20 evil tips: how to quickly


There is nothing impossible for a person with intelligence. Dial 30 years per month - it is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. The main thing is an integrated approach!


1. Release the mustache and beard. Do not grow, namely let go to freedom! Weekly bristles - not your choice. Generous two-year vegetation, perfect from the ears before the chin, will add you a full-fledged decade.

2. Tanning. Use cosmetics that have not been tested on animals. Work at nuclear power plants. Well, at least smoke. Do something so that your young healthy skin dried and bored. The right way!

3. Note. A quick and effective way is known from the times of Thomas Mora. He went for one night before his penalty. Not necessarily to execute the case, but the principle you understood.

4. Vintage - our everything. Start boutiques for antique batch baults and trousers Galifa. Stringing striped, tweed jacket with dumb elbows and a hat perfectly complement the image.

5. Go with a cane. Just do not limit on one leg - you are not Dr. House. Chromate immediately on both.

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6. Forget how to sit at the desk and work at the computer. Sut, hurt, pure! Correctly delivered spinal curvature perfectly complement the lame on both legs and cane.

7. Get glasses in a brown horny frame. So that you are not accepted for Hipster, tie a eloquent elastic band from panties to the shames.

8. Pass the iPhone. Start the monochrome "Nokia" with a sawing call. Sound put on the maximum volume.

9. Social pension in Russia is paid accurate from sixty years. Do not expect a retirement right now! The resulting pension testimony wears in a prominent place, otherwise the effect will not be at all. For example, on the forehead.

10. Organize yourself a permanent insomnia. Lower in the morning, get up under it. Give a neighbor a discount coupon in a construction store and perforator.

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11. Go to the neighbor and offer to take His Son to School. Enter your hand, leisurely and powerively (do not forget about the cane). Passing a place in Sberkassa, name the granddaughter's boy and loudly "remember", how to drive his folder into the same school.

12. Neighborhood after stating that his son is a fool, like his dad, and your legs will no longer be in their house. When meeting, do not greet.

13. Return to Sberkass, become a queue. Sust under two hours. Before the very window of "Forget" houses savings book.

14. Gorge. Break by windy young people. Slide the use of grammatical revolutions "in our time", "and before,", "under the Union there was no such."

15. Each evening, turn on the TV is routing. In order not to suffer in an apartment with a cloudy crystal in a servant (you have already got rid of all the furniture from IKEA, yes?), Go to the entrance. There must be a shop, you should sit grandma - join without constraint.

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16. No more "Auchans"! Buy products in the bazaar (if there is no bazaar nearby, then at least in the market), come with your bidonchik behind the milk. Avoska will also be very relevant.

17. Scroll to the girl: Contact her "Daughter" and ask to put on your fee harness. Show resistance to temptations, remember: one night with a young young lady is the failure of all conspiracy.

18. Read the newspapers. If this does not allocate you from the surrounding society, emphasize that you read the horoscope exclusively, the weather forecast and the TV program. From time to time you can afford a crossword.

19. Armaged by the famous Rules Zhvanetsky: Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantities. Lay on the second part of the rule. Act. So what to do?! Disgusting, but need.

20. Do not miss the case to stand in a traffic jam, in the queue for the doctor, at the station station. Lose passport and restore it for a long time. In the queue actively, turn on the process of public indignation. Call fire on yourself. Use any opportunity to reversal. Good stress - the key to rapid old age. Following these tips, you can in a short time to achieve astounding results. Be careful! If you neglect these simple rules: you will stop smoking, nervous and abuse alcohol, make it up with your neighbors and return yourself a healthy eight-hour sleep - your youth can delay!

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