7 signs of unhealthy love


You are fine - you never quarrel, breathe in unison and go to a couple of people like a trash and drill. No one would say that you have something wrong. Although it is possible that your love went on the track curve, even if you do not notice it yourself.

So far, all is well, these problems do not even seem to problems. They will fall in full growth at the time of crisis. But it is better to throw them to a critical moment.

When it is not near, you are alarming

And not only in those moments when he went to war, to meet with the former or for cigarettes at two o'clock in the day of the Airborne Forces, but in general. As soon as the door closes, you begin to imagine all sorts of horrors, from a truck with drunk driving to the tender of supermodels. There is also an increased anxiety, and the fear of loneliness, and distrust (to his loyalty or ability to resist the cruel world, no matter) - and there is nothing healthy here.

You control

In principle, this is the same previous point, only in the profile. Do not give yourself. Effective checks of his phone and social network (password you have long picked up, once spit), attempts to climb on lies, "random" meetings and nervous demands to report to you about all movements - not reasonable precaution, but a pathological distrust.

You keep yourself as like him

You can talk as much as you like that you simply do not dramatize and show flexibility. But if you hide your feelings and emotions, because you are afraid of conflict or disappointment - the situation is clearly unhealthy.

You hope that your love will change it

That is, now it is clear something wrong with him, and it doesn't matter what - maybe he is permanently in a white powder, or he is not able to survive on his own salary, or in his 46 years he considers himself too young for liability and obligations . For scenarios, creating a legend of love-which changes, in hell there is a separate frying pan - on their conscience too much disappointments and broken destinies in order to leave it unpunished. We do not say that people do not change. Everything happens. But these changes are not connected with the power of your love.

You do not have time for everyone else

Anxious bell, especially if you have already experienced the stage of the love obstruction of the first weeks of the novel. Maybe you are just reluctant to see anyone except Him, or that much worse, he is reluctant to give you the opportunity to go to the people of solo. However, the result will be the same - your life in the romance will begin to stick, and you will deprive your support group. And the romantic stamp "You for me - the whole world" will be up to the bother with a literal description of your life.

You refuse your goals

That is, we are all, of course, not the fools sometimes throw a job and a ballet school to snap into the sunset on the "Harley" of any unshaven type. In theory. Some even turned such a trick in practice - in young villages. There is nothing terrible in such an escapa, if it is different. Dangers begin when you begin to sacrifice your dreams on a regular basis, because relationships and goals are impossible to combine. And now the question of who should give up is not discussed. And you lose yourself around you.

You just afraid loneliness

What keeps you next to him is not the joy of what you do together, and the fear of what you would do, remaining alone. Although loneliness in this case is much healthier and safer than such a vulnerable position.

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