Personal experience: how I'm going to read 50 books per year


Usually at the end of the year I summarize for yourself. How many books read how many films are viewed how many exhibitions visited.

I love to read, but suddenly discovered that in 2015 I read less than 10 books. It caused anxiety. I spent the whole year for work and self-education in the profession. I will not say that it is useless, of course, these are important knowledge. But such knowledge is given only a limited idea of ​​the world. Bismarck once said:

"Fools say they learn from their own experience, I prefer to learn from the experience of others."

I do not want to get closed on only professional books, and I wanted to tell you how to read 50 books per year.

Buy a lot of books

Book books is not no one. And you still spend your time, which is also worth a lot. What to do, take your affairs in a fist and organize yourself, because, stopping, you get stuck on the same level. One blogger said that she follows the following rule: after paying all expenses, 10% of income is spending on the purchase of books. He went to the first salary to buy a small book "ABC-Classics". Now he is unlikely to read the year what can buy from one salary.

Why buy a lot of books? Then, that the more books will lie at your home, the more choice you have. You finish reading the book, look at the bookpin, see a couple of read books and take a new one to this desire.

When the shelves have breakdown from books, it's hard to choose anything.

Read always and everywhere

I began to allocate about an hour of my life reading every day. Not to spend, namely, it is to allocate, this is an important component of the approach. If you think that you "spend" an hour for reading, then I can sympathize with you because "spend" time on the road and you, in fact, only kill your time, and not absorb reading.

You can read always and everywhere.

I read in the subway, on the bus, when it is, on lunch breaks, in line and so on.

Read relevant books

It happened that everyone talks about some book, you start reading it, but can not force yourself to flip the page?

Not all books are suitable for all people. And not in all situations. It is said that "Masters and Margarita" need to reread 3 or 4 times throughout life. Getting a certain luggage experience, we look different on old books and films.

In any case, if the book goes through force - set it aside and try something else. I use the rules of 50 pages. If the book could not carry me through 50 pages, it means that it is hardly interesting. Interesting books a lot, believe me.

Read books that are close to you. For the millennium, books were written on almost any topic: problems of teenagers, crashing entrepreneurs, history of musicians and the basics of raising children.

The obvious council, but many do not come to him: do not read the books that you are not interested.

Read about the people who inspire you, read about your hobby or profession, read about unusual things. No need to read a book, just because it is a bestseller or "classic".

Read different books at the same time

I can read 3-4 books at the same time. In the morning I read a book about marketing to set up consciousness on productive work, existential novels are relaxed in the evening. People love to invent themselves restrictions. "From the crust to the crust read, and then take the other," I often hear.

If you really uncomfortable reading a lot of books at the same time, read them alternately. True, I would not want to look at the night to emphasize the quotes from the marketing textbook, because it accelerates the brain to various kinds of ideas.

Read correct

To read so much as I want, I read on the smartphone. Many love to read only paper books - this is the choice of everyone. I use the following bundle: BookMate + Evernote. Bookmate works on a paid subscription. .

Bookman allows you to read books conveniently and legally. It has a wide library and allows you to upload your books. This is not an advertisement, I'm just dragging from this service.

When you read a paper book, make a mark, emphasize the quotes, write on the fields, on the back of the book, flex a sheet. After reading, go through the book and assemble important quotes in a notebook or bring them into any device.

If you read with a gadget, just use the sequencer, quotes, notes, write down the thoughts. I love to sum up non-Fiksh. I carry quotes from Bookmate in Evernote, and there I add my key ideas.

The meaning is to remember the information better and not to see it in one reading. At any time, I can almost perfectly refresh my knowledge in the books possessing this kind of abstract. This has a positive effect on depth deposition and perception of information.

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