Needle worth the candle? 11 loudest doping scandals in sports



Until all Mary Sharapova was blamed, or not, Maria Sharapova was to blame for those who took unauthorized Meldonius (he was Mildonat), with the same substance in the blood of the blood as much as 60 athletes! Pics.Ru decided to spread the doping story - and found a lot of funny and funny and tragic.

Competitions of riders, athletes and other supermen and the superwomen have long been turned into competitions between pharmacists and anti-doping structures of the IOC. Because more "faster, higher, stronger" is already often clean physically impossible without stimulants ...

Since the competitions and urine of athletes have come up with before the competitions, doping dramas are developing almost every year. Recall the most iconic among them.

The story is the first. How to swallow strikhnin and get "gold"


Actually, the history of identifying and predicting unnecessary substances in the blood began even more than a hundred years ago. At the Olympic Games in St. Louis, Thomas Lorz came to Marathon Finishi. But it turned out that he drove part of the way - and Thomas Hicks who came he had come for him. Immediately after the finish. It turned out that when the runner fell on the road, the coach decided to try his dose of Strichnin sulfate and a sip of brandy. And then this fact did not prevent Thomas at all to get a gold medal!

History Second. As a stimulator brought to full finish


Hicks died in the elderly, remembering his victories. But the Danish biker Knudu Jensen is not so lucky. In 1960, at the Olympics in Rome, he accepted the handful of amphetamine tablets, washed their coffee ... and went to the world other directly at the distance. Seven years old from amphetamine alone during the race "Tour de France" died another cyclist Tommy Simpson. In the same year, the Medical Commission of the IOC was established. Sometime, the list of "what is impossible" appeared "and serious" road checks "began, that is, before competitions.

The third story. How did the "Death Competitions" started

1987 issued an unemployed "yield". In one year, the chemicals were sent to that light not one athlete: a footballer Don Rogers "helped" Cocaine, Multi-Tekhorka Birgit Dress - a whole first aid kit, in which many potent drugs were found. And immediately several lives of cyclists took the erythropoietin.

History fourth. How to hide for years, but lose records


Ex-president of Mok Juan Antonio Samaransch considers the most sad day in the history of modern Olympic Games story with Ben Johnson. On September 24, 1988, the Canadian athlete at the Seoul games set the record in Staterketovka - 9.79 seconds. And after three days it was disqualified - doping samples showed the presence of anabolic steroid preparation in its blood. It turned out that Ben's addiction to Stanozolol was known long before these games: back in 1986, in the Games of Good Will in Moscow, he had a traces of Anabolikov, but the story did not betray the story. In 1989, during the trial, the runner admitted that since 1981, "chemistry", and selected the champion title, and all records.

"People, taking doping, risk health, but at the same time they earn money for their family. Look at least at Argentinee Guillermo Canyas. Yes, he was disqualified for doping ... However, he secured a numerous family, which he thinks, he is very grateful. "

(Christoph Rokhus, Belgian tennis player)

The story is fifth. How to organize a whole doping race


In 1998, "Tour de France" turned out to be especially scandalous, it was also called the "Tour of Doping". In the car of the physiotherapist, Willy Voe has accumulated a lot of harm: drugs, amphetamines, hormones and other prohibited chemicals. Disqualified immediately by the whole team of Festin. The race won Marco Pantani, who, as it turned out, was also indulging in doping. "Yes, who did not use it, tell me?!" - Sincerely in an interview with famous cyclists of those years. In Pantiani, then found a syringe with insulin ... And he died from the overdose of cocaine.

History of the sixth. How to otzazaz mafios


In 1999, during the Thirteenth Pan American Games, the famous Cuban jumper Javier Sotomayor was caught on cocaine and disqualified for 2 years. Olympic champion, world record holder in height jumps! The island of freedom, perhaps, also belongs to the most elegant justification on the topic of drug use: Fidel Castro himself then stated that Javier is not to blame, these are all the marchs of Cuban-American mafia. After a couple of years at athlete was caught with an anabolic steroid nandrolone.

"Now, to be honest, many Russian athletes use doping. Many of my relatives believe that such disqualification will help to cleanse, but why should I suffer? "

(Sergey Schubenkov, Russian Sprinter, World Champion in Barrier Run 110 meters)

The story is seventh. How to get online and go to jail


2003 collected another unhealthy "harvest": at the US Championship for Athletics, two dozen cases of the application of prohibited tetrohydrogestrinnon were revealed. After the disclosure of the "doping conspiracy", the 13 coolest American athletes were disqualified for two years. The investigation revealed a whole network, spreading infection, led by the Laboratory of Balo.

It turned out to be mixed up in the scandal and the famous athlete Maryon Jones - she took away the medals already conquered, deprived the title of multiple Olympic champion, and he was put to prison for half a year, for the country's false testimony.

The history of the eighth. How to hide from a medical examination in an accident


New "doping heights" were achieved in 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. Two dozen scandals "Printed" the Greeks themselves - the Olympic champion in running 200 m Kostas Kenmetis and his colleague Ekaterini Tana. From the meetings of the disciplinary commission of the IOC, they hid in the hospital, hitting the accident - despite the fact that in the incident they were not at all injured. Among other athletes, the Russians are also punctured: the rod of Albina Homich, the pusher of the kernel of Irina Korzhhanko and the Runner Anton Galkin.

"How many athletes of the Russian national athletics team take doping? Most. 99 percent. Athletes get everything they need. The faster the drug comes out of the body, the more expensive it is. "

(Evgenia Pecherin, Russian disc thrower)

The story is ninth. How per day stop being the strongest team


In 2006, before the very beginning of the World Championship, the whole team of weightlifters disqualified, and the Iranians were considered one of the strongest sports. However, the majority (9 of 11 people) did not pass doping control. For the "leaders", three more teams came: Russians and Kazakhs were burned on the doping tests of six team members, the Troy Argentines. But then it cost without disqualification - finished with fright and large fines.

History tenth. How to remove all the best riders


"The most insane doping year" of the beginning of this millennium is still called 2008. Racers "Tour de France" like a tetree what mowed: one after another in the blood was found erythropoietin. Manuel Bertrand, Moyazes Durenas Nevado, Riccardo Rico, Leonardo Pipely ... Cycling stars all fell and fell, as if meteorites from the sky in the warm Augusta night. I wonder what kind of desires made their colleagues?

And the most recent story. How not to click on the link - and slander


Maria Sharapova was lucky to become "the first swallow" Meldonian scandal of this year, so that she has so far than all. The defenders of the Russian tennis player rests on the fact that this drug was included in the list of prohibited recently. She herself justifies honestly: "On December 22, I received an e-mail from WADA, which reported, what changes made to the list of prohibited drugs. The link could be found as it looks like this list, but I did not click on her. "

I must say that Masha is not the only tennis player at all, not reading formidable letters. Several of her colleagues admitted to come with them in the same way. "For us it is hard to understand in these strange names ... - said the fourth racket of the world Gabrinj Mugurus. - If I check it, most things just do not understand! "

"I think this is nonsense everything. Athletes are taking what physiotherapists or doctors give them. I think that all the same Sharapova will play at the Olympics. Although it is necessary to watch how events will develop. " (Shamil Tarpishchev, President of the Russian Tennis Federation)

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