smolensk Earth. So you have an additional reason to visit this picturesque edge!

Gold Kolchak.

To be accurate, then this gold is not a quoll, but the gold of the Russian state. With the beginning of the First World War, the emperor Nikolai second sent part of the country's gold reserve away from Moscow to Kazan. When the power fell and the civil war began, the Admiral Alexander Kolchak took the gold. It was for this money that he led the war in Siberia. But there was no hope: in 1919, the train, transporting gold, was undermined, and he fell into Lake Baikal. Since then, treasures are considered lost. The underwater apparatus "Peace" found on the bottom of the wreckage of the wagons of the last century, but not gold. It should be, it still rests at the bottom of this huge lake.

Treasures of black beard

Captain Edward Tich, famous for the nickname "Black beard", is another character who has been industrial with piracy in the era of great geographical discoveries. Despite its popularity, he pirate only two years. In 1718, Tich suffered a defeat in the boarding battle with the ship of the English captain Robert Mainerad. Edward's himself cut off his head, and his team hung. But what happened to the wealth that they managed to be reinforced? In 1996, they found the flagship ship Tich "Revenge of the Queen Anna", on which the last battle took place, but there was no treasure threshold. They are still looking for. It is believed that the black beard had a treasurer, which no one knew about, except for himself and his faithful approximations. The probable place of Pirate Skron is called the Islands of the Caribbean Sea, Cayman Islands and Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of the United States.

Gold Emelyan Pugacheva

10 real and famous treasures that have yet to find 36773_9
The most famous treasies usually belong to either great rulers or famous robbers. Emelyan Pugachev passes along both categories. He gave himself for the king of Peter III and at the same time pretty successfully robbed. Before he was executed, he managed to progress the treasures. According to one source, Pugachev buried the treasure near the village of Kerseys Volgograd region, in others - near the village of Pugachevskaya in the Kotelnikovsky district of the same area. Rumors about the irrelevant wealth hidden by the leader of the peasant war, still chase the treasures on the banks of the Volga. But there is no accurate instructions about the location of the class, but to rely on the whole Volgograd land - it is unlikely possible.

Clay Smolensk Bank

When the Germans came close to Smolensk in 1941, an emergency evacuation of all valuable was beginning. The contents of the repository of the Smolensk bank were immersed in the car and sent to Vyazma, closer to Moscow. But only four cars from five reached Vyazma. The column fell under the bombing, and one truck was damaged. There are several versions where money from this car is. According to one - it was charged with the locals, on another, more likely, soldiers who guarded the column, buried the valuable load somewhere near the village of the following Smolensk region. In favor of this version, the fact that 1924 coins are often found here. But the money is still considered not found.

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