15 myths about healthy nutrition


Breeding against a gluten-free porridge, slapped a knock against the skimmed juice of Nyoni, bit the organic chicken and sit, is all this satisfied? We will greatly disappoint you now, but all you know about healthy food is garbage and not true. And the truth is it:

Myth number 1. I will eat low-fat and turn into Kate Moss

Products with marking "0% fat" are often more expensive than the terrible harmful and fat, but losing weight still sweep them from the shelves. And in vain. If you remove all fat from the manufactured industry, it will be pretty boring taste. So that buyers are not given and not disappointed, there are more sugar and taste additives in low-fat products.

Myth number 2. Evening calories are postponed on the waist, and Morning - no

Any calories will turn into fat if they are not consumed, and when they were obtained - no matter. A tight late dinner is not harmful for sides, but for digestion, because at night the stomach is sleeping too. Industion, insomnia and morning lethargy is yes, perhaps, but an additional kilogram of fat is unlikely.

Myth number 3. Healthy nutrition is expensive

Oh, Kamon. Cruses and vegetables are the cheapest products, and it is them that make up the basis of any proper nutrition. It is not necessary to buy a stone-paste, arugula and lobster to be slim.

Myth number 4. Gluten ripped us

This myth is on hand to manufacturers of gluten-free products that pushed their gluten-free macaroni at the price of golden sand. In fact, avoid gluten follows only those who are sick of celiac disease. Do not know what it is? Eat gluten calmly. Moreover, the glutenless muffin is greasy and the coronary of its usual fellow.

Myth number 5. Nyi's juice will make me beautiful and immortal

According to the vitamin and mineral composition, Noni juice is ordinary fruit juice, useful, of course, but not miraculous. In addition, manufacturers are firing a lot of preservatives in it - after all, this juice is assumed to be stored in the refrigerator and take micro-doses. Here is your information for reflection: in Thailand, where the Noni juice is made, it is sold only in tourist stores.

Myth number 6. Fats - Zlo

This is froth potatoes, and fats are the necessary thing. Almost no fat is impossible. It is necessary to brain and nervous system, without fat metabolism does not work and the whole bunch of vitamins does not absorb, the skin ages, the liver is a rope, and hormones that girls make girls, and boys are boys, and no longer worry. You will be thin, but sleepy, evil, bad, sore and wrinkled. That's great.

Myth number 7. From olive oil do not get fat

How can a product that contains at least 800 calories contribute to harmony? That's right. For ass, everything is one - that olive oil that a couple of pieces of cake. But, in contrast to animal fats, there is no cholesterol in olive oil, and it is really useful for vessels.

Myth number 8. I eat magic berries goji and losing weight!

Eat goji berries and support poor Chinese farmers, it's yes. Otherwise, Goji is a more or less common berry. According to the content of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, the vitard rose robes pays Godji with one left. And the fiber that improves the digestion and contributes to harmony, in the cabbage sheet more than in general Tuesco goji.

Myth number 9. Apple - the best snack

In fact, apples (and oranges too) do not interrupt appetite, but on the contrary, cause brutal hunger. They have a lot of sugar, but few calories. Insulin closes this sugar very quickly (because it is called a "fast carbohydrate"). But the feature is that after all the sugar is absorbed, the insulin level remains high for some time - and in the end you want to eat. Hunger is better to kill a cup of green tea.

Myth number 10. Green coffee burns fat

No better and no worse than black. In green coffee, as advertising assumes, there is miraculous chlorogenic acid, a hellish fat burner, which turns the drawing in the wovers in one week. It is true there, but with heat treatment, this gentle acid is completely destroyed. However, caffeine really accelerates metabolism, but where does he come from - from green whether coffee or black - in general it does not matter.

Myth number 11. From the juices I bloom and pray

Shopping juices are no better cola. They have very little vitamins, but many sugar, preservatives and dyes. And, by the way, calories that are not saturated - our brain is designed so that it does not take into account the calories from the liquid.

Myth number 12. From separate food lose weight

Yes and no. In fact, we are designed in such a way that we can safely digest everything at once - and chicken, and porridge. Enzymes for all enough. Another thing is that still pick up products for separate food. Daily deciding this puzzle, you carefully follow the fact that you stuff in your mouth. Less meat pies - less calories.

Myth number 13. Best Dessert - Fruit Salad

By itself, he is not bad (if you do not pour fruit whipped cream), but to burst it as a dessert - a bad idea. Fruits cause fermentation processes, and after abundant lunch, it is fragmented, swollen and other non-infantic things. Such a salad is better to eat between the feasts - as a punch, for example.

Myth # 14. Organic - the most healthy and safe

This is how to see. Organic vegetables and fruits sometimes contain hazardous bacteria from environmentally friendly manure, meat from happy cows that are not baked with antibiotics, too badly. In the United States, annually removes tons of organic products infected with salmonella and other goats from the shelves.

Myth number 15. Potatoes - not a vegetable

Of course, potatoes Calorier salad. But very easier than bread or chicken. The baked or boiled potato is a completely dietary product, which is full of fiber, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C. And all this - in miserable 80 calories.

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