In South Korea, the final competitions for Nurestania were held. How do they do it?!


In the capital of South Korea, the final competitions for Nurestania were held. Under the conditions, participants in the competitions must see, without doing anything, exactly one and a half hours. It sounds tempting and easy, but for Koreans, apparently, the matter is difficult, one can compete.

In South Korea, the final competitions for Nurestania were held. How do they do it?! 36666_1

In total, in the Seoul Park, Ichon Hangan gathered to compete for the championship in Nurelnia 70 finalists. Everyone who could not withstand and looked into her smartphone, on the clock, spoke or piled up, immediately dropped out of the competition. However, the chamool for tricks remained: it was possible to raise a special card to drink or move to the toilet.

The winner as a result was a rapper named Shin Hyo-Seob. He not only lasted everything and a half hours, but also retained the most even pulse.

The author of the idea of ​​the competition, the artist Wupes Young, tells that he came up with them because together to deal with workolism easier. A few years ago, she suffered from burnout syndrome, but it was worth it only to try to just relax, a terrible alarm was spawned. So in the end, she came up with opposing the traditional Korean workaholism at least traditional collectivism. The idea was successful.

Competitions have been held for the third year, and every time there are more and more wishing to participate.

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