5 myths about cheating


Maybe this is true not what you think. Many adoptions on the treasures that we are accustomed to taking to faith, statistics refute from the pollock.

Where the family respect, there is no place to do

Few society belonged to family bonds with such a trepidation as the American Society of the 1950s. The Americans, the frightened World War I, married early, regularly gave birth to children, men performed the role of miners, and women, surrounding in cheerful dresses, were troubled by a homely focus, putting a career with a career and education. In this paradise of family values, 50% of married men and 26% of married women regularly went to the left.

There was no sex - there was no betrayal

Thanks to technologies, today you can change with a dozen partners around the world, not that without triggering into them - even without leaving your own room. Playful conversations in chat rooms are classified as a betrayal - and it means that it is it.

Treason can be the beginning of something beautiful

Can fall out of the embrace of an adult partner and fall into the embrace of the other? It is optimistic, but statistics refutes - 80% of the novels on the side last 6 months or less. And from long-term leftovers, which continued for more than 5 years, only a quarter ends with a new wedding. Often treason - this is not attempted to create a new pair: 55% of men and 71% of women change to regular partners with someone else permanent partners.

If you love, you won't change

People change over many reasons, and the main one - they just want sex with someone else. Long separation, successfully turned up opportunities, a couple of unnecessary skotes Tequis or the desire to take revenge on the partner for the pig behavior, too, dangle somewhere in the upper lines of the rating of the cause of change. Withering tomatoes and cooling relations most often nothing to do with something - about 75% of both sexed models confidently declare that they are happy in marriage and divorced. But you understand - even if every day has breakfast, dinner and dinner with caviar with champagne, sooner or later, Belyash or Bucket with lard.

Change is a natural behavior for men.

In fact, right now, women in some places change more often - several American studies conducted from 1991 to 2004 showed that about 70% of married women at least once started an intrigue on the side. There were only about 25% among men. According to Russian surveys, about 60% of men and 45% of women are changed - in any case, the difference is not so striking in order to definitely declare that one gender by biological resonance is inclined to treason more than the other.

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