What does the work mail journalist PICS.ru look like?



In today's letter, we will tell you that, about, sees a journalist PICS.ru, when the work mail opens in the morning.

1. Why did you stole an article in xxx?

2. You have stolen items, you know?

3. Please write that our basement does not repair the third year!

4-14. Why do you expose Valyaev?! - And what, she does not recommend putting the skirt and remove the pants? - Recommend. - Does not hold marathons for money? - Conducts. - What are you unhappy? - you! Why do you expose Valyaev?!

15. Do not sit anyway. BGG. D. Bayagin.

16. Take me an interview! I am good, and I got a book, a brochure-app to the city newspaper, with a 20th verses! You are the creative person myself, take my interview!

17. Yes, of course, I will give you an interview, but you need to somehow dock graphics. Famous writer.

18. Change in my interview here are two words here. Unknown Untention.

19. And here.

20-25. And here for the word.

26. Dedine has already passed! Where is an interview with an unknown untention? Glavred.

27. And with the famous writer, too, I also wait. Glavred.

28-32. Letters from the regulars of anti-sanitary forums, which were banned in groups of PICS.RU, and the hunt still comes out. Oversized by insults, threats and spelling errors.

33. I saw you on TV.

34. I saw you in the subway.

35. A poem in which there is a word "woman". About birds. "Hello" no.

36, 37. Why don't you answer me?! (man with a TV and a man with poem about birds)

38. Interview where?! (Glavred, Bildrector, Executive Director)

39. I really want to discuss with you personally this article. In the group shy. Please give me a watch four.

40. Mom mothers need to sew a skirt for tomorrow like Snow White to school when you go home?!

P.S. But the Glavred, in contrast to the authors, is very even waiting for your creative at [email protected]!

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