Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac


Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_1

Famous wisdom says that truth is born in the dispute. This sometimes happens, but extremely rare. Most often in disputes are born offenses, insults and conflicts. Nevertheless, in life from disputes is not going anywhere, so it is best to prepare for the successful completion of the dispute. You can start with the study of your opponent. Forewarned is forearmed!


I depends, because I fight - it's about him! No for Capricorn, nothing is sweetered than to fit into the most poppy in some kind of pretty bar. There he is adrenaline, there is his drive, there is his place. Capricorn Scandalist Style is rustling and undispage - it is bonding and climbs alive, but there is undoubtedly chic. You can defeat Capricorn, but you have to leave aside all refined methods of wars and fight "forehead in the forehead." If the spirit is enough, of course ...

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_2


Artistic, exquisite and podl, like a devil himself! Scandalite cynically, beautiful and knowledge of the case. Simple and accurately improvises. And most importantly, it is not bent anything. In his arsenal, blows below the belt and the attacks from the back. In the mouth of a quarrel of Aquarius, the worst secrets can reveal and insult the most tender feelings. But nothing personal! Everything that does Aquarius is made exclusively for the sake of love for art. For that, he forgive him a lot.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_3


The argument with fish simply deprived of meaning, because the fish usually occupy the position of indifferent and uncompromising elements. All reproaches against fish are divided into the wall of their indifference. All arguments are drowning in the bunch of their calm. To achieve from the fish emotional reaction, you need to make something truly terrible, for example, to eat live cat and eat a hamster. Then the fish may notice that with them there is generally scandaling and deign to be curious "And what, actually, the case"?.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_4


Impaulsive and romantic. Scandals for him - pain, but the pain is sweet. So Aries can say any way to say that he hates a quarrel, but in fact he likes to glow a little, a little to suffer, slightly cry and then, how should it be a little. However, if the conflict is more serious than you need to satisfy the romantic aspirations of the Aries, the Aries immediately turns into a ruthless fighter and pulls the opponent in dust. Then, however, the poor fellow regrets.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_5


Barbaruska is perfect and beautiful in anger! True, to "Raw" it, you need time. But when the patience of the Taurus bursts, all around - a guilty, sympathizing, and just passersby comes Khan! The world around the furious Taurus collapses, buys, sparks and, in general, is doomed to death. So, come in advance in bomb shelter and from there Enjoy truly a fantastic show. By the way, that Taurus instructed, he also replaced ... when she calms down.

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The scandal with the twins is a tango with xenomorph on the skeleton of the sword. Gemini in dispute unpredictable, uncontrollable and elusive. You are waiting for them to make a step forward, and they bounce aside. You are sure that now will be Foute, but you are satisfied with gypsy with exit. It is impossible to calculate the twins, to find causal relationships in their behavior. Such a spontaneity of twins is the most dangerous of all existing weapons. How to defeat the one who managed to go beyond human logic?

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_7


Brilliant manipulator! The scandal for him is an extra reason to practice in the art of managing mankind. Cancer immediately hangs the feeling of guilt, the size of the tower of the federation, and enjoys the effect. Any conflict with cancer ends with the fact that it is all in white, and everyone else is nothingness, and it would be better to go and kill. (if they did not yet)

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_8

a lion

In essence, it is absolutely not scandalous. Why should he? After all, the lion won already on the fact of birth. In conflict, the lion is interested in the insight, because it may be superfluous to demonstrate their greatness and shine. By the way, the lion wins even when he loses, because he simply does not notice his own fiasco. Well, or, (this applies to old and wise lions) loses with such dignity that he wants to handle it for it.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_9


Sounds and arrogant so much that one leads an opponent in tantrum. And the ability of the Virgin to control the situation and smile when everything around is already spied by bloody foam, just murderous. The more the enemy is nervous, the more "puzzles the" emotion "" is ", the dismountable it holds. After the scandal with the Virgin alive, only Virgo itself remains. Corrects an overhead collar. Stands with someone else's dust with a snow-white cuff and leaves off, without looking around.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_10


The acute and cunning mind and inhuman empathy are made of scary rivals from the scales in any quarrel. Scales are able to calculate the behavior of the enemy to the smallest detail and send the conflict to the key they need. At the same time, the scales will be extremely polite, correctly and even podiatiles. To the one who is implacated to conflict with weights, it will seem to the latter that he is a winner. And only when the scales, the friendly pounds of the "winner" on the shoulder and drinking a cup of cappuccino, will go, it will become clear that someone has just been inflated. And this someone is definitely not scales.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_11


Curious creation! In cruelty and unprincipledness there is no scorpion of equal. In addition, it is malicious and does not forgive anyone. Scorpio takes offense, freezes in a combat rack and is waiting for a suitable moment. It may really wait for years to, when the victim relates, suddenly attack and destroy. Scorpio is a voluptuous torch. He will certainly need to explore the enemy with preliminary "caresses" before applying a fatal blow. People, please yourself - do not offend Scorpio! This is deadly.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_12


In Sagittar, there is a magnificent recklessness and indigestion. He himself is not an amateur to provoke scandals, but to deny himself the pleasure of missing around there, not in power. Sagittarius is always ready to shake. Scandalis Sagittarius is noisy, fun, unfortunately. But, alas, it can be captivated and exit for the allowable framework. And then bad will have to someone who did not have time to hide and fall into the rag. Reassured, Sagittarius surprised: "from here all these corpses", scratch his head, slightly sorrowful, and popret farther in search of new adventures.

Warned, it means armed: how to argue different signs of the zodiac 36754_13

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