11 real stories about how children love us to amaze


The taste and color of the weight of children as markers are different. No one ever knows than for the parent one or another educational moment will turn. But the bikes are born abandoning, instructive.

I could not get from my daughter to give a gamma to Major to Piano played without Oh, and sigh. But when I went to the parent meeting devoted to the results of the trimester, she learned the imperial march from the "Star Wars" (the one under which Darth Vader appears) and played him as soon as I appeared on the threshold of the nursery. Arrange the palace after that, the language did not turn.


The son returned from the walk all the wet and dirty, as if in every puddle was sanging. Coupled and decided that this is a good reason to teach to use the washing machine.

Later I was called to school for rewarding. The son was given a diploma for the salvation of drowning. Walked without demand with a friend and his little sister on the pond, ran and jumped on the bedtime, the girl slipped and bought into the water. Her brother entered the following to save, but did not know how to swim. The son of Lög on the bedtop stomach and pulled out in turn of both, and the girl did not even fly, but immediately went to the bottom - well, the breath was detained.

He is eight years old. I did not expect anything more hero, than trimming the kitten from the street.


Nine-year-old daughter left at home, without a key. Literally on an hour. Returned, and the bag with garbage is not in the kitchen. Is it really to throw out the window? No, carefully opened the castle (!), As in the movie (!), And I carried out, because "smelled something", and from the inside the door just slams.


I left for sick mom on the weekend. Returned, and the daughter has pergolate wallpaper in the bedroom. She said that he looked at the Internet, like. Twelve years old.


After the dental daughter, said: "Wow, I thought I would die!" It turned out, the anesthesia did not really affect. And at hand I did not want to talk to the doctor. Eight years.


It came out so that he did not wake up when the baby was crushed and cried. Waking up, he discovered in the bathroom soiled pellets, the baby was slammed into a new one. Her six year old brother not only changed the pellery, but also as a girl wiped the girl. For no matter, I never helped me with the baby and didn't even be interested in my sister, I just, it's unpleasant, probably lying in poop. "


On the street, two girls tried to ask English in English. My daughter approached and explained something, they understood her! She is ten years old!


Money ended on vacation, the teenage daughter heard and just went and got a promoter. Three hours a day distributed leaflets, payment at the end of each day. Just grabbed this day to eat.


I worried that my son didn't say anything in incomplete three years, only miracles and signs are explained. And in the summer he pushed the plate with the soup and said: "Tablery, a lot of salt." As in the anecdote about the young Finn: "And before there was no reason."


I gave my daughter to dine in the cafe, because I don't like it in the school dining room. Literally the other day I learned that she does not walk in the cafe, but buys products and houses in the microwave prepares different dishes, even chicken fillets bakes in every way. They are fashionable in the class because of the series "Kitchen". She is seven years old. I can not imagine that me at seven years instead of pizza in the cafe chose to prepare stew or cupcake.


The head caught me at school and made a remark better to follow the ten-year-old daughter then. She distributed the disciples of election promises in case, if he becomes president of the Russian Federation.

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