16 things that the child should be able to school in order not to get injured at physical education


Physical education teachers are alarmed: Absolutely physically and mentally healthy young jungners can hardly cope with standard tasks, bother more often than kids preceding generations, and sometimes injuries are injured.

The thing is that in natural way the skills of movement and interaction at the physical level, many children are not allowed, and no one thinks about it.


If your child is preparing to go to school and physically healthy, check, please be able to make 16 important things.

- crawl on all fours confidently and fast,

- evenly ride with the side on the side, moving so on the room, for example,

- ride on the back forward-back, squeezing with a lump,

- pull up on your arms, raising the lying body from the floor by half the meter, at least with the bent legs and the full support for the soles,

- to climb somewhere, pulling away in the hands, when grip at the chest level,

- jump with both legs at the same time, holding them shifted, and up and down, and somewhere,

- bend, bending the legs strongly, make extra support on the entrance of the palm / fists, jumping from somewhere down to sprinkle,

- make wide circular rotations with straight hands, each of the hands,

- jump with gallop and sideways (strictly atocating step), jump out small obstacles,

- Make tasks with the order of movements with the left and right side of the body, for example, dancing like in Makaren,

- stand on each out of the legs, balancing with his hands,

- descend from elevation or "ladder" from elevation forward legs on the stomach and on the pope,

- throw and catch snap-made small objects,

- Fall forward, sideways, back as safe as possible, bending and trying to sprinkle with hands and booties,

- Play or at least know how to play, in mobile group games with the rules, it's more difficult to "bounced",

- Evaluate the danger or security of their movements and actions for the one who is nearby, runs, balancing, jumps, and its actions - for himself.

However, if the child and at 9 years old can not be all, he has a few more years to catch up. True, habit from time to time to play movably will be more complicated.

Illustration: shutterstock

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