10 ordinary things that your baby will play for a long time


To take and interest the child, it does not need a bunch of new dolls, designers, houses, machines, animals and other things! Sometimes it is enough to give him the simplest, quite a non-chain thing.


Children love to draw and boxes. True, love. The baby, planted with a set of color pencils in a large cardboard box, as a rule, sits there quietly and joyful hour and a half. While there is something to urge.


Even those children who did not go to the montessori's self-cleaned mom on the Internet can stick with two cans of water / buckwheat and funnel for half an hour and more. Just show how to overflow and shield exactly through the funnel, and leave them alone. Lifehak: If you chose the water between buckwheat and water, the child with banks should be planted for something waterproof and easily wiped. And it is possible and directly in the bath.

Sofa pillows

The main thing is in sufficient quantity. Of these, you can add a hut or a car, a mountain with which - or to which - you can jump, a sports mat, which is good to tumble, and many different other adorable pieces. Verifying the invaluable kip sofa pillows will make the bedspread, turning into the roof of the house.

Scarves, Shawl, Shawls

With their help, you can arrange a fashion show or carnival, equip a sailboat, decorate the "house". What just do not turn the pieces of fabric! Want - in the Turban, you want - in long hair, and you want ... in ghost. Just please cut out eyes. Without an eye is worse. Exactly.

Coils and shoelaces

One can be rolled to another. Or oblique. Or wrapping. You can make beads that actually steam locomotive. You can roll the coil, holding a stretched cord for the ends. You can drag sharply for the tip of the cord so that it will quickly operate and the coil rolled on the floor away. You can build a tower from coils. And, most importantly, in most cases, children guess all these opportunities themselves. This is valuable.

Large colored buttons

If the kid shame, they can attach bottles with a neck of different sizes. An interesting quest - stuff as many buttons as possible in the bottle, which has a neck of all. Pyramids can be built from buttons, stove pastries, laid out men, animals and pictures. Buttons can search for a pair. In general, buttons are beautiful not only for small motility.

Checkers and chess

These are only adults think that they are difficult to play them. And from the checkers can be built towers. And let chess pieces are also towers. And then all together will be the city. And chess can be princes and princesses and ride each other in carriages-checkers harvested with chess horses. And still chess pawns can be put to sleep, but all sorts of elephants and queens look like Yulia, on the top, or discover that when they ride horizontally, they are not going straight, but in a circle.


Only not those that are very sorry. Books - Wonderful constructor! They have such parameters as the length, width, volume, disclosure (folding), different textures and the color of the cover. In general, it is possible to view any of them.

Covers and corks from bottles and cans

They can be started by a wheel, build any of them, throw as flying plates, add to chess and checkers for the scale of the game, arrange tea drinking with traditional toys ... In general, an excellent playing kit, almost universal.

Pencils and knots

If only the child is not inclined to pour your eyes - and it is usually not inclined - then you always have another beautiful designer at hand. Show how from the pencils to make a "well", and find out how long this uncomplicated business can do a four-year one! Sometimes almost infinitely long. Would only be enough pencils.

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