10 situations when the girl be really more difficult


"To be a woman is a great step," this is yes. But no way because heroism is "drowning crazy." Where more heroism is in the simple daily life of every girl! Because - well, let's see: what is the ladies to be harder than a hooligan? And see: Yes, almost in everything!

1. Rent urine for analysis

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When you are still a completely soft and warm baby, and your inner world wish to explore, you take urine. And you still, an innocent angel, do not understand the whole sacral meaning of walking in a jar - and you can't please them and there will be voluntarily and with the song to go. And if the procedure with a male baby passes more or less naturally, the newborn woman has to experience the first gender shock. Well, for example, it is shoved entirely on the belt in the package. Such humiliation! And then you live with this kindergarten as you want.

2. Breakly bey

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Build a city in the sandbox and destroy it, to drive the ball where Makar calves did not chase, walk along the swirling branch of the old poplar, then even a girl whose life is equipped with barbie and Ken's brood - and a whole fleet of pink gadgets. But no, on it tights with butterflies shade "thigh frightened nymph" and her low-zy. Tyzhochochka! This mantra seems to have everyone will survive, for the company with the immortal "do not cry, but I will get right now."

3. Catch up the bus

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Those who came up with a corporate office style, and those who have come up with urban transport, for sure they were in collusion and the secret organization of women's laminating. Even if you are a hundred times the best sports form, than that the wrong thing that rushes ahead of you - he has comfortable sneakers and wide pants, and you are a weak link!

4. Bill to the opposite sex

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The boy went to the girl, she did not approve, he went to a special boys in a psychotherapist (a hint: glass, see paragraph 7) - after which she went to tell the grateful listeners, as she wanted him and hung over her neck, and he sewered her. Well, or became a Picaper and taught the entire male world in bulk the correct understanding of the "Babsk Sutty". And the girl went to the boy with tenderness, he frosted ... and hello, expensive depths of frustration, beloved oceans of reflection and infinite nickens of self-esteem!

5. Want beads

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For some reason, boys do normally, if they do not buy beads. How do they do it? It is impossible to understand. Scientists will no avail begging over the rays. Mysterious, incomprehensible male nature.

6. Sick

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Boy - he sick like? Well, we all know well as. He falls on his back and exclaims Livanan's voice: "I am the SA-AMABLE PAID in the world and you should become my mother's mother!" After that, with a sense of completed debt lies on the back and at the same time sits on the neck. The girl is devoid of opportunity to do a similar circus trick. She sick like? Remotely sausage work (I am guilty justified before the authorities: Sorry, I was not online for five minutes, I was sick, Kniksen), prepares the soup to the child and lessons with a child, runs herself in the pharmacy and he tries to infect anyone. Also recover usually quickly.

7. Drink with grief

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She drinks-drink - and still controls itself, although it is disgusting. Already instead of blood in the Viennes, Lambrisko flows, and you still did not break any cups (not to mention the muzzles) and you wash your hands in the toilet and correct the makeup like the last lady. Therefore, girls are a hundred times more often spent on psychotherapists than boys. The recent subconscious is revealed to all shirks and power - for two hundred rubles. And we have eighty sessions ...

8. Travel to one person

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A trip is a great way to dispel, reboot, to be tested. In marriage - to relax from it and refresh the feelings. Out of it - just look at the world with a clean, not obscured male shoulder look. And very sad how it is not safe. And even sadder what if with you what happens, all the choir shout: "Samazinovat! And there is someone! Such a life!"

9. Become a parent

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Everything is clear here. On the one hand is enough "awkward movement" (well, or a deft, but movement). From the other side ... First, nine months of continuous diverse transformations in their own native (once) the body. Kafka with his "transformation" nervously smokes. Then the period of night "discos" and prayer "when it will end." When it ends - the era of "Mamamam, Nikhasyu-ouu!" The second parent at best sympathizes. But strictly in half all these joys are usually not divided.

10. Dissolve

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That's, it seems to be married and mutually divorced. But no. Guy - He, you see, Eagle. And you - you know, breeding, beggoo! And the stops are crying by the window. Messenger! And this grandmother-bearing psychology - she suddenly detects at all not only at the bearing grandmothers. She flows out of your relatives, seeps out of the girlfriends - and even sometimes slipping in the eyes of your reflection in the mirror!

By the way, here we seem to caught the main principle: it is harder to be a girl - when herself is hypnotizing with "tyrant" rules of life. But this is a whole separate story! ..

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