9 habits, because of which you risk staying without teeth


Beautiful smile - skipping in a happy and successful life, the glossy magazines assure us. The natural beauty and health of the teeth destroys not only the villain of caries, but also we, our own hands. We will deal with more details with these destroying factors.

9 habits, because of which you risk staying without teeth 36720_1
1. Outlets ice cubes in drinks

A stupid pseudo-erotic habit of crunching ice cubes from a cocktail leads to sad consequences. The fragility and temperature of ice contribute to the formation of cracks in the dental enamel, which over time leads to large dental problems.

2. Dried fruits

Raisins and more fashionable dried cranberries, pineapple or mango - this is essentially the same tsukata, only on fructose. And for the teeth, this is a terrible product, firstly they contain many fruit acids, secondly have a very sticky structure and constantly stuck in the teeth. We argue, you do not have time after every eaten dike run to brush your teeth and clean it all tooth thread.

3. Wine tasting

Wine for teeth - also continuous harm, because made of grapes, which has special acidity. Especially if you build a great tastor and put your mouth before swallowing them.

Remember that white wine contains more acid than the red, but worse than both sparkling wines perform. Especially brut and prosco. The air from the carbonated wine enhances the acidic effect, and the fruit sugar in the intercourse begins to work as ordinary sugar.

9 habits, because of which you risk staying without teeth 36720_2
4. Hot or warm water with lemon, tea, coffee

Coffee, tea and just warm water with lemon contribute to the destruction of the teeth. Coffee and tea dried the oral cavity and lead to the formation of bacteria that destroy the teeth. Surprisingly, the formation of stains and the merchandise of enamel is more promoted by tea, and not coffee, because the tea tannin colors stronger than caffeine.

The coffee effect is unconditionally strengthened if you drink 5-6 cups a day, but then you are waiting for problems not only with your teeth, but also with a heart. The negative painting effect of coffee is very exaggerated, because the caffeine penetrates only into a thin biofilk, covering teeth and gums, not hurt enamel.

Those who abandoned coffee and tea in favor of a warm water with lemon should think firmly on the benefit / harm ratio, because acidic water creates an ideal environment for erosion of dental enamel.

5. Swimming

Well, they sailed, if you regularly go to the pool, then your teeth are not at all. Chemicals used to disinfect water in the pool, especially chlorine, simply threw your enamel.

Recent studies of dentists show that 34 weeks of regular trips to the pool are very badly affected by the enamel and sensitivity of the teeth. If you can't swim with a closed mouth, then go to the sea, sea water is safe for teeth.

9 habits, because of which you risk staying without teeth 36720_3
6. Rigid toothbrush and frequent cleaning of teeth

In vain, many believe that the tougher bristle toothbrush, the greater the benefits for the teeth. Especially with age, the protective functions of the gums and the sensitivity of the root sections of the teeth are changed, and the root bark - the substance is much more fragile than enamel, it is she suffering from rigidity of a toothbrush.

Dentists assure: two times absolutely enough. The manic regularity of cleaning after each meal is extremely undesirable. If you run to brush your teeth after a rolling dinner, poured a glass of Coca-Cola, for half an hour, then you will make an almost crime against your teeth.

After carbonated or citrus drinks, it is impossible to clean my teeth for some time some time, because enamel at this time "burns" from the resulting portion of the acid, and taking as a brush, you simply allow the acid deeper into dentin, a layer that is under enamel. It is best to wait for an hour before cleaning and wait until the saliva neutralizes the effect of acid and destructive substances received into the oral cavity after meals.

9 habits, because of which you risk staying without teeth 36720_4
7. Too much fruit in the diet

Most fruits are the champions about the content of acid. Sugar, which is also contained in them, is an ideal feed for malicious bacteria, which, in turn, is "shy" to us in the mouth of acid. What is the way out? Dentists advise to break the total number of fruits in the diet on the portion and, if possible, neutralize their glass of water or something dairy, ideally cheese.

8. Piercing (lips and language)

Well, here to add, everything is clear. Metal Tsatski in the mouth is a direct path to mechanical damage to the teeth.

9. Teeth as a tool

Teeth are not scissors and no opening. You do not need to snack tags on clothes, click nuts, tear the packs and, even more so, open beer bottles. Even the monkeys are used for this to be used. What we worse.

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