22 types of buyers who can be frozen any seller



If you yourself did not work in retail trade, then you can't imagine how people sometimes are furious, the author of the site of Thoughcatalog. And talks about buyers who forced her to moan "I swear, I will repeat!" And dream of consolation in alcohol.

People from a black seller list

1. Buyer who says "And this, I look, for free?" At the sight of a thing with a dutiful label. You are the most original, take a pie with the shelves.

2. The buyer who brings to the stand of 1792 the object of clothing to immediately change their mind, buy 2 and leave you to displays the remaining places.

3. The buyer who takes you for his personal lacquer, and leaves the mountain of greeted things in the fitting on the floor.

4. The buyer who asks the biggest package, although bought one topic. Yes, let's turn the plastic plastic plastic, the environmentally asked about it.

5. Buyer who shouts at you because of the goods (its colors, size and other features), which you did not sell it. As if you can help with something.


6. Buyer who yells on you because of something at all in the same way, what you have the same power, but at the youngest child in the family above the remote control

7. Buyer who is trying to pay a 40-dollar purchase with two credit cards, handfulness of the little things and a glass of blood of his firstborn. (Not looking for comfort in alcohol, I said!)

8. Buyer who asks: "And where do you go to the toilet then?!" After you tell him that there is no toilet in the store.


9. The buyer who declares "but in that store better product \\ is more polite employees \\ more conveniently schedule." Oh, all that you are not going to compost your brains?

10. The buyer who curses you when he saw a box with fur vessels. As if you were personally and in front of her eyes cried and ripped the ligament of charming rabbit. Yes, I myself feel sorry for Madame.

11. The buyer who drops or flies on anything, takes it all on the floor, looks and leaves. I probably need to already enter the "Maid" in a resume as the most useful skill.

12. The buyer who clarifies "Is there a discount?" For each thing you scan him. And, in the final, decides not to take everything that without discounts.

13. Buyer who is included in 20-47, when you close at 21-00. By the way, in hell for such guys there is a special place, do you know?

14. Buyer who requires a special approach because he has an overdue coupon by $ 3.5.


15. Buyer who is trying to climb into a thing for two sizes less than necessary, because there are no other sizes, and asks "Well, how do you think?" I want to say "like a cake, in which too many oils swelling", and you have "this color you".

16. The buyer who asks your council about the two equally terrible topics. "Ah, poisonous yellow favorably emphasizes the color of your skin, and the pink in cucumbers is so acutely stylish."

17. Buyer who brings to take a thing that I bought on March 3, 1862.

18. Buyer who really licks fingertips before counting you in cash. Here are your saliva and microflora - exactly what I dreamed about, yes.


19. The buyer who is forty-five minutes leisurely goes through the thing for the thing for the thing, deciding what to buy, and what not. Well, is it really so difficult to do it before you take the cashier?

20. Buyer who requires a manager or a supervisor so that they repeat him the word into the word what you said. And you stand here and listen to, the seller still nothing to do.

21. The buyer who comes to the store an hour before the discovery. Hurry to live, all things.

22. Buyer who asks you, someone you are so gloomy. Yes, because I could pick up with friends at the bar, watch a TV series on the sofa or in a bikini on a yacht, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and not alone, but instead I stand here and talk to you. That's why.

Source: thoughtcatalog.Comerode: Asya Mikheev

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