5 Great Lizers: Do not envy their glory


If it seems to you that there is no person unweight you and that failures are pursuing only Lokhov - just read the history of other famous personalities. First, you will understand that not alone. Secondly, for someone else it was not lucky so it was not lucky!

Christopher Columbus


We are accustomed to the school version that he is a great discoverer and general hero. During his lifetime, he did not pursue the applause. Start with the fact that Columbus was not going to open any America at all. He was going to lay an alternative, more direct and secure seaway from Europe to India: when Columbus had no Suez Channel, and no wishing to get to Industan had to completely overtake the African mainland.

As a result of the Lavra, the person who went to Asia that was this way, got to the contemporary of Columbus Fernuna Magellan. It can be argued that the Columbus opened America, but in general, he did not open America. The first European on this continent was Leif Happy, the son of the Greenland opener and Iceland Erica Redhead. In mitochondrial DNA of Icelanders, Indian genes were found - obviously, one of the Vikings brought to the island of his wife with a new-open land.

It is especially disappointing that, in any case, the spanish crown has made a lot of gold, wonderful goods and slaves to America, and the crown for all this thanked very peculiar: threw Columbus to prison from fears that he will decide to become a ruler of new lands. Poor two years proved his innocence. He was released from prison, but the siphel remained at both sides. Spain stopped telling the navigator as a hero, and Columbus himself was so offended that, according to legend, even bequeathed to put shackles in his coffin. That everyone became ashamed.

Isadora Duncan


Isadora clearly from the very beginning was born under the unfortunate star. In early childhood, her father left, and the mother of aceedors had to fight, as a fish on the ice, in order to at least feed the children. Duncan grew, undoubtedly, a little too exalted and a little too self-confined girl, but what is work, knew from the youngster. Already at the age of 13 she was engaged in rhythm with children of neighbors, and soon began to speak. She began with Phantaza - danced barefoot, in Lögonk Short Hiton; At the time, it looked piquant and obscene. However, Iceedor was able to make a dear, interesting and popular genre from his dance.

Being a very young girl, she took the persistent caressing of a man much older. However, it turned out that the fan left his wife in his homeland, who was not going to divorce. Aseedora later married several times, gave birth to three children and adopted six girls. However, one of the children died immediately after birth, and two other children drowned. It was a completely terrible accident. Motor machine in which children drove, stalled. The driver came out of the car and began to repair it, forgetting to put on a hand-made brake. The motor came to life and the car went down the slope straight into the river. Children inside were locked. They were knocked in the windows, and the driver ran next to the car, but he could not do anything. The car fell into the river.

Finally, Isadora itself also died because of the car. Her favorite long red scarf fell into the wheel of a moving car, where the dancer sat, and broke the Duncan neck. Ayedor barely turned fifty.

Edward Wood

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Edward did not be lucky not to be born a girl. First, his mother wanted her daughter. Secondly, Edu liked to wear female things. Even in the trenches of the Second World War, he wore lingerie under the form and was most afraid that he was wounded and in the Hospital of Mystery will open. After the war, he worked for some time ... a woman with a beard at the fairs. Until I started shooting movies.

Contemporaries unanimously determined Wood as the worst of the directories. Two years after death, under this definition, he even entered the book of two film critics. That Wood neither took to shoot, with all he was not lucky. Producers did not like his scenarios. The psychological drama about transsexuals and transvestites of "Glen or Glenda" failed at the box office - the viewer was ready to consider this topic only from the point of view of comicness. Because of the permanent launcher, Edward constantly had to look for non-standard outputs from the situation. He actually refused to shoot a few doubles of each scene, unconditionally took the first and only one. In the films, no one needed documentary frames from archives were mounted. To shoot a thriller "Bride Monster", the Wood team painted someone else's kinokuklo, depicting octopus, but in the process rejected him one of the legs and also discovered that the motor from the mechanism from it is removed. So Belie Lugoshi, who was shot in this picture, had to "somehow" to portray the fight against the octopus. In the film On the invasion of aliens, the cabin pilots portrayed the curtain from the shower, and the actors were sitting on folding chairs.

Woodwis girl became a famous poetess and wrote several hits for Elvis Presley. It could help Edward in the Plan of Piara ... But then they were no longer together.

Tired of lack of money, Wood began to shoot porn. The plan seemed a win-win, because Porn in Doughtern times was valued even made on the knee. But even the porn films from Wood fell away!

Of course, then the thrillers of Wood began to appreciate. They greatly affected the mass culture. The faithful fan bought from the mantement of the "Orgia of the Dead," paying 23-year-old debt on the score. About Wood wrote books, some of its techniques began to find original and interesting, and the film "Glen and Glenda" finally found its separate recognition as a drama about transsexuals. In the end, the film was filmed about the Wood itself, and Johnny Depp him played him! But all this happened after the death of the director. Agree, it was a shame until you could not live.

Ludwig van Beethoven


As you know, the great composer at some point the flames. It means to hear the live fulfillment of my works, to conduct an orchestra at the premiere, he was not destined since then never. Already one thing seems terrible: as if a person, obsessed with drawing, was blind and could not see the pictures created. Or as if the mother had taken away the child ended with love immediately after birth, and she had never seen his faces and did not know his voices.

It is also known that Beethoven was unfortunately in love. Due to the difference in the position, he could not not say what to marry - even to dare to open his feeling. After his death, they found a love letter, which he never sent himself.

Finally, Ludwig did not die without because of his illness, not because of its very treatment (which was not yet rare), and because of the missions that the doctor was imposed after the main procedure - piercing peritoneum for the withdrawal of the fluid (the composer suffered from serious problems with liver). The Lamb has entered lead, and poisoning accelerated the death of Beethoven.

Athanasius Fet.

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But the leader among uncompanists is probably the Russian poet of Athanasius Fet (this is the originally his surname sounded). When Athanasia was fourteen years old, the church and the Fet itself suddenly found out that he was born before the marriage of his parents. The boy was declared illegitimate and devoid of surnames (Shenshin), Russian citizenship and nobility.

Shortly before the end of the university, it becomes almost the fact that Athanasius will be the heir to the uncle of a hundred thousandth state. But the money also suddenly disappear, Fet remains on beans and goes into a big world without livelihood.

In the hope, firstly, making money, and secondly and in-main, to regain the nobility, at least he has reached him, Athanasius goes to serve in the Kirassier regiment. The title must come to Feta with the first officer rank, but here it suddenly comes out that it is still necessary to get the second officer rank first. There is nothing to do, and Feth serves on. When it remains to the desired Major, Nikolai I suddenly signs a decree on which the noble title is obtained only from the colonel. Unknown exactly fresh feta reaction to such a turn of fate, but we think it was rather bright and expressive. Athanasius comes into resign and closely deals with family and literary career.

Career, however, not for quite a long time. Creativity is subjected to hard criticism, from the magazine "Contemporary" kicked out. Fet is precipitated from this situation.

By the end of life, however, Fet Slowly gets back everything that seems to him with his right. Money, title, surname, citizenship. However, he is so tired that he decides to commit suicide. But even it does not succeed! Stiletto, which the poet tried to crate, takes the secretary. Fet rushes for ordinary knives to the buffet, but suddenly a suicide attempt interrupts a heart attack. We just have nothing more to add to this biography.

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