How do women understand what they want to divide life with this man? 16 real stories


One day, a woman looks at the man and understand - it is with him that she wants to wake up every morning his subsequent life. We decided to ask readers, at what moments it happens.


When he shaved sleep, to portray the Nescocherat in a funny video, which we thought about the girlfriend.


After he called friends, and with general efforts, they shoved the mother's men's man, who Mom beat her money and the police could not do anything, alas. The story is terrible, but according to the results I realized that I wanted to marry - there was a call for a long time, but I still.


When I was waiting for him to visit and baked the cake with apples and meat in the pots.


After one joint near-criminal adventure (without details, sorry). Not that the feeling of "the desire to marry" appeared. Just an understanding arose: it will be so. Probably, this is a matter of trust.



When he read his autobiography published in the form of a book. Yoknulo inside.


When his mother rewrote an apartment on him.


When we met with him, for the first time yokno, when I came to a date with the night with a temperature, and he, finding it organized me with hot tea and hugs and did not go to climb. Previous climbing with sex, it seems like it helps with a cold and generally, they say, I console you so much, and I suffered. And another time he realized that I did not get enough sleep and sleep on the go. He said that something did not want sex today, but he wants to lie down a bit, hugging. And then wow. Of course, I fell asleep without waiting wow. What he sought.


I understood that when he came and the first thing loz for a washing machine. She stood in my kitchen, I folded on her freshly sparing dishes and I always had something for it, and it was difficult to pull it out. Once he asked him, and then he himself silently lez and pulled out.



He came to me every evening to decide with me in mathematics tasks to prepare for admission to the university. And it was not amented to any of my excuses. Sex and walks - important, but tasks - first of all! And I did it - thanks to his "tutoring."


When I lay after surgery in a bloody shirt, drainage, catheters and a urinal, on a spotty glue, and he carefully helped me change the position, and when I realized that I am shifted to my view, I said that all cool and I like an album character "Human Equation "Aeryon. Eight years ago. We are like a crane and heron, but together.


When in a campaign to the first category of difficulties in the mountains, being a scout (there is such a position in sports campaigns), seeing how I remember under a 13-kilogram backpack, I fed to the place of the privala, exploring the terrain, threw my 18-kilogram backpack, fled after me , I grab my things and me on the trailer, got up to everyone, I stayed to breathe. He was with me two minutes. Next - the story was repeated in a circle during the campaign. With various variations.

And then we sat on the rock by the sea and just thought the waves, waiting for the ninth shaft. I thought it was not scary with him! He was then 17 years old ... I was older for a lifetime. We did not have a relationship year, although he was in love with me. And now - 20 years passed, as together.



When he comes into your house and begins to improve it. Repair does, Towels buys, I'm dragging ...


The chicken fry. Well, in general, it seems to me very cozy and sexy when they feed me. True, he remembered her, and I was breaking.


I was conquered his concern. My grandmother got very sick. So he is in her arms in the "ambulance", he wore for doctors. She could not walk. And all night traveled on pharmacies, so that all medicines for her find. But then somehow trusted him and gave his heart.


We were barely familiar (some young man, familiar daughter ...), and I accidentally (together with my daughter helped this most young man with a move) I saw his diploma, where it was written: "The specialty is the highest and applied mathematics." And the liner - with a solid "otl.", "Otl.", "Otl." ... Here then the heart beat and the inner voice hit: "We must take!"


Shoved her sleeves. My husband has very beautiful hands. Well, for me personally.

History collected: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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