Bra bullet, related legs and other strange fashion trends that can return from the past


Bra bullet, related legs and other strange fashion trends that can return from the past 36736_1
It is said that beauty requires victims, but some fashion trends are so strange that a modern person is surprising. Throughout history, people came up with a lot of strange trends, and, given the cyclicity of fashion, it remains only to hope that some of them will not be popular again.

1. Bag out of flour

What can be more depressing than a fashion trend generated by the Great Depression. In the era, when there were difficult times in America, and literally nothing was thrown, bags from the flour became the material from which the clothes were made for women around the world.

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The flourishing of this trend fell at the end of the 1930s and the beginning of the 1940s, when there was a peak of the popularity of rural fashion. Rural women who knew how to sew (and did it carefully and quickly), became fashionable for that era. Mainstrim was thrift, and therefore women's clothing from bags began to sew everywhere. Women who really knew how to do this, could even earn extra money by selling their dresses to others.

Companies, such as the National Cotton Board and the Association of Textile Bag Manufacturers, sponsored contests in which women could demonstrate their products. By the 1940s, experienced clothing manufacturers from bags supported this trend, starting to produce bags from bags in bright colors and with more complex patterns.

2. "tuberculous" species

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Throughout history in fashion, there were many strange trends in history, but one of the most dubious is a very popular appearance "like a person patient with tuberculosis." The Victorian era was extremely popular to imitate the consequences of this disease, due to which people looked very pale and emaciated (shortly before death).

This trend was inspired by the popular literature of that time, especially tragic stories, such as the "lady with camellias". Since tuberculosis literally raged at the time, and it was not able to treat it, this disease eventually became a welcome trend. A similar pale and exhausted species was popular for decades, and the peak of his popularity came on 1780 - 1850.

3. Narrow long skirt with interception below the knees

Today it seems wild, but sometime "the stinking" skirts were so popular that no one knows who really invented them. These were the 1910s, and women wanted to express their freedom, getting rid of the tendencies that were shoved in the past. At first, multilayer skirts and crinolines disappeared. Instead, women began to use skirts, "hugging" their ankles.

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As soon as a similar type of skirt got from Paris to the United States, she became a real "pisch" of fashion. The cartoonists drew the cartoons on women trying to walk in the skirts that "stinking" them, and The New York Times wrote a giant article about the effect on the textile industry (after all, just a huge number of skirt models were sacrificed to a new fashion). Historians called new skirts "ridiculous and indiscreets of fashion", but this trend continued until the First World War, which changed fashion worldwide. New restrictions on the fabric and lack of labor in Paris led to the decline of the fashion industry and put an end to the "strainer" skirts.

4. Green Shelele

If beauty requires victims, the best proof of this is the color of "Green Shelele". Karl Shelele is a Swedish chemist who created this pigment in the 1770s. The pigment of a pleasant green shade, which he discovered was cheap in production, and it was very easily used in all types of items, from clothes to wallpaper.

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And it was a fatal mistake, as the green Sherlee was made of arsenic (by mixing potassium and white arsenic in a solution of copper mood). The magnificent green color was used in ballroom dresses and curtains, almost any home fabric, and became so ordinary that it can be found almost in any family. Green Shelele was used in fashion for about 100 years, leading to a variety of diseases and even deaths before another chemist discovered the true nature of the pigment.

5. Bird masks

A bird masks were partially a fashion trend, and partly a professional necessity. The bird masks were first carried in the XVII century as protection against the plague, but after that they were preserved during the centuries as part of a masquerade suit.

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The plague was deadly; She destroyed about a third of the entire population of Europe in the XIV century, and since then it has been observed again with its outbreaks. Doctors wandered through the streets of cities and villages, causing patients. But to perform this work, they needed such masks. The beak on the mask was functional - it was stuffed with fragrant colors and herbs. This allowed the doctors to avoid chasing death and decomposition, when they pulled out dead bodies from houses. Masks were worn due to the theory of miasms, which argued that the disease was transferred to a poisonous, badly smelling gas in the air, which appeared due to decomposition.

6. Krnolin.

Krnolin, one of the most deadly trends of the fashion of all time, is the necessary part of each film about the second half of the 1800s. He was done to give the female skirt the shape of a large bell.

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The crinoline had a rigid structure, which literally led to the death of thousands of people at one time. Only during the flourishing of crinolines in the 1850s and 1860s over these two decades, about 3,000 women were died only in one England due to fires caused by skirts. Volumetric skirts did women in nervous, often tied the candles and did not allow people to quickly leave a suddenly tanned building. Some women simply ignited due to the fact that they stood too close to the fireplace, while others died in a massive pressure. In 1864, it was estimated that since 1850, almost 40,000 women around the world were killed because of fires associated with Krnolin.

7. Bra bullet

In the late 1940s - the beginning of the 1950s, bullets spread literally everywhere. Strongly pointed bras wore everyone who wanted to dress a woman well, and they became actually a mandatory accessory.

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Partially popularity of the bra was caused by World War II and restrictions on the production of nylon tissue. The bra bullet went into oblivion in the late 1950s with the advent of a more neutral fashion of the 1960s, although his popularity was again survived by revival thanks to Madonne in 1990.

8. Armadillo shoes

Although they have not been not enough for a long time to really enter the history, "armor", developed by Alexander McQuein in 2010, will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the worst shoes. Everyone hopes that these shoes will remain in the chronicles of fashion history and will never appear on a red carpet or in boutiques.

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The first line of "armor" was carved from the tree, which means that they were terribly uncomfortable. The shoes that Lady Gaga wore, was sold at a price of 3900 to 10,000 dollars per pair.

9. Zibellino

Also known as fleachlicks, flea fur or "sobs", Zibellino took their significant place in fashion, and they were worn only the richest. If someone was a high-ranking nobleman or a member of the royal family, he did not go anywhere without his mandatory and terrible accessory.

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In principle, Zibellino is an skins of a curtain or a sable ... with an attached to her head of the animal, forever frozen in a small Oscala. Blocholove was wore mainly on the shoulder. Sometimes heads encrusted with gold and precious stones. Only at the end of the XVI century artificial versions were created to replace the real remains of animals.

10. Black teeth

Today, pearl-white teeth are fashionable, and you can hardly watch a movie on TV without advertising another toothpaste. But in Japan, in the past, black teeth were fashionable, which were a symbol of wealth and sexual "valor" for many years.

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To achieve this appearance, the Japanese drank a black dye, mixed with cinnamon and spices to taste. A similar practice, called Okaguro, was announced outside the law in 1870. As it turned out later, black teeth were better from a medical point of view. A mixture of dyes used to create black teeth actually protected them from destruction, because it created the effect of varnish on enamel. The mixture even prevented the appearance of certain bacteria, which contributed to the improvement of overall health.

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