10 wild diets. Indeed wild


10 wild diets. Indeed wild 36721_1
Lord Byron, as stated, supported his strict romantic kind of very strict restrictions in food: his daily diet was a subtle slice of bread, a cup of tea, a pair of potatoes, painted in vinegar and seller.

We will be transferred today. Almost everyone is sitting on diets. Kremlin, in Dukanu, by the sign of the zodiac, on a blood group, mono-diet, and so on. We collected 10 wildest diets. Truly wild.

Blood group

Many are confident that the blood group determines almost all the spheres of our life: the character, inclinations and habits, even a romantic warehouse! What to say, the type of food is a little bit. For example, it is believed that the 4 group is quite old, so people with such blood need to have dishes prepared through ancient recipes, including meat and fish.

Wheat, on the contrary, is not recommended, because it can cause lethargy and decline. Busy? But after the statement that people with 1 blood group should be magnificently to be vegetarians, do not really want to continue. Also because there is no intelligible evidence of the utility of this diet.

Hgch diet

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Her creators promise that it is possible to lose 13 kg per month, and all that is needed is to make HCG injections (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is extracted from the urine of pregnant women. (We rightly felt like Malakhovshchina and Urinotherapy - Approx.) Oh yes, you will consume only 500 kokalories per day. Given that an adult man eats food for about 2000 kcal daily, it will hurt in the literal sense of the word. Abdominal pain and nervous anorexia are provided.

Again, evidence that the injections of hCG can somehow affect weight loss, no. This method is used exclusively for the treatment of infertility, but it is completely clear that if there is a quarter of his daily food rate, then you will lose and without any hormones.

On cotton balls

Would you have a cotton balls to satisfy the feeling of hunger? It turns out that some models do that, quickly with them in orange juice (by the way, 14 kcal in 30 ml) to beat off the taste of cotton.

Honestly, this is not a diet, but a medieval torture torture, among other things, still dangerous: cotton balls are not food, respectively, they cannot be in our digestive tract, because it is not adapted to digest them. Aspiration pneumonia, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, abdominal pain and necrosis - a small tolik of what can happen if you eat wool.

On sch)

And only on them, their birthdays. It is prohibited almost all but this simple soup. The adepts of this diet claim that it is possible to lose up to 4 kg per week, but what price!

First, there are shoes 3 times a day for a whole week - it is tedious and tackle literally in the evening of the first day. Secondly, this is not a healthy nutrition. The low content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will certainly allow weight, but it will be water, not excess fat. If you return to normal nutrition, the weight will come back with it.

Acetic diet

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The vinegar suddenly became a panacea from all the troubles: they are treated by some types of cancer, obesity and diabetes. It can be assumed that adding vinegar to food, you can avoid feelings of overeating, because it has a beneficial effect on the level of glucose, but it is unlikely that it makes it a medicine.

In addition, vinegar, being acid, can cause a burning burn and destroyly affect the dental enamel, will reduce the potassium level (and weaken your bones). And he often reaches the reaction with many medicines. So it is better to clean them in the old man in the kettle, though.

Slow diet

People who eat slowly get fewer calories. This is based on the fact that the brain takes about 20 minutes to feel the satiety and give the command to stop there. In addition, if you quickly eat, most likely, you will have to bite enough large pieces, which are more difficult to chew and digest. This took advantage of Horace Fletcher - "Great Crusher" at the beginning of the twentieth century. He came up with the type of power under the codenate "Fletcherizing".

Of course, there is slowly in order to truly enjoy food, it is very important. But the Fletcher method is still very extreme: he assumes that every piece of food we must chew, not swallowing, until it becomes liquid. Brrrr.

Diet "Sleeping Beauty"

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Good dream is an important factor with a diet to reduce or a weight gain. If you sleep a little, do not sleep, then you have 50% more chances to earn an obesity than those who are more or less sleeping normally, and you will be much more difficult for you to solve your problems with weight.

Thus, armed with this knowledge, it can be assumed that the diet "Sleeping Beauty" is very worked - Know yourself sleep and sleep! According to rumors, Elvis himself was sitting on this diet! (He, by the way, fought badly - approx.) But disappointment awaits you: if you sleep for a few days in a row, you are hardly worse, but the syndrome of the oppressed consciousness will accurately earn.

In baby nutrition

Allegedly on this diet are sitting by Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon: Thanks to these rumors, women are sweeping from the shelves baby puree. He invented all this obscurantian star nutritionist Tracy Anderson.

According to this diet, it is necessary to replace the puree jar at one other dish and snack during the day, so about 14 cans of children's meals are supposed to use about 14 kids. The problem is that this food is intended for children, and not for adults who have completely different nutritional needs. In addition, portions are tiny, which can easily lead to overeating. And, by the way, the "children's" food - does not mean "low-calorie".

On Limonade

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Beyonce, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher tried this diet as a way to detoxify the body and weight loss. This method displays excess fluid from the body and "flips" slags. It is rather strict: only 6 portions of water with Caensky pepper, lemon and maple syrup, nor more nor less. If difficult, then it is allowed to drink salted water during the day and herbal laxative tea in the evening.

Yes, you lose weight, but it will be exclusively excess water and a healthy muscle mass, and not fat. In addition, the followers of this diet note side effects: weakness, increased fatigue and nausea.

Soliter diet

Soliter Children is not a toy - repeat for us. This is a dangerous intestinal parasite. You take a capsule with him, and he implants his head in the walls of your intestines and as soon as nutrients fall there, absorbs almost everything, not leaving anything for your body. Of course, you will lose weight, but grow a beautiful worm inside a length of up to 9 meters, which will cause abdominal pain and digestive disorder.

By the way, to get rid of the parasite, you will have to put the course of the strongest paralyzers so that it is to die. And then admire them in the toilet. (Which tin! - approx.)

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