17 things that are about to happen to you



Thirtieth is not just "new 20". This is a decade in which a lot of interesting things happen to you will happen to you. Wear straps, we enter the turbulence zone!

You will start to look very cool

The era of Green Chubs and the rings in the nose happily passed and the suspicion began to be in the soul that the boots before the neck, false eyelashes with a broom and a dress-bag - this is a little bit. Contrary to all the laws of logic, you even in the photo for the document you will look better than on the front pictures from the graduation.

Having got my angle

A completely legitimate personal angle, without any owners there, breastfeeding baboons broken chairs and a family tapestry with a deer. The average age of people involved in the mortgage in our country is 30-35 years old.

You will not be taken to work due to experience

And not a lack of experience, and its excess. It seems like yesterday was still a green trainee, and today you are unfolded, because you are too professional, and they would need someone easier.

Recine views on sexuality


Bristle, languid look, on a motorcycle on the opposite? What a stupid rice. And, by the way, why didn't you notice you before, how do you look hotly guys with mop, skillers and three-year-old nephews in your hands?

Recine views on friendship

Somehow imperceptibly it turns out that the best girlfriend is not the person with whom you have labeled the kulichs in the sandbox and false eyelashes on the school disco. And not the Siamese twin, with whom you all make together - bargain, ride vacation, go to the cafe and eat salt powder. This is a person who will not accuse you in betrayal of ideals, if you cancel a meeting, because tomorrow morning you have an important meeting, or a child fell ill, or the dissertation protection. Which in response to your "I don't want to talk about it" does not get into the soul with the poker, and calmly change the topic. With which you see once a month - and always rejoice in each other.

Your youth will start twist in the Retro program

And then some trifle puzzled says: "Who is who? Moby? No, have not heard".

You will ask for advice

You are 35, and your son is 13, and here it is calling his girl (Lord God, it's his girl?!) And asks: "Olga Aleksandrovna, I need to talk to you. What do you think I like Sasha? " And that's it. You understand that you are an adult and "what to do" here is no longer your replica.

Detect that your favorite brand completely blown away


Well, seriously, for whom all these ruffles, Ryushki, sequins and sequins? What is what is written on this T-shirt, "Live Free or Die"? Holy ash industries, what kind of children's patience. In addition, all these clothes are sewn on the humanoids of the 40th size and clearly break down after the first washing.

Love sex

Not that you earlier, these meaningless devices were disgust. But about the fourth ten you will suddenly find that sex is good in itself, in the detachment from Tugaisa-Foreva, bouquets and pair Selfie. If not yet.

You will start using the word "mine"

More often, with the words "cosmetologist", "dentist" and "gynecologist".



Most (namely - 64%) girls get married at the age of 20-29 years. At the same time, approximately 55% of all marriages are disintegrated within 9 years after wedding bells and roller throwing. That is, if you happen to lower someone's suitcase from the stairs, then just in the thirties.

Get married

24% of girls first go to the registry office just in the interval from 30 to 40. And about the same amount of brave shower are solved on the second attempt within five years after "between us all breakto".

On home parties you will cover two tables

Because now half of your friends are visiting the heirs of the throne, which require cartoons, ice cream, cake, the damn bald in a step and coloring.



Sausage, democracy, freedom! If you have long carried out thoughts about "time to throw", then very soon you will stop planning and start packing the suitcase. The average age of the subsenters is 32 years old.

Throw to drink

Because you will find out on bitter experience that the party in Bir-Pong is not worth a two-day hangover. By the way, at the same time you find out what "two-day hangover" means.

We will help parents

"If that - a mother with dad will help." It's time to take away from this thought - on the contrary, they are about to be needed by your help and support. And they will soon begin to talk about the testament than the mood spoil you.

Friends will appear grandchildren

Incredibly, but the fact is closer to the end of your roaring thirties, some of the older friends will become a grandmother or grandfather.

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