Sects as a danger. Who needs to go around the party?


When people think about the dangers that lie them in life, they recall the catastrophe, illness, accidents and world crises. Sects as a danger examine for themselves a few. Almost everyone is confident that the sect is something far and exotic. But is it?

In Russia, there is a sufficient number of sects and destructive cults. Perhaps you have already managed to face them, even without suspecting it.


This is a small and very closed group of strange people. They believe that the Comcommunication, the plant of juvenile, bisexuality and the lack of education will save the world. Their guru is called Vsevolod Rudashevsky, he lives in LJ at this address.

Note: Bisexuality for sympathies is the main sign of a normal person, and the plant juvenile should be started from two to three years, otherwise it will be late.

Quote from the sympathy community: "Suppression of sexuality, as well as planting dogmas prohibiting the free manifestation of sexuality, inspiring guilt and shame for sexual desires, must be attributed to the greatest crimes against a person. Any species of sex whose participants are enjoyed and voluntarily agree to carry it out, it is necessary to consider natural, even if you are unpleasant to submit ourselves with a member or viewer "(original - by reference)

The religious concept of sympathies is simple: any uneducated person after a variety of sexual intercourse with people, animals and children reaches the state of illuminated perceptions. These perceptions also require full honesty in the statement of negative feelings to everyone who is near and using Novoya.

The sympathians are promised that in the state of ill-miley perceptions sympathy is able to penetrate any science. Learn the followers of Rudashevsky optional.

To understand what we are talking about, read the dreams of sympathies about the ideal society: "When sex becomes absolutely normal, all girls and boys will become sluts. Will sell yourself for the money for which they are ready to buy. Then I like the girl or boy on the street - it will be an optional condition. It will be enough to pay it 3-5-10 dollars ... so little, because now sex is a revalued service due to its prohibition and rarity. When there is a competition of almost every girl with each, then the prices will become very small. Most of course, youngsters will earn it. Especially in the compensation period of century-old prohibitions, which may be launched several decades. They will be able to sell their bullion tales all more expensive "(Original - by reference)

Few people are able to divide these ideas in a sober mind and solid memory. That is why the sympathians are gently and unobtrusively process schoolchildren in popular publics of VKontakte, gradually inspiring the necessary thoughts:

Check the list of groups, please. Perhaps this sect is closer to you than you think: "Experimental psychology", 28 thousand subscribers "Freedom from school", 26 thousand subscribers "Washing brains", 38 thousand subscribers of sympathy groups a lot, their official list can be studied on a special page.


Of course you do not go to Orange Sari and do not read "Bhagavat-Gita as it is." You and in the head will not come to carry the toilet in the vigorous part of the apartment, for example, to the bedroom. You, looking at your son, do not think "... Side Products of the Body, Namely Children ..." (Bhagavat-Gita as it is, 2:20). Yes, you did not even open these Indian Vedas ... Stop. And if you think?

Vedes of course you did not open and not read. But you can listen to the lectures of Olga Valyaeva, Oleg Torsunova, Navelovich and other so-called "Vedic psychologists." And if you are trying to emphasize in the behavior, "Vedic femininity", participate in femininity marathons - I congratulate you on the threshold of the sect.

Let me show what awaits you if you do not stop halfway.

At first, you, believing in the marathons of femininity, start uncritically treat the lectures of Valyaeva and Torsunov. Then you will stop how these "Vedic psychologists" recommend, eat meat and begin to promote vegetarianism in the family. You will be deeper and deeper to dive into the Vedic wisdom, stop wearing trousers, then stop wearing panties and tights (relevant for women). In general, stop wearing, and on the street too. And in winter, yes.

The next step will be the worship of the cow and the use of cow manure in disinfecting purposes, as well as inward. Vedic psychologist Oleg Torsunov is confident that the best way to wash the dishes is to add a little cow's manure into the water.

If it doesn't scare you, think about the cow, in addition to the sacred manure, there is still a sacred cow watering. Krishnaitis also find a blessing application.

And now, maybe it's time to go to your account in VKontakte and revise the list of readable communities?

Personal growth trainings

We are all accustomed that the best way to get the maximum value of knowledge at the lowest term is to go to some seminar or training. Competent specialists who have achieved significant success in their activities will read you a lecture on how to work correctly in the selected area. At the same time they will consolidate the successes achieved by several practical activities.

There is still a way to correct personality, as group therapy. On group therapy sessions, we faced people who have similar problems, and imperceptibly correct themselves.

Personal growth training can be wrapped up both in the cover of the seminar and in the cover of group psychotherapy.

These trainings are built on a simple principle

1. At first, the advertisement promises that you will become super (super boss, superant, superman), correct the flaws; 2. Then you insult you for several days, humiliate, beaten, buried alive in the ground, try to rape; 3. At the end, when you have already formed Stockholm syndrome, you will praise. You are told that you have passed the test, you are stronger than all in the world and even a coarser coach; 4. From these words you are experiencing catharsis. It is so strong that you will go behind him for new trainings for them again and again; You do not just go to a new training, and also lead your loved ones and friends. After all, to conduct people in happiness through the training is your duty.

In many trainings, it is recommended to part with the spouse if he is not ready to become a slave of personal growth. Cuchi these trainings immediately pick up a new husband (wife), with whom you will achieve success in your work. In general, the divorce is good. This means that you can fully devote yourself to trainings and careers.

Trainings femininity

The essence of femininity training is simple: they promise the ordinary lonely woman to make a millionaire's beloved wife or a microdistan sex bomb. Often these two goals in the training of femininity are combined into one.

Denis Baygazhin Training serve as the best example of the classic female training. Their content can be viewed on the Denis page

According to Baygun, you are a scooped (scoop), if you think that men are interested in the soul of a woman, her character and tenderness.

Record the signs of the right woman, which at any time can marry a millionaire: - Light Debilzo on the face. It is important, with women without a debilitz millionaires do not get acquainted - a woman should not work, otherwise she loses Debyils on the face. A woman should look at any man as his lord and Mr.. - Love sex for a woman - a sign of fault. The right woman is given for gifts, a promise of marriage or money - True femininity begins with mastering the skills of prostitution and group sex.

Original record - by reference.

Trainings of masculinity

Every man wants to be a superman for his beloved. Usually, the supermanism is being studied by life itself, but in some cases men are looking for help.

Help most often acts in the form of training masculinity from very strange personalities.

For example, there is such a well-known coach as Vadim Slachter.

A few years ago, he ordered to raise masculinity to the earth, forced him to jump into the breakdown with blindfolded eyes and taught how to properly stuck "feather" in the crowd of a man in a crowd. To kill taught theoretically, not practically - for which he should say thanks.

But all this has nothing to do with masculinity.

Followers of the revelations of Maslov

Previously, in the nineties, the sect of Jehovah's Witnesses thundered. She is now very numerous, but the influx of new followers almost ceased to it. The reason for the lack of growth is simple: to be famous - ugly.

But something should be attractive to pensioners and not be scared for educated people. Of course.

Therefore, the replacement of Jehovists came a new sect of followers of the revelations of the Most High through Maslov Leonid Ivanovich. Judging by the registration on the site (it is required for followers), the "revelations" about 25 thousand people.

The content of the sect is determined by the dictations of the Most High. The purpose of the sect is to memorize and memorize revelations, moral preparation by the end of the world and the quantum transition, in strict veganism, the desire to get into power and participate in the collections of co-creators.

This sect is designed for older people, which can be seen even from her name - the USSR (Union of Co-Creators of Saint Rus). She most often delays those who are ready to devote a lot of time to promote teachings, as well as accustomed to the Soviet meetings of like-minded people.

Consider, please, for which meetings your old mom is walking. And even better talk more with her so that later I did not have to save your mother from a bad company.

Destructive medical directions

They are diverse and completely unpredictable. "Light" versions you see every day in the form of traditional medicine according to Gennady Malachov, diagnostics of Lazarev's karma, forbidden books of Traviki, starvation for Sheldon and urinotherapy according to the other populists.

Usually the organizers of such sects or without higher education, or with an unfinished tractor-building. But there are also people with basic knowledge in medicine that earn money on someone else's trust.

A classic example of earning an anti-scientific technique is visceral massage of internal organs (deep intensive kneading internal organs). It is promoted, for example, the Medical Center "Forerunner".

This massage treats almost everything.

Moreover, the visceral massage changes the psychotype of a person, they tell us the cucuals.

"In spiritual and emotional terms, relaxed bodies show themselves creative and organizational abilities, balanced, good mood, mind, intelligence, fantasy, attentiveness, speed of reaction, etc. A person with tense bodies has less space for action, he reacts with irritability, annoying or anger at anyone who, in his opinion, wants to take away the space from him or is too close, or vice versa, "the sellers of visceral happiness are written.

No less interesting is a business organized by the doctor of medical sciences, the head of the neuroendocrinology laboratory of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and the gerontology of the North-West branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sergey Sergeyevich Konovalov.

I do not know if you believe or not after reading the regalia S.S. Konovalov, but this respected man treats water, infused on the books of S.S. Konovalova, and just books S.S. Konovalova.

The sects and near-thectation associations are much more than described here.

Many of you probably saw that someone from the associations described approached you at a distance outstretched hand. Push this hand from yourself. You are welcome. Otherwise, she will drag you into the abyss.

Article author: LENA-MALAA

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