7 signs that your child is overloaded


Wake up with the first wipers, you work as a gallery slave for 8 hours in a row, then run on advanced training courses, piano lessons and a Jiu-Jitsu section, and in the evening Laba Halturka. At the same time, every day you have to defend the project before the critical chief. Hell life, eh? Anyone in this mode broke in a couple of months. And your child so exists for years.

Of course, everyone hunting to get into history as a parent of genius. Here we are from our children of historical personalities, despite anything - even the fact that the future genius from the loads already barely breathes and his name can hardly remember. Look at the child - there are quite concrete signs that it is time to slow down with a comprehensive development until the child broke.

He is not idle

For many parents, this is generally subject to pride - and my seine is not lobotryas! Of course, not Lobotryas - he has no time even in his nose to pick up. If not a home, then boxing, not boxing, so clarinet. Meanwhile, all - and adults, and children are needed periods of inaction and fooling. Idleness in moderate, but regular doses is a very important part of our battery.

He is like a little old man

Well, maybe he is not gray and does not scold the frowning young people, but generally behaves as if he is not 8, and 80. He is always sore something or just something is not good, he grows himself under his breath, easy Irritate and long can not sleep. Such Starikovsky behavior is a clear sign of critical decline.

His rollers broke out

Or unicorns. Or transformers. Or Justin Bieber. Or that he had been cute there before. Children will quickly grow into hobbies, but if one passion suddenly fell off and no other in her place arose, perhaps the fact is that there is no longer a resource for passion. When one passion disappears is normal. It is not normal when the child does not want anything more at all.

His marks became worse

Although it would seem why suddenly: he has a tutor in English, a tutor in mathematics, a "Young Chemist" circle and artist. On the contrary, it should be devoted to all in the class. However, between all these school classes, as such (which, in fact, should be a priority) he has neither time or forces. And his homework is done by the residual principle, the left back.

His best friend disappeared somewhere

Have you ever seen this Vaska or this Nataska? I remember, during it, they were constantly terrified here, and now how they fell through the ground. Nothing strange - in the world of children social ties also require energy injections. Joint parties, chatter on the phone, Trep in messengers - in short, the whole of the fact that the parents of future geniuses consider the talent spending time. But if to fatigue and alarm due to high expectations to add social insulation, it will not be a genius, but a huge neurotic.

He suddenly became unsatisfied

As if it does not know where to stick himself, if you do not tell what to do next and you will not felt in front of his nose schedule. If the child is waiting for your instructions, even in order to play, it's very bad - the imagination already refuses.

You yourself zadolfatsya

The easiest way to understand that the child is tired - pay attention to the fact that you yourself are tired, tester from the tutor to the tutor, from a mug into a circle. With his teachers you say more often than with her husband, mom and friends together. They are already confused in your head. If you feel so, organizing it all, imagine, what is the heir - he is constantly brewing in it.

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