Ortorouxia: Unhealthy Zozh


Proper nutrition is a pledge of long and healthy life. But provided that the desire for an ideal proper system does not develop into a nervous disorder.



Nervous Orthorexia is food dying, associated with an obsessive desire for healthy and proper nutrition. In essence, this is a kind of manicity when choosing food.

The term "Ortorouxia" appeared long before the advent of Instagram and his Fitonish. In the 70s of the last century, Dr. Stephen Bratman, who lived in the Commune, was fed only to environmentally friendly products, revealed a new type of food disorder. I revealed directly on myself when I realized that I became obsessed with the idea of ​​healthy nutrition.

The research of Bramen began to be actively returning today, when the ideas of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are not just popularized, but literally inspired. Ororecia is not included in international classifiers of diseases, so officially such a diagnosis is not raised. But doctors argue that this is only a matter of time.

Healthy or patient?


Recognize a person with Ortorux is pretty easy: his love for proper nutrition is manic. If you eat a sandwich with sausage, he can literally snatch it out of her hands. And if you eat it myself, it will punish yourself a discharge week on water and green tea. For him, everyone who at least thinks about the dessert of Pavlova or Rolls with the eel - stupid, uneducated people who will very much die, choking their own fat. Moreover, his own thoughts only felt that around meals, a person says a lot about her, writes, can demonstrate aggression towards those who do not share his ideas somewhere on the edge of the earth. If the body may, and looks healthy, then the mind is clearly not. You can see the disease from friends - it is possible, but you need to try. After all, you just care about health and carry the light of truth!

From orthorexy to bulimia


The maniacs of healthy nutrition draws information literally from everywhere: on the forums, in Phyton's blogs, on selling pages with Chinese teas, in newspapers, and even from the morning air of local radio stations. Hence the constant change of diets: low-carb, high-log, carrot, cheese, Duucan, Protasova, Elena Malysheva. The body did not heat stress and eventually gives protest - breakdowns. The prohibit is popup more often than planned and here the old-good bulimia pops up on the horizon. But it was just a long time qualified as a nervous, life-threatening disease and treat clinics, under strict supervision of doctors.

Be beautiful and sad


Permanent intrusive control of nutrition means dozens, hundreds of restrictions. Moreover, new restrictions appear with each new diet. When you can not chocolate, but you can do some coffee, and after three weeks it is still not a chocolate, but now coffee is prohibited, and with it any desserts, red fruits and sausages - even the most iron of all the woodcutters will not stand and pay. Or closes in itself and will be sad about the imperfection of the world and the main way of infantability. And this is depression, one more, most common disease on the planet.

I fell right or still sick?


It is possible to define an orthoroscience for a whole set of symptoms:

- categorical choice of products not by taste preferences, but exclusively by "utility";

- The list of "Prohibit" includes more than five points (salty, sweet, fat, flour, with gluten, with starch, with yeast, fructose, etc.);

- active passion for new diets, constant changing the power mode;

- the fear of prohibited products giving up to phobia;

- the presence of self-telling for the use of prohibited products;

- a leadout of an important role to choose, cooking and eating;

- Hard division of people on their (PP-Shnikov) and all other fatty fools.

As soon as an understanding is that the desire to eat healthy crossed the framework of healthy - we can assume that half of the way to get rid of the disorder is passed. Then it remains only to return to normal life - with pizza and mother jam. And if it does not help, then to a psychologist and nutritionist. The first one will help to properly arrange priorities, and the second will be a suitable, real diet.

HOROD: Dasha Ionina

Pictures: shutterstock

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