21 fact about the work of animal shelters

  • We bite. They bite a lot, especially during games and training
  • And cats in this regard are dangerous dogs
  • We hate when people say: "Oh, well, you have such a work, a whole day with animals to play!"
  • We are terribly annoying the phrase: "Ah, poor dogs, it is probably so bad in the cells!"
  • 50% of our working time takes the cleaning of poop, but we do not complain
  • We all have to restrain themselves, so as not to pick up someone
  • A lot of people begin to squand the nose, as soon as they enter the shelter. Even adult men
  • The best part of our daily work, when an animal that fell to us in very poor condition, and moral, and physically, begins to trust people again and blooms in front of his eyes.
  • With them it happens very painful and hard to say goodbye
  • Therefore, we love very much when new owners lead them to visit us and tell me how they are doing in new families
  • Very many animals are returned to shelters from new "families"
  • We are very upset when people with prejudice belong to the dogs of fighters and metis
  • Sometimes we refuse to potential owners
  • Sometimes potential hosts behave like capricious children in the store
  • People often take animals in December before the New Year and Merry Christmas to make a surprise gift
  • The most terrible category of people for us is, those who refuse the animal before the holidays and their motives
  • There are no less terrible explanations that are not tied to holidays.
  • We pay at work much more often than you think
  • But our love is stronger than heart pain
  • And all this costs are those happy days when new real owners come for our pets who will give them a new home and will love to death
  • Anonim

    The staff of the shelters, as doctors, are rarely verbose, because they see any. But sometimes they talk about their work. And she is amazing.

    We bite. They bite a lot, especially during games and training

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_1
    This often happens with animals with a disturbed mental state or when you do something unpleasant with them, for example, clean your ears. But in the process, we seriously pump our skillings to read the body of living beings.

    And cats in this regard are dangerous dogs

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    Cat and bites and scratches are painful and heal longer, teeth and claws is sharper, thinner, deeper penetrate into the skin and bring infection. Therefore, all cats, cats and kittens, to give them a medicine, we often wrap in the "burrito" from the towel.

    We hate when people say: "Oh, well, you have such a work, a whole day with animals to play!"

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_3
    And we remove the whole day for the whole day in their cells and booths, we have been bathing them, we distribute the medicine and food, train animals and we will be in charge of future new owners.

    We are terribly annoying the phrase: "Ah, poor dogs, it is probably so bad in the cells!"

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_4
    Or worse: "This is not life, it would be better to sleep them." Yes, they all sometimes a little sad, but not because they are sitting in cells, but because they have no owners and a real house.

    50% of our working time takes the cleaning of poop, but we do not complain

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    It is impossible to call our work unqualified and assume that any fool can do this. We are regularly on seminars, we pass different advanced training courses, we have been reading professional literature all the time, so a person standing in front of you in dirty clothes with a scoop in hand and smelling a penny and other, it may well be a specialist in feeding one-day kittens!

    We all have to restrain themselves, so as not to pick up someone

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    This means that we have a "full box" at home, we often deceive ourselves and say that they are sheltered for the time you like the pet from the shelter, but it all ends with the same thing - a cat or a dog will settle with us forever.

    A lot of people begin to squand the nose, as soon as they enter the shelter. Even adult men

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_7

    The best part of our daily work, when an animal that fell to us in very poor condition, and moral, and physically, begins to trust people again and blooms in front of his eyes.

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_8

    With them it happens very painful and hard to say goodbye

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_9

    Therefore, we love very much when new owners lead them to visit us and tell me how they are doing in new families

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_10

    Very many animals are returned to shelters from new "families"

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_11
    Refuse a dog or a cat, which in the first couple of days there is no "drank" or lay on a neighbor, or hazarded the sofa, at least cruelly. You do not give an animal or a chance, give him at least a week or two for adaptation. There are no ideal living beings. You are also not perfect.

    We are very upset when people with prejudice belong to the dogs of fighters and metis

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_12
    We are very disappointing when the turn is built for a thoroughbred dog, and nobody takes a funny adult half-breed or kindergarten of Stafford for years

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_13

    Sometimes we refuse to potential owners

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_14
    We must be sure that on objective reasons you need this dog or a cat. Animals, like people, not everyone created for each other. We are adamant with respect to couples who meet a week and want to make themselves for the coziness "Little Fluffy Chick". "Guys, first disperse, and then take responsibility."

    Sometimes potential hosts behave like capricious children in the store

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_15
    They restrain, they are impressed and required for a particular dog or kitten, not trying to even listen and consider alternative options.

    People often take animals in December before the New Year and Merry Christmas to make a surprise gift

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_16
    We carry such wishes for January, the animal is not a presented book that you can throw on the shelf and not open.

    The most terrible category of people for us is, those who refuse the animal before the holidays and their motives

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_17
    "Mom comes to me, and she does not like dogs", "the food for him has become too expensive" and other nonsense.

    There are no less terrible explanations that are not tied to holidays.

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_18
    "My new girl doesn't like", "he became too big", "he barks eight hours in a row until we are at home," he has come something. " In our work, we often have to doubt the superiority of the human race ...

    We pay at work much more often than you think

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_19
    We see a lot of monstrous paintings every day, but it is impossible to get used to this, especially when the exhausted and sick animal, brought by a person to the extreme point, has to sleep.

    But our love is stronger than heart pain

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_20

    And all this costs are those happy days when new real owners come for our pets who will give them a new home and will love to death

    21 fact about the work of animal shelters 36729_21

    A source

    See also:

    15 coolest and mimic pets

    Interview with Doghanther and Animal Protector

    12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds

    "Why I will never take a dog from the shelter": Anonymous letter

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