These poems will learn themselves! Best modern children's poets


Marshak, Chukovsky and Agnes Barto - this, of course, the three pillars on which our childhood and to stand and jump, and our grandchildren from them are not going anywhere. But the child is not alone alone!

He has a lot of beautiful contemporaries, writing awesome poems for babies from two to the ninety-two. Enough! And better read together with the descendant. Positive will turn out two, no, a hundred times more!

Masha Rupasova


"I live in a small town on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, I am writing poems and fairy tales, watching my child grows. The child is a window in a new dimension, and I spend a lot of time at this window. "

Yes, Facebuchnish stories of Masha Rupasova about the Son Maxone, the main test of her creativity, and a variety of experiences of a large soul - this is a separate and permanent pleasure.

*** Mom is at home? Moms are not. Mom came out. To the Internet. Mom searches on the Internet, how are things on white light. Coffee drinks, drives eyes - what is happening there in the world? Mom, I'll tell you! In the world I come!

Vadim Levin.


"I was lucky when I was born. It happened for a very long time - in 1933 ... In childhood I had many wonderful books with good, smart and cheerful verses. I remembered these poems by heart, played with them ... and tried to compose my own. I tried, I tried, tried and used to. "

Levin - Ex-Kharkovchanin, now a citizen of Marburg, a living classic, author of the immortal "stupid horse" and not only.

Poems with dragon

One dragon wandered in my poems in the morning, said: "It's time for a long time!" - And swallowed the balcony. She slept half a day, yawned and announced: "Lunch". Sold and slammed chair, buffet and office. I do not know what the dragon eats on the outcome of the day ... What if he will turn on the dinner in the menu? I will not impose your taste to Dragon and say I'm afraid that I am a bad dish. Of course, maybe he wants to eat for dinner, but I don't need such a dragon in my verses.

Andrei Usachev


"At first I wanted to be a traveler, then I wanted to be a geologist, then a musician, and eventually became a writer. Not every writer immediately knows that he will become a writer. Tolstoy, for example, first was a military ... "

And Usachev is also playwright, and screenwriter. Remember the "Smart Dog Sonya"? It was he who came up with her. Because instead of the daughter of Sony, his son Misha was born - so it was not to disappear to such a good name! ..

Three brothers Three acrobat brothers went once to the park: one - with an umbrella, the other - with the cat, and the third is just like that. Suddenly rained ... Early under the umbrella! But a little bit in that: the threesome do not fit under the umbrella, especially since the cat. And yet the brothers in the rain came home dry: one - with an umbrella, the other - with the cat, and the third one - with the rest!

Arthur Givrigiz


"As I remember now:" Givargizov, to the next lesson, an essay of summer lay on my desk! " Well, in the next lesson, it is clear, a broken pointer, a cry: "In which Aid?! What other brother Zeus?! Get out!" In general, right in the school corridor, I felt myself a great writer. Then, however, I went out on the street and very quickly ran to Kolomenskoye walk. And felt like a great runner ... "

Hybargiz's poetry to learn easier: if first rushing loudly, and then, hanging out, mumble: "Well, hooligan, and still such a big uncle ..." - it's for sure that he!

Unusual "What are you, Seryozha, not in the spirit today?" - asked, biting earrings, two flies. "He was argued from the strong heat," said him, biting him, mosquitoes. "Come on, smile and dry tears," said, biting, leeches and wasps. "After all, we were unusual, there was always cheerful," said, biting, dogs and bees. "And maybe he fell ill, that's sad?" "Complete from the boy, most importantly, delicious!"

Tim Dogkin


"When I felt that no today, my poems could publish, thought about the pseudonym. But I did not come to my head anything worthwhile. And I saw a children's film on TV. There the boy standing in front of the squadron, so skinny ... And the commander solemnly: "For the courage and heroism of my thanks ... Gregory surname something you like?" He answers: "Yes, the dogs we ..." And I immediately understood: it's my ".

In fact, he is Andrei Ivanov - But you just read his poems and prose ... And immediately exclaim: as writes, a dog! And he was the head of the great and immortal magazine "Tram".

Revelation of Caterpillar As soon as the moon in the framework of the windows enter the voluntary Uznzeta, I'm under the blanket, as in a quarring cocoon, crawling dishonorant. And there I reflect on something wise, frozen with a cylindrical stick. And it seems to me that from the cocoon morning I will throw a mute butterfly. But the morning comes - and the sun on the puddle through the cloud shines confusedly ... From the cocoon, I crawl out the innocent spoil plants.

Lyudmila Ulanova


"I live in Kazan, I work as a translator in a computer company. More often I am writing for children and for those adults who do not want to part with childhood. But my main achievement is, of course, the daughter of Sasha. By the way, she, too, sometimes tries forces in stupid. We often play "in rhymes" and "in poems" - a very fun lesson, I advise everyone! "

And we suspect that Mila Ulannova is actually in the soul - circus. You honor how it turns out to be juggling with words - and a solid white envy remains on the heart. Well, even joy.

Economic bug Puffed bugs - he drags a dandelion, so that the sofa is to build it. He carries a red pepper into her bake, because it is empty - it will go under the Chiffijerchik. It will make the shelters from the cones, from the stone table, and from the chips - doors. Only with the challenge is still unclear, and the firefly persistently disagree! Friend called ...

Grigory Kurshkov


"Perhaps the brightest children's experience from the meeting with verses is connected with the time when I sick with something, heavily temperatil. I had two years, quite a baby. Mom wore me around the room in her arms and to calm down, read: "The poet died, the slave of honor, flew slandered Molva ...". So it entered me since then. "

Circles at the same time both the physicist, and the translator, and the teacher, and the philosopher. And in his children's things, paradoxes, irony and cheerful absurdity, no less than in his favorite and actively translated English classics.

RRRY! Leo came out because of the mountain and, thinking, Milns: - RRRY! I flew Cockada: What do you mean? Razorvoy and RRASTEZE? Razonomia and Razzekyu? Rshusyu all in a row? Lion said: - I'm just Rrrad!

Mikhail Yasnov


"In childhood I was sure that I would become a big serious poet. Then the translation, children's poetry, essistics, reviews, articles, history were added to the verses ... As a result, a centaur was turned out. "

Yasnov presented children's literature (that is, us!) A huge number of translations from French - and already sixty books of our own poems for children.

*** I got out of the door in the morning - there was spring, and a flock of soap bubbles flew out of the window. She flew and Syak, and Wilk, and Vdal, and Wishing, and ahead of the leader - a big such bubble. First ahead, then back, and down, and up again, - but bubbles and bubble could not collect. One, cheerful as in a dream, on the wires hung, the other, rising along the wall, sat on the cornice. And the third, sun blinded, whistled: "Fa-Mi-re-..." and flew to the old Maple, - probably, to have a nest.

Peter Sinyavsky


"Sometimes I sit in a restaurant or coming down the street, and something suddenly comes up. I wrote a minute "Mushroom Electric" minutes, and "Green Pharmacy" - seven years. "

Sinyavsky began writing poems at forty years, but the first song is twenty-five. Before the writer and the poet, he was a musician. And now its belongings are performed under the guitar. Halls with pleasure sick!

Rust Izania. I met the beetle in the same forest a pretty wasp. - Oh, what fashionista! Thanks to quickly. Safety-minded, well, on a hundred this is a champion! You can not imagine how you smell! And the beauty wasp flew into heaven. The rust of the citizen is probably an INOShtrak. Beetle with an annoyance pretzels in the glade is worn. - Well, it was necessary to have been so accomplished! No matter how again it is not to be in the position of this - it is necessary to urgently shook the irregular language.

Sergey Makhotin


"It often happens that some child wakes up in the morning with a bad mood. The sneaker under the bed flew, hard to have reluctance, the school, the more you no longer want to go. In adults, this also happens: you don't want to go to work at all. There is a wonderful recipe: you need to remember and read a small cheerful poem! "

Well, the verses of Machotina themselves are very suitable for this noble goal. And when he writes adult prose, and when he edits an adult magazine - he does not forget that "children's poems is the happiest in the light of the lesson"!

We dudzhurim Today we cleaned a new class for a whole hour. One hundred pieces of paper from Irisok, one hundred straps and notes showed with us. There were only three lessons, and not five and not six. How did we manage to write so much, read and eat?

Vyacheslav Lakein


"They were already waiting, looked at me, silent. I reported my name, said how old I am, and added that in childhood I also tried to compose poems, but nothing good did not happen ... "

So Leikin in his book, "The Game of poetry" begins the story of the children's literary studio, which he directed - and that thanks to him from the "Lenin sparks" became "Leykinskimi" - and raised a lot of different poets. To read the creations of his wards is sometimes not less fun than his own. What can better say about the teacher?

Baramokh He lived in the light of the Baramokka, weighed twenty kilograms, watched a whole day in the window, ran in the courtyards at night. He chewed some pumps and read some covers, and no friend, no girlfriend had a bug. I get a piece of Sala, he lured the cat to visit, in the day she escaped, scratching the drum. He calls to Bulldog to himself - Eats a Bulldog a lot, the turtle will invite - the turtle sleeps and sleeps. Boring and sad baraboshka live in light one; Hiding the head in the palm and a word to anyone. The days are running, the night flashes, and he does not know, the poor thing, which lives opposite a very lonely Cheburashka.

Mikhail Veksler


"I came up with myself such a definition:" Writer ". I even avoid the words "poems". Either I replacing it with the word "lyrics", or call them - I came up with such a word - "Waiting".

Odessa Waxler is the most talent whose nearest relative is brevity. Any of his poems, and children's, and native, remembered instantly - and perfectly quoted at every step!

*** Walking with your goal, eat patties with potatoes. Then I go and think: "Where am I going to go my?" *** I walked along the shore. Missed. To the mollusk knocked into the house. "Welcome!" - heard, but did not enter. And he did not come out. *** And with a dog tongue, and with a cat I'm familiar: I understand the dogs and cats from the half-one, with a semi.

Marina Boroditskaya


"I like a three-liter dragon. One head composes for children, the other writes a completely adult lyrics, the third translates. The fourth head grows regularly, and then I carry out the transfer to the radio. And I started writing my baby when the older son Andryusha was a year and a half ... "

Thanks to the third head of the marina, we can communicate in Russian with Chaucer, Burns, Browning, Stevenson, Kipling, Milne, Carroll, Hugo ... And thanks to the first - with its own sweetest and funny characters.

Bear School On April 1, on the first day of the teachings, writing cubs at the composition of the Obsterns. The topic is posted on the big pine: "How I slept a vacation and what I saw in a dream."

Natalia Khrushchev


"The area of ​​my research was the processes passing in solids when electrically irradiated. In all this there was a kind of poetry: "Demon Maxwell", "Evald's Sphere", "Brillouin Zone" ... "

After the birth of the daughter of Nastya, a miracle happened: the serious physicist hit the semes and turned into a children's lyrics! In addition to the children's audience, as a whole, it was separately lucky to the St. Petersburg Theater "Casmodical", where Natalia heads Litchastia.

My dad is a philosopher scientist My dad is a philosopher scientist, he believes: doctrine - light, he sets questions and is looking for every answer. Punching rings of smoke, glasses waters on the nose, "What could be indelible?" - He asked once a question. Here everyone thought a little and expressed his opinion: I cried out fun: "Cat!" And mom sighed: "Lingerie ..."

Galina Dzydal

"So as not to spend in vain / useful words from the dictionary, / I will just say about yourself / two modest words" Me "and" Bee. "

This is such a modesty decorates the author, who has already been decorated with a carriage and a small trolley of poems decorated with a wagon and a small trolley of poems, in which the children of love for children splashes. Despite the fact that Galina is not only twice Mom, but also a school teacher by profession! :)

Ant In the thick-thick, dense grass disappeared once ant ... He's not an elephant or a giraffe, but just a little Murav ... Common mushroom - is a mountain in comparison with drop Mura ... And even the leaf is too big for the tiny messes ... And who in the grass will find th ... - I give a cow me!

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