10 Hollywood stamps that are not related to reality


We have been brought up for Hollywood films for so long that we are sincerely wondering when the car does not explode in a collision, and after a strong blow, you can not go on your affairs. It is necessary to lie in the hospital. We collected ten most ridiculous Hollywood stamp.

The car should explode

The car after the collision is obliged to explode. Moreover, the explosion will be such that this is a tank with gasoline. In fact, the car maximum can light up from spilled fuel, and it happens extremely rarely. And even when one car hires another to the movie, it necessarily jumps three meters, makes a barrel, double Tulup with access and falls to the roof. If the bad guys drove in it, then it will explode, if not, the heroes will have time to get out, and only after that he rushes.

Man cut down one blow

One shock on the back of the back is usually enough for the hero to lose consciousness. As if people had a special button there. Moreover, after he wants, he will sweep a bump with his hand, say something like: "Damn, how much I was in the outboard" and go all to win. It is instead of playing with a brain concussion and walk along the wall. Fights is a separate story. On a good guy, the crowd of scuffers always attacks tactfully, in turn. Gentlemen, what's so here. And he cuts them away from one blow to any part of the body. Hit the guy in the stomach, and he drops and does not move. Did you die?

Surveillance cameras are removed in HD quality

In real life, the street surveillance camera gives only an approximate picture of what is happening. It is impossible to see any faces there, especially if it happens at night. The movie is not so. Cameras decide everything. The commander speaks young behind the console: "Well, to increase me this fragment." And the parenchy increases, and then the chic-chik-chik muddy image is crystallized in the HD shot. As if the camera writes the video in the overall quality.

Miracles in a shootout

The bullet flies quickly and stitches a man without shifting it from the spot. In the films, the characters fly from shots who is further. If you shot a shotgun, then everything. Flying meters for five bad guy is provided. Why there, a heavy liquid metal terminator flew from shots. And also when one character holds the other on the Ferry and demands something from him. Information, for example. That at the crucial moment, he necessarily segges the trigger as the last warning. Why, not understandable. The gun shoots and so, the trigger shall automatically. And even pay attention when the bullets pierce the rear window of the car during chase, they do not reach the windshoe. Apparently, falling shit inside the cabin.

Strange operating systems

We noticed that in the movie Heroes enjoy strange operating systems? That is not Windows, not Mac, but something incomprehensible. It seems to be so doing not to violate the copyrights of the system developers. Or maybe they simply cannot agree with them to the intelligible amount. And even hackers are looking for information by chaotic ten-chand crushing on the keyboard, without taking this mouse. And on the screen at this time, windows and pictures are changing with an incredible speed. As if someone can see something there. But nothing, hacker understands everything and in a minute gives out the result.

Women give birth to hero

In the cinema, women give birth at once ten-light concealed fasteners. The kid confidently holds the head, aguchet, looks around, only himself does not warm himself. Moreover, the liner is always well maintained that before childbirth, that after. At least now on the podium. Who passed through the childbirth, will confirm that the kind in the maternity hospital is still the same. The least you think about making a twist, hamper your eyes and hollow cheeks.

Stereotypes about professions

In the cinema, the photographer must be necessarily a sexy maniac under the mask of the amateur kittens. Jeweler is an old, bald Jew with a hooked nose and a row of skin. He sleeps and sees how someone viciously deceive. Psychiatrist is always more painful of his patients. Cook - a large man, choleric and tyrant. All musicians and artists are knotted. Guys not from this world. Dress up the hell knows how, sleep in one boot, constantly on psychoatative substances.

Peculiar sex

First, a woman never removes the bra while sex. And if it removes, it is extremely rare. Perhaps this is not included in the contract, or simply do not want to increase the age centers on the film. After Socia, partners must lie on the back, smoke or chat. At the same time, the heroine pulls the blanket before the chin, and the hero is only on the belt. This is not very easy, try yourself. Apparently for Hollywood films produce special L-shaped blankets.

Bomb will always wait

Bombs in the movie are incredibly informative. They are equipped with a reverse timer screen. It is not clear why to put such a screen, if it is planned to look at anyone. It is still okay when the hero does not cut the wire, the timer is accelerated. What a twist! Well, we must not forget that the bombs are very tactful. Even if there are ten seconds before the explosion, the heroes will be able to bother for a couple of minutes, say to each other important, touching words and still have time to cut the bomb for the remaining seconds.

Saving ventilation

Ventilation in the cinema is an extensive network of wide moves, in which purely and light. If you need to imperceptibly penetrate into any room - the mercy is pleased to our cozy mine. There is so comfortable that you can live, but only to escape. For the experiment, try to find the ventilation mine in my office building. At best, this is a corrugated tube of centimeters 20-30, connected to the air conditioner. We wish you good luck in escape.

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