How to get rid of forgetfulness: 15 loyal ways


Save on the wall so as not to forget! And better print.

All these chikhanks about the excellence of sclerosis - "nothing hurts and every day new impressions!" - Good smoothly until the moment when you are on a glider, at a distance of thirty kilometers from the house, you begin to convulse to twitch the eye and tricks the leg: did I turn off the gas under the burner?! Or the third time per day losing your passport, wallet and a small dog. Then you begin to rush nervously: Oh, write me a pill, ah, it seems, I start early dementia. Back to groan captain in panic and hysterics! Now we'll figure it out in order. First, here's the list of cases in which you really need to urgently contact a specialist.
  • You have a worsen memory rapidly and steadily, regardless of the number of sleep, accepted medicines, work or stress.
  • You are talking about this closest. Well, normal close, and not that are podgas.
  • You lose contact with reality (you forget not the name of Kruzhenstern, and the things are more serious: what year in the yard, the names of the relatives).
  • You somehow have the usual things for you (drive a car, get into the usual places).
Not your case? Excellent. We go further, go to water procedures saving recommendations. We will not advise you to learn "Gayavat" by heart and solve crosswords. We prefer realizing methods.

1. Do Pause

Important actions do not just like this, but with the value. For example: I turned off the iron - I stopped - I looked at it half a minute. This habit for key cases is actually developed even with the "protein in the wheel" mode.

2. Commenting out loud

Yeah, just like this: "I went into the hallway and hung the keys on the hook in the form of a cat." Skinny sounds? How to say to you. Make yourself in search of keys daily twice to two and a half hours and find them in the toilet, then in a package with tomatoes, an order of magnitude stupid. Without awareness there is no memorization, but the awareness helps to pronounce.

3. Create Iron Rules

You will always forget where I put a pass if you once don't even decide firmly and do not encumbay yourself: "From now on, I always put it only in this pocket." The same parsley with a telephone, umbrella, travel, keys, handbag, flash drive. Each of the sacred things is a clear and only place. Report this rule relatives. At first they will help you to perform these rituals. Then they enshrine.

4. Make the conceived immediately

What is possible, of course. But maximum possible. The letter came - answered without departing from the box office. I remembered that it was necessary to pay for electricity - open the banking application of Wallmads. Otherwise, with a 99% probability will be "Oh mammies, I thought it was: I need to go tomorrow (Write, call, buy)!" Comforting Fact No. 1: Only about 10% of the elderly people comes Alzheimer.

5. Do not be afraid of stupid techniques

Invent idiotic poems to memorize the name of the new chief - absolutely normal and correct. The more unusual and funny mnemonic techniques, the stronger they are crashed into memory. Well, you yourself know: every fool is remembered from a kindergarten, unlike the necessary, but colorless information.

6. Mentally play with me

We suspect that you are, in spite of anyone the wisdom of Internet tips, you will not throw a ride right now to teach Swahili or play chess. Once. But to train the memory, again, you can bring sufficient nonsense anywhere. In the subway, for example. We look at the row on the contrary and mentally determine how much each fellow years. Then you remember everything that is joined on this aunt. You close your eyes, spend an "inventory", open, check. No one sees and does not know, and your brain is improving not by day, but minutes.

7. Do not fully fully on the technique

Planners, applications, shopping lists and all other built-in granaries are the wonderful invention of humanity, and we do not encourage them to ignore them. But if the phone's battery suddenly sat down? Everything, you will promise your own wedding. Try to intentionally memorize, and do not shrug in gadgets, at least part of the information.

8. Periodically change the remnants

If you hang bright leaves with inscriptions in front of your nose: "Swim Murzika, Skinyuk!" or "see In Ave. Sun !!! ", the risk is a great risk that after a while you will start to perceive them as a background, like wallpapers and poultry to the window. Same with cords on the wrists. Use, we do not mind. But vary and creativity. Comforting Fact No. 2: We always forget no less than 10% of the information received. When you forget a lot - then it also because it has become too much in the head.

9. Write hand

The author of these lines had a teacher who encouraged Schort Scripture. True, on the exam, he selected them cunningly. But I almost forced you to write! The thing is that the process of recording manually helps memorization. I learned to remove letters? Write at least notes on the refrigerator husband! It is funny than SMS, and the brain develops.

10. Abnight a little deeper

All important ask and clarify, not embarrassed. Almost all cases of rapid forgetting the name of the new interlocutor are connected with the fact that you heard him badly, but it was somehow awkward to repeat. Asked! Effective admitted in this at the end of the conversation.

11. Repeat a hundred times

In addition to the associations over the years of birth of children and funny risers, one of the best mnemonic techniques is to repeat a hundred times. Yes, yes, repeat a hundred times. Repeat a hundred times. Repeat a hundred times. There is the case when our cruel teachers were right.

12. Relax

Forgetfulness is a very useful thing: it helps clean the brain from unnecessary and not overload the body. This time. Stress increases the level of forgetfulness, calm water correctly reflects the sky. These are two. So drink tea with mint and go. Comforting Fact No. 3: We all more often forget bad. Because the kind brain displaces him to be less injured a weak psyche.

13. Do "Cubs"

Lyfhak for constantly doubters whether devices are not left on: pressing the switch to the palm so that a small track remains on the skin. It's even easier to cool with the iron: it should have time to cool for this.

14. Massay the ears

And still beggar shoes. Better - with the help of loving her husband's limbs. But you can and independently. Toning, burtrite, immunity strengthens. Plus a pause in work or faceplae, during which a happy memories of the type can come: "Oh, today the TTTON is a birthday!"

15. Drink Vitaminka

Especially, where more with, B12 and E. and tomorrow. And so a couple of months, and then through the year as much as much. At the memorization of the thesis "you need to drink a vitaminka" train all the above items. For example, go to the pharmacy right now, following the item 4. At the same time, walk, ride, charge the brain with oxygen. Only overcoming yourself this text on the wall! And then suddenly on the way something will be forgotten;)

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