7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents


In the world of goods for children reigns real chaos - you can find an incredible number of different pieces and devices as very useful and useless at all. For example, the rollers (oh, God!) Or the holder for the nipple, thanks to which the dummy does not turn out on the floor every 20 seconds. We decided to help manufacturers and made a list of truly necessary devices, which must be invented by. Do you have something to add?

Insecadian teleport

7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_1
All parents pass through the stage when their children refuse to fall asleep alone. It is necessary to read the fairy tale first, then sing a song, then scold, then carry the driver, and when, finally, it seems that the child fell asleep firmly and you can quietly leave - babes! - He wakes up and everything starts first. Well, or you just fall asleep with him in his room or even beds. But with teleport, everything will be different! As soon as the child fell asleep, you press the button and find yourself on the other side of the door of the nursery. Hooray! A secret door can be played as a teleport next to the bed or hatch in the floor.


7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_2
Regardless, are you a supporter of the practice "give a child to pay" or not, sometimes, when the child begins to capricious, reluctance to go to him. Of course, a simple video or radiona will help make sure that everything is in order with the child, but an improved smell sensor also will be asked when they need to change diapers. And you can easily understand when the babe is crying, because he wants on the handles, or "I-I-even-and-non-weapons, you don't change-my pants."


7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_3
Make a baby? I cry the tummy, because the gaze? All this is very cool, but most of all the kids like the mother's voice that soothes them. But the child can be capricious for quite a long time, during this time you can drive off a little head, making hiss. You will come to the rescue imitator! You click on the button and Sshshshshshhhhhhh to the sconion, especially not straining!


7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_4
If you have more than one child, then at least once during the day you find yourself between your children, in trying to separate them, and they joyfully pour everything that comes across arm, including you. Large mother's mothers are very useful, which is two hands, spreading ductunov in different directions away from each other and from you.

Facing pissing boy

7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_5
There is nothing more trivial than parental complaints on the fact that their sons are not writing in the toilet. But this is an eternal story - because it is true! The boys persuade, punish, teach, but the result is one - they piss next to the toilet, around him, sometimes, of course, getting to where it follows. We do not very much, as a device should look like, which will help the little boys to navigate, but would buy a couple of dozens with once.


7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_6
Although you speak with children in the same language, sometimes it seems that your phrases sound in Chinese. Otherwise, how to explain that "let's dress" really means "let's spread all things around, we jump on one leg and turn into all the memories", "we are in a hurry" turns out to "do everything as much as possible", and "before bedtime to clean your teeth "-" Pumping in pajamas throughout the bathroom and stansu dance of the African tribe. " And the translator would make your words as clear as possible for children's understanding.


7 non-existent devices, which are very necessary for parents 36665_7
A portable device that entertains kids away, in a restaurant, on the plane and anywhere in an intuitive and friendly form, giving you beautiful moments of calm and rest. In fact, such a device exists. Called "parents". Although some are broken instances.

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