There is no sex and not necessary. How without him, loved, survive?



If you can't do without something, it means that it controls you something.

No matter how love and adore Sex, be his slave, too, somehow not ku. So, you need to be able to sometimes do without. Moreover, it happens in practice that one sex is over, and with all the other options, so far in the kit go: with whom a caring superman, with whom Tanchika, and with whom alcoholism, and then Gonorrhea. And if there is no strength to wait good sex without aggravating, then you will have to choose from these, Brrrr.

And it happens so that the most nice sex, in general, with you, but - alas! - On a business trip, deeply pregnant, and even in the hospital lies. And what, intercepting out of the left, times there are no terperia? Why do you need this lowering standard?

Non-very good-sexes usually love to sing about the fact that the female organism in the conditions of abstinence cares and worship.

They are lying. The female organism cares and worship in absence: 1. Orgasms 2. Positive emotions. The non-most-good-sex themes are not the very good that it does not guarantee you the first or second. So let's do about it in general, in the stump it in a mirror bivalve.

But here, let's say, that sex, which we consider worthy of yourself beautiful, for some time unavailable. How to survive?



That is the most correct blood supply to the small pelvis organs, the stimulation and exercises of the vaginal musculature, supporting the nerve endings in active form, in general, all these important and necessary things for an adult intelligent girl much more reliably will provide a proven sex toy (one or this) than a vague partner. But the point is not only in orgasms!

Physical Education

Rhythmic movements, accompanied by the rhythmic voice acting, give the human body many important positive emotions, accelerate metabolism, align the tone of vessels and generally happiness. This will tell you any dervish or skier. Dervisham so and in general, sex does not rely, they are sick with dances. Is free. We (and skiers) are somehow familiar with sex, but if suddenly, then dance, this is an option. Houses, headphones. On the dance floor, before you fall. On some kind of motor group. It is important that as in sex, it was possible to go for the body, for his wishes. I want a shallow vibra - oking, I want to jump - download. Ballroom dances are not suitable here. They are still not about sex, but about courtship.

Yoga and magic


Do not even bother on some complicated tantra. Good sex (and you do not forget - now only about it) - always magic. And necessarily trance. Do not switch the flow of thinking from reports and child boots to the depths of unknown in themselves - FIG. We, not good sex. And so, let's say, the sex drove away somewhere, the depth of the unknown seems to be here, but something is not up to them. Reports, boots. And here, you look, and the well-being somewhere not turning there.

So, it is necessary to add to the mandatory program, consolidate on any permanent anchors: I took a cup of coffee - got up, went to the window, look at the cloud minute. I climbed into the shower - I stretched, I sang something from childhood "Voddyka-Voddy, the mind of my face, so that the eyes glimpse, so that the licks were blunt to, so that the rotof was laughed, so that the teeth were laughed." You walk down the street - try to catch and feel the touch of the wind to face. Even hard and cold - sometimes it is necessary to hard. Use whatever, if only it justs well, reminded you about the infinity and unity of the Universe, as the male cum in unison.


If you are simply in separation or one of you in a temporary technical string, then the impossibility of sex does not mean the impossibility of communicating, Skype and SCSS. But if one who needs, there is no, there is no ... then you need to communicate with people close to the spirit who are not intended for sex. Why there, we all do it. One remained forward, for the bachelorette party! At the same time and dance, yeah.



Our closest relatives - Primates spend almost all their free time behind hugs. The fact that we hug very rarely and most often with sexual subtext - the intersection of the current public device and a big trouble. And if a person takes out more erotic hugs, the neurosis is practically guaranteed. Alas.

Squeeze all hugs that you can get from your related and friendly environment. Weching money for massage and lymphatic lamp (at the same way and use health). Buy or get out of Chulana that most teddy bear. Cast a heavy blanket or a narrow single sleeping bag (they are often recommended to children with tactile deprivation. So, tactile deprivation is the lack of hugs). There are hardcore Japanese hugging pillows, but we do not understand why they are fundamentally better than bears. Or cats that curled you in your feet. Catch at least warm and urchit.

Improving self-esteem


No matter how cool, and the fact of freshness is an average increases the female self-esteem. No wonder we sometimes be sinned by an unspoken demonstration of sacrises and the total languid germination of envious. Such an approach pushes us into the embrace of any of what sex, and therefore - to refuse. There will be good sex - not sin and boast, but now you can ponate with loyalty or pride, or leopard boots. Yes, and whether it is sad - a good, professional envious will always find what you envy - why disturb?

Delivering pleasure to a cute person

Give - much more subtle pleasure than getting gifts; It's a shame when some presented the morning kisses. But here, as with hugs, our need is not at all necessary to keep the sexual framework. Do gifts. Think, prepare, with the pleasure of Dari. Endorphins in your head Anyway, to whom - if there is an empathy, the correct buzz can be used with a small nephew through the box with Lego.

Oh yeah, so still children !!!

God forbid no one left without good sex so that this question becomes relevant. But, in general, the cum bank is cheap. Compared with a partner-absurr with horseradish, he knows what genetic breakdowns is generally a penny.

We wish this article with all the editorial board so that this article does not use one reader! But let it be. Just in case.

Posted by: Asya Mikheeva

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