What 18-year-old boys do not know because they grew up on porn


While we laughed at the boys of our and previous generations, which were confident of 18 years, thanks to advertising that monthly women in blue, and thought for a long time, finding that the girl was not only a hole, but also folds, and some kind of The protrusion, the new generation of boys and the new generation of their myths have grown.

But if the myths of their peers in the eighties and the nineties came from an informational vacuum and advertising, then new boys rose on porn, which is funnier, and sad.

Hair on the body


It seems incredible, but also studies of scientists, and our cautious polls confirm: many young men have no idea that a woman has hair somewhere except on the head and legs. And then, about the latter, they know thanks to the advertising of razor machines. Standard of modern pornolists - carefully ephyedized pubes and armpits. As a result, when the boy stumble on the old erotic or on the hair of a living woman, no matter how well-groomed and laconishly trim, it is experiencing shock and rejection. We are not joking now.



The previous generation of young men considered the clitoris by the secret button of the woman's control and enthusiastically studied the possibilities associated with it. New believes that he knows why the clitoris is a woman. In most porn films taken over the past ten years, the clitoris in the frame is used only when the woman is necessary to agrees. Men practically do not use it for pre-caress. Looks like we lose it again!

By the way, about pre-caresses


Thanks to the TV shows, the boys heard about them. But in modern porn, they are rumped up mainly to the fact that a man slightly massages a woman's breasts and claps on the ass. Exit himself a woman alone, using, yes, the clitoris. For masturbation. Do you still want to spin the novel with eighteen-year-old?

Pigmentation anus


Another time sign is the bleached anus of porn actress. And sometimes small sex lips. The thing is that the boys do not know and do not understand that they see the result of a special procedure and, facing the living female anus, decide that there is brown skin because of some uncleanness of the girl. And where does he take the information about the fact that the "paint" is not outside, but inside the skin? Doesn't they tell him on TV in entertainment transmission? Meanwhile, skin pigmentation in gentle places is a way to protect it against infections and damage.



That the current generation of boys with the previous ones is related - they do not have the slightest concept of what female orgasm looks like. And when they discover that it is not only "and ... and ... and ... and!", But "ha ha ha ha," and "Plak-Plak", and sudden chaotic movements head or hands and legs - fall into The wildest stupor. Because - by the way, they also do not know and do not understand - in fact, in the absolute majority of porn movies, a woman does not reach orgasm, and a man is not without difficulty and only by virtue of the most need to demonstrate ejaculation.

Illustrations: Images from Tinto Brasse films

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