Strategic Stock: How to store supplies in case of Akhtung



Perhaps you did not notice, but we have a crisis on our yard. We encourage you to panic and stock up the province. The bag of buckwheat in the bins did not damage anyone. And that the supplies do not heal their own saturated life, we tell about how to properly keep anything - from stew to lipstick.

Household chemicals


The usual soap from the supermarket without any tricks is stored for years 3 - if you put it in a dry place. Handmade soap is more tender and capricious, it quickly loses the fragrance. It must be kept in a glass jar, providing a pre-bag with silicate balls or a sack with salt. So it can live a year.

Washing powder

There is practically no shelter powder of the shelf life, but if you keep it as it fell, you will get a washing porridge or washing stone. Powder womb. It would be nice to push it into a bag with a zipper zipper or at least close the outdoor bagpit.



The antlekots and other semi-finished products are not surgering for a long time - they can be stored only 36 hours, and even if the temperature in the refrigerator is not more than +6. Moreover, meat in breading or chopped into small pieces is stored and less - 24 hours, all the required and sub-products - 12 hours, and the mince is generally better to eat immediately, it is safe only for 8 hours.

Frozen to the status of stone meat seems eternal. But nothing is eternally under the moon - mince in the freezer can be stored for 4 months, and a frozen piece - up to 1 year, but the freezer should issue honest -18s. When you take it to storage, tightly overtake a piece of film and adjust the label "lamb from the market, 02.2016" - then you identify it.

A fish

The fish feels perfectly in the refrigerator 48 hours, then begins to be sad. The fish boiler life is still shorter - 12 hours and point. Fat fish is stored in the freezer no longer than three months, but the rest is up to six months.


Hold banks with a strategic margin of stew far from each other, they should not touch - in places of contact, they begin to rust, and there is not far away. Usually any canned food is calm up to 2 years - from the date of packaging, of course, and not from the date of purchase. So look at the date of manufacture and choose those that fresher. Open, but unstilled canned food can be left in the refrigerator for 2 days, no more.

Vegetables and greens

We will not go to the debris of canning, let's go in simple. Organic basil, farmers kinse and other grass can also be stored in the freezer. The grass must be rinsed, dry well and nourish into the trunk. Further - in the measure of your refinement. Or simply refer to a hermetic container, or fold into tiny plates (the molds for ice are suitable) and pour olive oil. And in the freezer. So greens can store 4 months.

Potatoes, onions, carrots and other similar vegetables can be easily stored in a box in a cool place. On the bottom of the box, the mound of sand or sawdust - they absorb water and the vegetables do not hesitate. So that the potatoes do not shine during storage, keep it in the cold. You can put the apple to her in the box - they say, helps. Do not store vegetables in polyethylene - condensate is formed in it. Best of all stylish paper bags.



And again in the freezer (you still have a place there?). Naturally, after careing them in salted water to expel the worms, and carefully cleaned. Raw mushrooms can be stored for a year, boiled - months 7-8.


This wine is good over the years, but with oil, even the most noble, the other way around. It swings. Terminal oil storage - 9-12 months. And provided that it lives in a tightly blocked bottle of dark glass somewhere in the closet.

Butter is more gentle, after 10 days in the refrigerator it is not good anywhere. In the freezer survive a year, but re-frozen it (and indeed anything, anything) can not, so apply it to portion cubes, wrapped in a film and frost so.

Flour and cereals

By itself, flour, buckwheat, rice and other bulk comrades - long-livers, but the whole painting spoil bugs-worms that are fruitful. Therefore, in paper factory packaging, the flour cannot be stored - only in a hermetic can, perfect - in a glass, with a rubber gasket on the lid, so that no bastard climb. And to get rid of dampness, you can put in the bank again the bag with salt - it absorbs moisture. In such conditions, flour and cereals are calmly stored for 9-12 months.




In the closed form - from 12 to 30 months, but if the manufacturer ensures that the cream does not fit in 2 years, it means that there is even more preservatives in it than the cream itself, this is needed in FIG. An open bank can be stored no more than 6 months, and better less. Crack cream where the temperature never rises above 25 degrees.

Lipstick, tonalnik, cream shadows

Products are short-lived, in the open form lives 5-6 months - and then only at a temperature of 20c. So throwing the dream to use the lipstick, which you brought from Paris before the revolution before the crisis. Check if lipstick is alive, very simple - if it smells like wax, it means that is not alive.

Dry shadows, powder, blush

I feel normally for 3 years, it doesn't matter, you opened the packaging or kept it on a black day sealed. But in a wet environment, even a powder can easily deteriorate - we saw boxes in which natural mold grew.

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