6 reasons for a man to take care of themselves as an intelligence, and not torture motivankas for women


The social networks are overcrowded by striculor demotivators like "do not drink! Do not smoke! You're a future mother! " and di-gravel exercises for women's buttocks. But if in a good way, the main object of such pictures should be men.

And there is six rational causes.



The future of the child's health is 80% depends on the quality of the father's ledge and only 20% from the egg. It is not enough that alcohol spoils sperm directly when it is used, so over time, "breakdowns" in the inner male factory accumulate (the faster, the less healthy lifestyle of the man), and the defective gods in every portion of sperm more and more. That is why, for example, the likelihood of conception of a child with autism is higher than the older father. Yes, the boys, the health of the future child depends on your lifestyle.

# 2.

While the Internet is full of quotes that the Babi Age is short, and a man with age, like wine, is only better, what do we see on the streets? 20-year-olds respectfully with a beer tummy, 30-year-old frozen, floating macho in ridiculous clothes, and what are all these heroes in bed - just to spit and be confused. The man in Russia becomes instantly, the layer of the walking exceptions of fine and only emphasizes the overall picture. Beer alcoholism, avoiding physical education and healthy food, shortness of breath of the smoker - and voila, we have. And this is in the country of amazingly beautiful women.

# 3.

Dad drunk - Mountain in the family, expressed in the figures of statistics on beating and killing wives and children. There is nothing to say, the keepers of the nation and the successors of the family are obtained from the guys, already by 25 years old acquiring a habit of spending weekends in a drunken fan. This is not counting how damage to the family budget is applied to buy alcohol and damage to a drunk bench of things at home. Drunkad dad - anti-corllower!


Men are dying much before women. Because of which? Alcohol exploits and the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. Women differ many less often, so you need to save them. Well, here, however, it is not entirely clear which benefit of the nation with most old men - grandmothers at least help with grandchildren and grow potatoes in case of another state coup, that is, contribute to the survival of the nation. But after all, men themselves should be interesting to live longer, no?


Addiction to drinking leads to impotence. The sooner I started, all before everything.

# 6.

By the way, about sex. The main distributors of HIV and other nastiness outside the medium of drug addicts and prostitutes are husbands. And, that is characteristic, not only the wives and future children infect, but they themselves are sick and remembered. Bew yourself, boys. Do not depravate.

Illustration: shutterstock

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