Spy, who seduced me: 10 cool specials


Not Craig, you know, one. The story knows a lot of secret agents, secret mercenaries and spies, which immediately want to give everything - the plan of the native factory, the drawings of the star of death, hand and heart. Pics.Ru collected the hottest ten sexual spy and spies. And when we say "hot," we are this and mean.

9th place. Jason Born ("Borne Identification")


The former Czcouchnik Born (Matt Damon) The face of a simple good guy from the American depths is a pleasant variety against the background of a string of secret agents with a bristle and square jaw. He speaks in 8 languages, breaks the codes and breaks the hearts - all the same we love guys with brains. Born could play Brad Pitt. Perhaps it's good that I did not play.

8th place. Natalie, Dylan and Alex ("Charlie Angels")


Natalie Cook (Cameron Diaz), Dylan Sanders (Drew Barrymore) and Alex Mandei (Lucy Lyu) - Trinity of Special Pagentock, to the teeth armed with deadly gadgets and stunning charm. Blonde, redhead and Asian - just some kind of holiday. Not in vain in 2000, the "Angels Charlie" put a record for fees - until that time, no film with women in high roles collected 40 million in the first weekend.

7th place. Jay ("People in black")


Only Will Smith can be simultaneously funny, lopowhim, elegant and hot. Agent Jay, protecting the Earth from the intergalactic choke, undoubted proof that the sense of humor is sexier Mount Muscov.

6th place. Joseph Turner ("Three Day of Condor")


An ordinary clerk from the CIA (Robert Radford) discovers that someone really wants to remove him - it is not clear that, because in his native office, Joseph did not do not catch international villains, but with dull paper work. No connection with the center, nor the skills of operational work, but such a situation has developed - either Joseph becomes a specialist and finds out the attack of events, or with the saints. Radford is not just a handsome, but also the most humane superman, which, although it puts enemies to the left and right, but very believable is afraid.

5th place. Brisso ("Secret Agents")


Weensana Cassel and do nothing in the frame is not necessary - the stage will rise, leaning about some door jamb, look at its difficult look - and all the enemies are horrified, the girls are delighted. Dangerous dude, very dangerous.

4th place. James Bond number 5 ("Golden Eye")


The broken Bond sample of the 1990s is a lot of era face. After the bondiana Pierce Brosnan looked stuck in the amplua of the "secular lion". But are we not against? Watch how the tuxedo sits on it is even more pleasant to eating ice cream in bed straight from the plastic bucket.

3rd place. Jane Smith ("Mr. and Mrs. Smith")


Sorry, Brad, but here Angelina I still cleaned you. Beautiful, dangerous, with a pistol behind a garter and an outstanding bust, still without problems with malnutrition and crowd of multicolored babies - we love Jolie just like that.

2nd place. Stirlitz ("Seventeen Moments Spring")


The most serious spy (okay, okay, scout). Stirlitz has a lot full of real prototypes - from Richard Zorge to Jacob Blumkin. Julian Semenov's novels were shielded 8 times, but the discreet Vyacheslav Tikhonov eclipsed all the others. Listen to me, girl.

1st place. James Bond number 1 ("Dr. Noou")


It seems that the agent 007 would be such a grated Kalach life, but at the time of filming the first film Bondian Sean Connery was only 32 years old. And in the last film about Bond with his participation, the actor was already 53 - and it was only better. The most ironic of all bonds was approved by Jan Fleming, the author of this spy saga.

People's Choice Award


Austin Powers (Austin Powers: a mystery of an international scale ")

Velvet Suit, Big Mozhoko, Beyonce in girlfriends and Madonna on the singing is disco, baby!

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