Increasing endurance: let's not depreciate the work of other mothers


Between us - girls: childless, single-dollar, more families - then there is no misunderstanding. The point and the point also makes us a feeling or smarter or the most tired compared to other categories.


Here I have, for example, there are two girlfriends who constantly experience me to the tolerance of the fact that they give birth to children (first, second, and someone even - third) on Poland before me. And, honestly, this test I have never passed.

After all, I am a very busy young lady, not accustomed to idleness. Work, studies, courses, hobby - and rushed ...

I remember, I complain somehow a friend, they say, at work such a zadot, I took another Polish, in the evenings I barely had enough strength to English, and you should not be divided into my attention. And she - only smiles somehow crookedly, a three-month baby on her hands shaking.

In a couple of weeks, it suddenly calls in tears and the words confuse from fatigue. Strange ... Why would it be in the maternity decree? Here I have: such a rich job, projects, ideas - a head around! ..

Schelk! And I am on the place of the girlfriend. I shake my first treasure, because of the teeth not sleeping. And the round day swaying from the lack of sleep. And in the clinic scandal, when the mothers of "adults" are 1.5-3-year-old children do not let me with infants. I think it is necessary how quickly forgotten how little it's hard to feed, pampers change. Whether it's - when the child is older!

You look at me strangely so, listen to my perturbations and nod only: yes, older - it is, of course, it's easier ... You hope, the main thing ...

Schelk! And my son is older. He is a year or 1.5, and maybe 9 months ... I do not remember when it came exactly from the insight that somewhere here is the catch. And it was easier, it turns out before. When under the breasts in the sling hung and slept three times a day for two hours. And now ... the moms of the baby, the clinics, dick, are wildly angry, without a queue. What are your problems, women?! The chest gave, shook on the handles, and sleeps! Whether it is necessary to feed something to me, entertain, and in general to keep ...

And the girlfriends give birth to the second. And I try to fight my own "white coat", when I drag the Son on all sorts of developments and entertaining. When I make a career again. While girlfriends change diapers, and their eldest hangs at home together with the younger instead of rampant development and creativity, by analogy with my chance.

And I think, well, yes, it's hard to them, of course, with two children. But I, too, too: both baby, work, and home, and training courses - seminars - just hold on!

And again - click! And I already with two. I take the older from the pool: I drag with younger in the hands of a kilometer to the stop, stuffing with both in the crowded minibus, listening to a ton of whining along the way. And at this time I receive a message from a one-piece working girlfriend (with a magical helpful grandmother, if anything) about how this job happened that the head was the goat, and was tired to unconsciousness. And I want her at this moment to betray anathema so that he darkens in the eyes ...

But here we are at home with children. We are walking the pool with tea with tea, we laugh, remembering the road. And suddenly, kindly, it comes insight - that this friend is actually hard now. Heavily at its level of opportunity.

And all this - what happens to us in the process of motherhood is nothing more than accumulated, increasing endurance . Both physical and moral. Our opportunities are pumped with every day of life with children. The ability to multitasking is progressing with each new child.

This is our success. But in this and big catch. Wrapped back, we think that it was easier. But it is not. Then it would be easier for us today.

Imagine that during pregnancy you would immediately be browning with a kilogram of 10-15 and forced it to go like that. Yes, they would also say: oh well, look, others are even harder! Unreal, right? And gradually increasing weight, the body copes with severity. Exactly the same thing is and with other loads: moral, emotional. Gradually exhausting, our endurance moves uphill.

Each of us at its point the path faces peak for yourself by the level of complexity. And it is meaningless to judge, which of us is harder or easier. And, you know, these thoughts greatly facilitate life and remove false resentments. If I did a doctor, would certainly recommend this tool every day on a teaspoon to tea.

Illustration: shutterstock

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