I would be in the sky: 7 practical advice for those who fly hunting


If the glory of Ikara does not give you to sleep well (and other cool dudes with wings you can find here), then we know how to help you. Pics.Ru collected 7 practical advice for those who do not mile without the sky. Catch!


Let you not frighten the harsh and snow season - in winter airplanes, deltales and balloons fly no worse than in summer. Plus it's terribly beautiful - you are in hundreds of meters above the ground, and the snow-white field without end and edge spreads below. Some fans are preferred exclusively for winter flights: they say such beauty in the summer not to see. In general, we dress warmly and choose not embarrassing clothing movements.



Remember the peculiarities of the own vestibular apparatus: it is not known how he behaves in conditions of turbulence on a tiny double aircraft. If you tell me and pulls to a white friend even at the sight of a washing machine, then think three hundred times - do you need it? It will be hurt not to enjoy flying and steep species, but to change bags and depict 50 shades of gray-green. If you firmly decided to fly, then here you can choose the most suitable type of transport.

NO Alcohol!

Drinking before the flight is the last thing. This is the question of control over your behavior, and the state of your health: alcohol in combination with a sharp change of height and pressure will greatly load the cardiovascular system. Specialists about this, of course, know, therefore, a person in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication is simply not allowed. It is better to have a drink after - to note a successful landing or a successful battle with a fear of height, but before - not a drop in the mouth. And, by the way, it is better not to smoke, too, and if you gathered to twist the barrels - it is not.

Take comrade


A strong friendly shoulder should not be replace! You, of course, you will stop the cowboy girl, the elephant on the race, the trunk will tear off, but sometimes the support team is very important. It is not necessary to take a friend with you to the basket of a balloon. The very idea that the person is waiting for you on Earth to whom it is necessary to return and in front of which boasts with a parachute jump, heats greatly.

Add romance

What can be romantic than a shared flight on Paraglider in the third anniversary of your first date? Or airports on the legendary American Cessna FR-172 aircraft? To make something at all unusual to you, break out for a short of the bolot of gray everyday life in the sky and recover new emotions and impressions on the eve of the New Year - is it not cool?

Make a pleasant


If you yourself are not yet ready to entrust your own life and health with a piece of metal with a propeller, then check its reliability in your neighbor! Flight is a great gift, which is advantageous from the brake of bottles with a hot, porcelain dust collectors and other unnecessary nonsense. We, for example, have already seen the appropriate flight as a gift for the expensive chef! From great love, of course, we will recommend it to roopzhampping. Nothing personal! Truth! Hey, where are you leading us?

Choose - I do not want

If you suddenly fall dependent on flights (and we understand you!), I hurry to delight you - the choice of available options is great and diverse. If you want - piloting in the airlimulator, you want - show mom near Moscow from a helicopter (neither shaking, nor jerks, you want - the romantic holidays with your loved one, you want to give everyone to everyone, and you want to come to the sky of children. And the most desperate can do extreme pilotings. And do not worry about time - certificates are valid 8 months, so you all have time for sure.

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