And hello again: how to establish relationships after breaking


Suppose you broke out forever. Suppose "forever" turned out not so long. And now Exe, who at first only called and clawed, somehow imperceptibly settled in your life. Maybe the second chance is the biggest mistake in your life. Or the first step towards five children, a house in Catalonia and a happy joint old age. We really do not take judge. But since you went to the second round, keep in mind some subtleties.

Do not rush

A big mistake is to start where you are finished. Newly so new. What would you do if it were not a couple with a solid experience of relationships and scandals, and doves who met only on last week? Well, yes, we would go on dates. So go. Surprise each other. Re-denotes the boundaries - if life will absorb you immediately, there will be almost impossible to outline them.

Clean that it is necessary both

It happens that one partner simply regrets the other and does not know how emanating from him to take up - and suffering (as a rule - abandoned) Party perceives this excessive cloth as a green light. It happens that one side decides that free life in the megalopolis is expensive and it would be nice to reappear to the budget of the former. It happens that one perceives everything as a second chance, and the other - as an opportunity to relocate a period of breakdown (or intimacy) with someone who is guaranteed to serve him sex for the first requirement. This is not exactly about you?

Prepare for change

You did not just parter, you had good reasons. And if everything goes on the rolled, you very quickly understand again - even more disappointed in love and in each other. Because of both. Are you really ready to work on yourself and meet it? And honestly believe that he can change so much that it will be a couple of you?

Do not celebrate psychotherapy

Many therapists work with couples - and, perhaps, just you need it. Anger and longing after the gap, Euphoria after reunion is not exactly the atmosphere in which you both are able to reason and plan without help.

Find new classes

Your story includes many places and cases that are now associated with something lousy. Do not remind yourself of how well you were first and how bad it became in the end. Do not try to repeat the history of love, it has already ended, and this story is completely different. Look for new romantic corners, start new traditions, go on dates there, where never happened.

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