Crunch unemployed


Suppose it was yesterday you remained without work. Heat said goodbye to his colleagues, wrote all the greatest letters, hinted that they were going to a much better life, signed a workaround, the last time he drank freezing coffee from the office coffee maker. In the evening, you may have drank a little in the bar. Perhaps even as it should have drank, so colleagues were searched for you in search of the last five hundred rubles per taxi.

And today, this newest life began. Let's not consider quite tragic options - the type was fired unexpectedly, the dollar mortgage payment was more than half of the salary, the wife sits at home with a small child. So, by the way, it also happens, but we just leave it behind the brackets, so as not to be immersed in the puchins of despair. And you, let's say, everything is not very bad, friend. Satellite of life is working. A little money is postponed. Nobody will die of hunger and cold. Just begins such a race to rake. It may seem endless, but not really no: a new interesting project, excellent work - this is all somewhere nearby, around the corner. We just need to suffer. There are, of course, lucky people, but rather an exception to the rules. Vesunchik Gladstone - He is only in cartoons, alas.


The first week of unemployment is even nice. It seems to you that it will be like a vacation. It is unlikely that you can go to the sea, but you can sleep a little longer, hang, finally, the shelf, start running, read books, pay attention to the family ... But not! Suddenly it turns out that the working schedule with lifts to dawn is the main rod that kept your life. As a result, it is the mode that floats first. Plans are also sailing, because if there is no main obligatory case, seriously engaged in shelves and sports can only people with exceptional efforts. Instead of a happy holidayman, you start to resemble a cans floating in an near-earth orbit. Where to? What for? Yes, the devil knows. All accepted sound solutions become a victim of some incomprehensible inertia and as a result, "Hello, a friend sofa", "Hello, British serials" and "Hello, the one who is not right on the Internet for a long time, have not seen a tedious bastard."


It's not very interesting to swim in orbit, so you are almost immediately starting to look for work and literally the first day you understand that it is not so much. And the money is offered some very funny. With your experience! For the sake of joke (well, how otherwise) you decide to go to a couple of interviews - and there you are met by the creature with fishing eyes. At the same time, it is clear to you that the creature understands little in your industry, and you need to communicate with it, but with the director or head of the direction. Personnel fish should simply check the documents and understand if you change. Instead, she speaks with you about motivation, asks why you left with the previous work and do you have a conviction, it presss lips - and you suddenly understand that the exam is failing. It was a teach for humiliation, and you did not pass it. No, of course, there are good personnel, smart and understanding. But they come across as rarely as pike in the Moscow River.

Hungry laces

You don't find any work right away, and you have no money to say a lot. And you start painfully save. You have a NH, you are never a beggar, but it doesn't matter, because the instinct we will die with hunger completely automatically. And now you cut the cost of food, you do not buy clothes, postpone the cars, claw, pushing it, claw. You buy buckwheat and chicken breast. Consider a penny. But in the end, we definitely break up - because it is necessary to indulge yourself to indulge - and you buy something really expensive and meaningless, like the next smartphone. Then you caress and punish yourself a pasta diet, you wake up at night in a panic, trying to remember how much money is left, and how much you can stretch. And you feel sorry that I did not save. Oh, how do you regret it. Together with you, the Gibson Les Paul hanging on the wall of the electric guitar, bought a month before dismissal. Why was it to buy her ???


Friends all the time talk about work and careers and you, with your unexpected pause, become a default figure, an empty place. Ficus in the corner, damn it. You are closely related to the sympathy, but keep talking about the next new project a little higher than your strength. There is a purely technical problem: either the meeting takes place in the bar, where you want, do not want, but you will have to leave money - a couple of-three-five thousand depending on the bar. And you, we will remind, hysterically save. Well, or another option - sit all evening with one exhaling mug of beer, and this is already for a completely strong spirit.

Social network

At first, you are writing in social networks for all days - and it torments it. Because there, too, all wildly successful. And in all the career. And someone even has its own business. The guy who was sitting with you at the adjacent table, now the head of the department. And everyone has some kind of interesting life. And after work, they go to the pevnik, and travel on a business trip to Barcelona or Naryan-Mar, and you feel like a boy who remained the last in the group, sits on the carpet, and my mother will not come in any way. And you are starting to avoid social networks (but enough you for the watch).


Yes, you begin to envy everyone wildly. And in general, for any reason. Ivanov received an increase. Petrov went on vacation in Peru. Sidorov changed the wheelbarrow. Kozlov divorced and married again. And you are not going to completely divorce, and you do not want to be in Peru, and you have a normal car, but all these actions are not available, because you are lying on the couch, stalling in the socialist, you envy and sorry yourself. But you are a good person who should not envy, so you first envy, and then eat yourself for this feeling, envy and eat - only in a pair. Vicious circle.

I am nobody

By the end of the second month (sometimes later) you have the main truth. You are an impostor. You start thinking that all this is a beautiful, work, career, achievements - all this kaleidoscope success was some kind of wilderness. Psychologists call it "Syndrome of the Samozvian", he and working people happened, and the unemployed think about it all the time. "What if my luck is just a confluence? Suddenly I am all that I had, did not deserve? Suddenly I am a bad specialist? Suddenly I have nothing to never, nor a career, no normal work, go to the wipers, die on the bench? ".

"You are overqualified"

Think about the "die on the bench" is not very fun. So no longer continue. You need work. At least some already. And you start looking for something easier, cheaper. Not the head of the department, but an ordinary manager. Not the editor-in-chief, and deputy, correspondent, the newsletter. And here you suddenly say: you do not fit us, you are overqualified. In Russian and the words there is no such thing, and this term means that you are too smart for this work, you have too much skills, and therefore you and you will express your opinion more often than it is supposed to be, well, you will run out immediately opportunity. Therefore, in general, it is fair that the frame does not take you. After all, he does not know about panic savings, neither about loneliness or about the seizure of despair. And, probably, this is his happiness.

Everyone advise you to go to learn

And here are more friends. Learn the language! Learn the second language! Take a business! Increase the qualifications! There is also a category of congratulatory friends who advise you to quit everything, rent a villa in Spain and relax a month-other. Hello, guys, I'm unemployed! First, I have no money. Secondly, my will is paralyzed by a sofa. In third, I have never had abilities for languages, and where did you get that German will immediately improve my life? It is even difficult to argue here: Of course, it is necessary to do business, especially if there is time on it. But the forces are where to find?

A family

If you fell to this stage, by this time you have a hysterical hysteria with torment, planting close to buckwheat. You do not work, because there is no work. You do not study, because it costs money, and there is no strength anyway. And you are not in Spain, yes. At best, you do some hobbies and households - but is it worth a worthy lesson for a modern person? A woman will still relate to the minimum (but offensive) loyalty, like, "her place in the kitchen." On a man will look very cosos. Always. And if you still have enough tact to pose, then I will ask from Yeisk direct text to ask - "And this hefty forehead is sitting at home?"

The most important thing

Our expensive is unemployed, in fact we do not write it for you. You know everything yourself, the sofa will be aspiring under you. We write it for those around you. For your loved ones, your loved one, friends, mother-in-law from Yeisk, in the end. It can happen with each, and everyone can break. Support a person, in essence, nothing worthwhile. Once again silent. Pour a glass. Take the hand and take to the gym or some free courses (it happens). Look around yourself: surely it turns out that your friends are looking for such a specialist in a steep startup. Because no one wants to actually sit on the neck from loved ones and to fulfill the sofa, just sometimes you just need to give a help hand at the right moment - and everything is formed. Necessarily.

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