Why do not work diet? What you have not already knew



First we define what it means "do not work." Because the first thing that says everyone will say, after reading the headline, this is: "Well, how so, if you don't eat - you will lose sure."

A working diet is considered that the results of which are preserved after its end of a long time. Say, five years. The short distance diet works. On average, for 6-12 months of nutrition restrictions, a person can reset about 10% of its weight. The following problems begin. Upon the expiration of the happy "honeymoon with a diet", 84% of the lost weight will begin to return to the previous weight, or even raise more than it was before the diet.

Biological reasons

Adepts of the exercise "do not eat" represent a human body as a bag. If you put in a bag less than usual, it will weigh less - iron logic! But the person is designed much more difficult. The diet looks more like an attempt to save on the fuel for the jeep, based on the fact that it will not only come to the goal, but also turns along the road to an elegant roadster. Tracy Mann, a teacher of the University of Minnesota, who studied the food habits, self-control and diet for 20 years, calls three reasons why diets are doomed to the failure of the Evolution itself.

Business in the brain . The brain, having received information about the lack of food, makes a person on a diet more often think about food, more often pay attention to it, perceive it as more appetizing than usual.

Business in hormones . As a person is losing weight, hormones responsible for the feeling of saturation, becomes less, and responsible for feeling hunger - more.

Business in metabolism . At the same time, with the brain listed, gives the body to "scold the hatch", that is, to save energy as much as possible. Hunger around, drought, catastrophe, you need to take strength.

Outcome - You turn into a weaker, irritable person who is constantly dreaming about food. And break.

The point is not in the power of will . Imagine two people. One on the diet, and the other eats when and what will want. Here the donuts brought to the office. The first tolerates, and the second immediately runs to brew money to sweet. It would seem that the power of the will at the first above. In fact, everything is more complicated. Studies have shown that if two of our heroes are loaded with hard work, the brain will use this as a distracting maneuver to knock out self-control tubes. Under pressure, thinning will break and reest, and freely eating a moderate portion. Do not pour nature.

The idea of ​​voluntary starvation to our body seems to be frank idiocy. By the way, the brain is also critical to an artificial breeding weight. Catch a familiar asthenica and ask whether it climbs into it an extra serving of potatoes with sour cream, and he adds on oatmeal with bananas. The body, he like Putin, loves stability.

Psychological reasons

Psychologists, like biologists, do not trust diet. Moreover, both diets for people of normal weight and diet, prescribed people with a high degree of obesity. Researchers of the subconscious believe that the personal problems of the person have not been solved, which led him to unhealthy relationships with food, to count on success meaningless. That's what will not let you lose weight, in terms of psychology:

  • Hate to her body, diet as a punishment. The body in this war will win
  • Vera in what loses, you will become happy, and your life will work out. She will not work, and you will recover again
  • Secondary benefits of excess weight. For example, he gives you an excuse, so as not to meet with anyone. While you do not look truth in the eyes, you will not let yourself lose weight
  • Ignoring feelings of hunger and satiety, food in artificial regime. The worse contact with the body, the easier the brain goes around the finger

Economic reasons

Probably, we seemed like you with some nasty people who want you to be a thick, terrible and unhappy. Not that friends of every person on a diet: Slender stars with their useful books and courses, doctors-wizards, good company-producers of low-fat and low-calorie products, suppliers of magic tablets, berries, teas, spices ... In general, all those who earn On diets. And the worse you get to lose weight, the more they earn.

In the United States, for example, the dietary industry (benefits, tablets, operations) boosts about 20 billion dollars a year. Celebrity, ready to advertise another way to lose weight, earn from 500 thousand to 3 million dollars. And for food producers, obsession with diets - golden bottom. Chocolate ice cream and dietary yogurt are not enemies to each other. The most popular stamps of "weighty" products belong to such corporations as Nestle and Unilever. That is, the same, who will gladly feed you with snacks when you're rushing. And then it will offer to reset. And then we will comfort again with sweet bars. Well, you understood. And they will say, of course, "myself is to blame."

Diets do not work, because manufacturers are not profitable so that they work. And this helped one dexterous trick, tested in the 90s. The Research Group of Professor Philip James said in those years about the obesity epidemic. But their report hid an invisible detail. Prior to it, the body mass index was considered the upper weight of the weight of the body. In the report of the border, after the intersection of which it's time to run in a panic, calling for a lazy cattle, made BMI 25. So, one day, millions of consumers went to sleep normally, and woke up fat. And ready to upset.

Well, what about being 16% of the lucky ones?

  • These are people who restored their basic weight after childbirth, injury, depression, etc. and attributed this normal diet process
  • These are people who are with diet and do not get out, the rugs are all related consequences for the body
  • These are people who helped other factors (exercise or, for example, love)

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