20 people who need to swell right now


If the kind of your chronicles puts you in a dead end, if you lose interesting news, which just flashed before our eyes, if you do not know who all these people, and how to go through two hours, because you just looked at the FB for 15 minutes, then It's time to reduce the list of friends!

So, forgive:

one. The type with which you spent the summer of the ninetieth year in one pioneerwell. I saw his surname, nostalgic feelings rolled. Now you watch a report from the kneading New Nissan and do not know what to say.

2.. A familiar friend with whom you crossed away and for some reason exchanged contacts. Since then, you have not transferred a single husky, and you, before looking into the list of friends, and did not remember its existence.

3. Your former If you did not become real friends, then to hell! Why do you need to ride the soul, reading about his beautiful new life, or gloating, watching how he drinks live.

4. The person who celebrates everyone in a row in the photo where there are no people. Do not even find out why he does it, just give the button.

5. Amateur share photographs of dead and bodily injuries. Get rid of him if you, of course, do not want to beat off the habit of the tablet.

6. Lovers argue in your comments He has already dispersed everyone, so let him go.

7. Fan the theories of the conspiracy. He does not know how to be friends and sooner or later still identifies the reptiloid in you.

8. Parents There is something that is better not to see.

9. Your adult children. Remove them until they deleted you.

one0. The younger brother of a girlfriend who writes about incomprehensible teenagers. Enough to confuse a poor boy, old you are a pepper.

11. A journalist who writes only about its own articles and columns. You need you for quantity.

one2. The Great Writer who loves to cringe in the comments. Rather, remove until I spoiled my impression from his books.

13. Person report While the case did not reach the discussion of the varieties of the toilet paper, which she prefers, you better part.

14. Your boss Why was it to add it?

15. Forgotten friend Some of his statuses are also pop up in the chronicle, and you will shudder each time from surprise: "And who else is!?"

16. Adeline A stranger who does not write anything himself, but lying and shares everything that you write. It is too suspicious.

17. The person who constantly invites you the hell knows where. Judging by the fact that he calls you to the exhibition of Axolotley in St. Petersburg, although you have already written five times, as you relax at your grandmother in Ufa, it is interesting only asolotli, and they do not care.

18. Beauty No activity, except for the publication of diligent outflow-free portraits of unearthly charms. Is it generally real?

19. User who writes in an unfamiliar language Always one or two of these will begin in the ribbon. They do not read you either, so you can peacefully part.

20. Panicer A-ah! Close the dog shelter. A-ah! Fly meteorite. A-ah! In children's nutrition found dihydrogen monooxide. Nafig, nafig.

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