BREAKE KOSA - Men's beauty (and not blond too)


Somehow, it goes without saying that braid or pigtails - Russian, French, Uzbek, Afro, or Tymoshenko-Style (he Alice Band Braid in English), in general, all this wealth is not only exclusively female, but directly The symbol of femininity from ancient times and to the present day. But how not so!

Spit Samson

Of all the ancient we have biblical male braids. The giant Samson wore seven brands, and with them I just happened to a big trouble when the insidious Dalil him was cut. The enemies did not take into account that a living person has a tendency to grow, Samson in the dungeon. Putting off the thrust hair, in general, all participants regretted it. True, there is an opinion that Samson was not wicker braids, but dreadlocks - but who will definitely tell now?

I regretted Avasal (also from the Old Testament), who did not really have time to succeed - escaped, confused by hair in the branches and hung, until he was taken warm. Everything seems to us that in a normal setting he somehow stood. Do you imagine what you need to have on your head to hang out on this? Oh-Wei.

Manchu Kosichka

All Chinese men almost three centuries were obliged to wear a manchurian male braid (Bian-Fa), because 1. Manyzhura China won and sat down on top in the form of a Qing dynasty; 2. Manchuri considered a piggy and beautiful pigtail. Where were the Chinese to go, especially considering that the death penalty was hairstyle? It was possible to comb all the collapse and go to the "hairy" robbers. Strike? No, you did not hear.

Spit sitting bull

BREAKE KOSA - Men's beauty (and not blond too) 36687_3
Indian spits did not have gender colors at all. Want to swap, you want - no, your head, your rules. So, for example, this is a modest old woman with a pen - in fact, a sitting bull, a thunderstorm and horror of the American government, one of the great leaders of the Dakota.

Spit steep Viking

The same thing, it seems to us, can be said about the Viking pigtails. Within a tribe or fjord, everyone is concerned in its own way, if only he didn't climb into the eyes, well, and in official events, such as war or collective prayer - traditional, approved options.

Powdered Kosichka

But the late European male braid was much more stricter than Viking. She was powdered, and hid at night and in the rain in the leather wallet - so as not to be filmed. After all, officers were powdered with chalk, talc and other more or less noble substances, and the usual soldier had flour. And the pigtail, she is not soothing, but everything in the flour, he began to be very interested in the beetles and mice. And without braids where? Nowhere. You, girls, funny, and Kosa was the official part of the uniform, including the officer. If the Chin turned out to be at the guy suddenly, and the length of the hair did not fit - graciously allowed to wear a patch braid, while they would not grow. Do we have after such a dress code to complain?

Groats on the head

And now, it happens, pigtails or braids are such men that CSO. Such pigtails (cornrows) are more often considered part of the Afro style, but the proportion of restrictions.


So long-haired guys are not at all obliged to be lochmata.

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