Children worse politics: a new rule of a secular conversation



In a secular conversation there are four tabulated topics: politics, religion, health, money. Because as soon as among the canapes and glasses with sparkling some kind of account, he declares that Trump cannot tolerate, afraid of women in the hijabach or the third year hesitantly treats sinusitis, the buffet ceases to be languid. Intelligent people, heated by alcohol, at best, become unpleasant to each other, and at worst - they are satisfied with the Balagan.

I think that the time has come to make a set of prohibited by the one more - children. Alas, we did not have learned calmly, unobtrusively and goodly talking with unfamiliar people about children and all that is connected with them. Not only in social networks, but also in real life.

And even if we manage to keep a good-planned face, we still scroll through these conversations in my head, comes up with beautiful answers and about yourself with your fists. I found myself at the birthday of a friend, which was decided to celebrate in the milestone restaurant and without children. This is generally without. Because a girlfriend, Mom boys-weather, quite justly dreamed of shaking an old day after a three-year-old "house-house house" route in the society of normal adults who do not throw the goats in the soup and do not play cars for meals.

The event promised to be easy as a kiss of spring. The festive hall was lovingly decorated with lilies. Glasses promisingly sparkled. On the dish vulgarly collapsed salmon units.

Girls appeared scented and frown, rustled with gifts and bouquets, shouted "Happy Birthday!" And frantically hugged. Champagne, laughter, hummus, dried tomatoes. Playful trap about Mila Nerunde. - And my step went to the first class! - Proudly reported Guest in a pea dress. Girlfriend strained. After a half-hour discussion of the action "Children without flowers", which immediately divided the gathered for two hostile camps, the girlfriend prayed: "Girls, let's not talk about children!".

But the hellish mechanism has already been launched and rolled by the predatory millstones, in which the female friendship should be contacted overnight, and the lightness of being, and the warm autumn evening on one of the Moscow roofs.

"You imagine," Gorokhovaya "did not take place. - In the class with the steppe learns a creepy hooligan! Holds, spits, runs around the class. I believe that such children need to be isolated from society. I have already written it to his mother in the chat, so she sent me at a well-known address. "I would send you on the site of this mother," my liberal girlfriend stood up for an unknown mother. And at the same time it would be removed from Stupitsky Chat. - We decided that we would not talk about children, - I said strictly .- If you, girls, it's not interesting to talk about our children, why were they to give birth at all, "the friend of his friend appeared in the best Traditions of faceburious holivar. The girls were buried. In the oppressive silence of the holiday, cutlery was unfriendly. "Pea" and a girlfriend, silently ate hot.

I looked at them and thought: "That's not the abnormal. One is rapid in the parent chat rooms, the other so simple is a holy woman. And the beads caught ugly. "

After the bottle of champagne, the ladies have fun, and the conversation went into a safe bed: discussed films, books, work, Park charge and, of course, men. And after the second, they finally recalled, they apologized violently and wisely decided that they were hidden on the Moscow roof and not talk about children - it is generally very cool, especially if they are sitting on your head all day. It turned out that the "pea" possesses a wonderful sense of humor and knows how to oven some incredible coughs with cabbage. And the "Holy Woman" organized the Assistance Foundation for old people and personally drives the nursing homes - sings romances for them, and very thoroughly. She sang she too. Under the guitar.

I was ashamed that this is how, because of the same phrase recorded them in outsiders.

And our common acquaintance, who has not yet acquired offspring, sadly admitted that, as soon as the company, it comes to the first probe, she feels someone else's diapers and fights with a desire to hastily leave the party ...

Agree It is normal that in matters of education of children every mother has its own opinion . Because it is her child, her family, her life. Do or not to make vaccinations, whether to wear in a sling to three years or to go to the garden to one and a half, feed homemade puree from broccoli or hamburgers - this is her choice and its responsibility.

However, it is precisely in the field of maternity that any misconception in views more often than I would like, it causes inexplicable aggression and frank dislike to a person who thinks and does differently.

But imagine that you, for example, love coffee, and the girl who was on the next chair in the plane - tea. It will not be disgusting you only because there will be a tea bag in boiling water. But a woman who convinces you kill the child with vaccinations and sausages - definitely.

Just maternity is not only the most emotional experience in the life of a woman. It is also a very personal experience, which is based on own childhood, and relationships inside the family, and the desire to be happy in this new role for themselves.

Add here an informational assault from books on children's psychology, resources for parents, advertising and councils of colleagues in the courts - and all, welcome, neurosis.

therefore Let's just not touch this topic until we learn to treat someone else's position. And do not stop the ladder to impose your own. And on the question "how there are your deubs" to answer concise: "Thank you, good." And no word. In the best traditions of secular society.

Illustration: shutterstock

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