5 strictly scientific arguments in favor of childfriends


One of five Americans to age is 44 years old never born a single child, and if you consider all women from 18 to 44, then there will be almost 50% childlessly. Nobody collected such accurate statistics in Russia, but according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the situation is similar - about 20% of all families are childless, and according to the study of the Demoscope agency, approximately 4.4% of people are not going to acquire heirs, and their number is growing .

For Russia, this situation is unique. In a country where condoms became available in just 20-25 years ago, and that the family can be successfully planned, learned and later, the problem of choice did not stand at all. There was simply no choice. If you have sex - sooner or later there will be children.

In addition, the average age of the appearance of the first child we had (and remains) by one of the lowest in Europe, and the turnover of "for 30" - still no more than polite way to say "marriage illiquid and discriminating desperate."

The society's pressure reaches thousands of atmospheres, and the most impossible potential childfries are succumbed to him and give birth to children not so much because they want, but because Mom asks his grandchildren.

Therefore, the data on how in fact live childlessly in their own choice, very little. Imagination immediately draws a lonely niche old woman, which no one writes, however, such old women who we all see almost daily, as many as mostly did not dare from maternal debt - as well as almost all women of the USSR, whose youth occurred at the 1950 60s.

How does a voluntary refusal of children actually can affect life and is so bad? It turns out no. Not denying all the joys that come with children, we cannot but notice the indisputable advantages of their absence.

You sagging money. Much money

The child is obliging, but how much? If you give birth to a child today and, provided that prices for 18 years will not change to a penny, and inflation will stop, you will spend it from 2.2 to 13.7 million rubles on it - depending on whether you have modest Plans or averaged. Upper ceiling, understandable, does not exist. You can buy a bunch of all pleasant to this money - if the comparison of the new life and tens of mink coats was correct. But with one acquisition, this amount is still worth it. If you are most worried about a glass of water in old age, then keep in mind that even the lower spending threshold is equal to four years in the private luxury suburban pension for the elderly.

Your relationship with the partner will be better

Yes, this is a turn. Most of us have grown with confidence that children are a magical cement for marriage, and even if everything was so-so before their appearance, then after everything becomes good.

But no - on the study of Journal of Family Psychology, 67% of respondents admitted that after the birth of children, their marriage satisfaction fell. And the reasons for this are abounding: sharply increased spending, inclipboard, lack of sex, drakes on the basis of the one who should lie for numerous new responsibilities, and in the first months - almost a complete lack of time alone.

And if the rest over time is somewhere collapsed (well, or the marriage breaks down - from all divorces, 60% accounts for the year of birth of the firstborn), then sex to previous indicators is returned less often. Careless couples are engaged in them more often than parents - even those parents whose children have already grown.

You avoid health risk

Thanks to doctors, today the risk of to make some troubles due to the toaling and childbirth is very, very low. But not zero. If in the 18th century about 1.5% of women died, giving a new life, now in Russia this figure is approximately 0.001%. More precisely - 10.8 women for every 100 thousand genera.

But if the worst scenario is extremely unlikely, other, less tragic, but more common consequences experienced many. And they are quite a few - from breaks, infections, bleeding, varicose, gestational diabetes and obesity to postpartum depression.

You will reduce the risk of depression

By the way, about her. It is believed that life without the topot of small legs is empty and twisted. But the study conducted at the University of Florida and published in Journal of Health and Social Behavior proves the opposite.

13,000 volunteers were driven through the classic depression test, and among their parents, the depression level was higher. Worst of all accounts for parents of adolescents and adult children and those who are not seen with their children of younger. At the same time there is no difference, native children or not. This picture is true even in relation to those whose children have long left the house and live their lives. Such a study was conducted by other scientists in the 1980s and gave the same results.

Depression is often needed trigger - and a constant anxiety for successes, health, behavior and the future of children is perfectly coping with this role.

Most likely, you will not regret it

And if you give birth to a child, you will not regret either. The point is not what strategy you choose, and in how much this choice will be yours and only yours.

Research Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences covered almost 3 million people from different countries and did not reveal any difference in the level of satisfaction with the life between those who gave birth, because he wanted, and did not give birth, because it was consciously refused. They all evaluated their lives equally. And everyone turned out to be happier than those who wanted children, but could not start them, and those who did not want, but still became a parent under the pressure of close or due to the fact that contraception failed.

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