Baby with delivery - Honest parental reviews on newborns



We report on viewed films, read books, put the ratings of restaurants and hotels. And the worse babies: expectations and reality often diverge. On the portal The Ugly Volvo came up with whether honest reviews of happy "customers" would look if the parents of the newborns wrote them.

Non-wished (goods / service: 1 out of 5)

I really waited for a newborn, because I talked to several people who liked such an experience. Name it disappointment means not to say anything. Long exhausting hours, unpaid and complete unnatural stress level (no one warned about it!) Mass of unforeseen additional expenses. If it were possible to put zero, I used.

Youngman (product / service assessment: 2 out of 5)

I decided to try to start a newborn when I had two friends who liked it and that it was hotly recommended. I planned everything in advance, but I still had to wait a terrible long (more than nine months). Unacceptably. And then there were also childbirth.

1. Delivery. It is organized very indecent. Now I understand why the booklets did not show photographs of the process! Disgusting from start to the end. Also hurt! Such a feeling that when the delivery method was developed, the details were not thought out at all.

2. Installation and calibration. How could I expect that I will get up every two hours to give meals from my, damn it, breasts?! This is a judicial nonsense. Again, I have such a feeling that you could come up with something inoriginal and better to organize.

3. Experience use. Not a fountain. A lot of waste. Instructions and contacts of technical support did not attach.

My conclusions? Do not waste time in vain. Bored, disgust and infuriates. Sometimes it is incredibly painful. I would say, hold on to this attack away and just find the job to taste, enjoy freedom and waste salary in your pleasure.

Natural Supplement (Products / Service: 5 out of 5)


My husband and I heard a lot of good reviews and just tried themselves. Words do not find that express your delight! All that is so beautiful, as told. Immediately after giving birth, I felt a tide of maternal love, it was indescribable. The following few months, our emotional connection is only fixed. This newborn filled my life meaning. POST INTRODUCT TYKS AND HELP TO REALIZED! I can not resist and I will tell everyone about it and everyone! You will miss a lot if you do not try!

I can not understand, the last review was a joke or what? I tried to start a newborn and it is full of sucks. Nothing like written. No one will advise anyone.

Ikardal (goods / service: 2 out of 5)

Also not sure that the feedback was real. I am a beginner dad and appreciate the work of the service for two. Yes, and that, the score threw only now, when the newborn became really cute. But he still continues to interfere in all spheres of my life. The newborn are terrible themselves. It is absolutely not like that in advertising. Check everything in advance, people!

Invisible Mixed (product / service: 5 out of 5)

How could I put a unit at all?! We live on the same planet? You create from nothing life. Life, as if by real magic, literally the word grows in your body, and then you get this crumb. The baby sleeps, curling the tiny glomerus, on your chest, and you sing him lullabies and ignite in the evenings. You now have a small person who created you and who loves you stronger than anyone ever before. We were deeply amazed by this experience and we want to contact him again. Positive impressions outweigh all flaws!

Roofing (product / service: 1 out of 5)


Something is wrong with me, if I do not like? I heard so many positive feedback, but in my opinion, everything is pretty unpleasant. I was told that I would immediately feel a deep emotional connection with the newborn, but this did not happen. I was told about many things that shipping is not necessary to wait, it will appear by itself (breastfeeding, basic maternal instinct). So, I was inflated! It happened by itself.

I made an order with the most rainbow expectations, but now I'm not sure what I repeat.

Soamytakalaslavny (product rating / services: 5 out of 5)

The most stunning experience. I looked around with happiness when the baby was born, and shine still. I can not stop talking about this sweet bunny and show all his pictures of his photos. The newborn takes my thoughts every minute when I do not sleep. And how nice to buy related products, all these socks and jumpsuit! And toys. And more suites. I already had experience in establishing a newborn some time ago (about 30 years), but many details were forgotten.

I'm just in love! The only drawback (if you can call it) - the fact that the newborn is still too small to try my corporate cake.

Non-vacant tracks (product / service: 1 out of 5)


You just read the comment above! Tell me, on the site there is some way to prohibit leave feedback to grandparents? I'm worried that it distorts the overall picture.

UGLYVOLVOBLOG (Products / Service: 3 of 5)

I tried about two years ago. Service is amazed. Sometimes it was very, very hard. Sometimes I was terribly hurt, I experienced stress, but sometimes suddenly became cute and wonderful. So if you really don't want this, then do not order, it does not matter how friends, relatives or society are put on you.

And if you really want to do it. Just do not expect the wonders and simplicity of the functional, because it will not be. But yes, if you go through all the difficulties, then wait for the moments, so beautiful that you will pay from happiness.

You will not get enough sleep. You will be annoyed by other people, the baby himself, and you yourself too. You will be in stress and will smell it. And you will grab the heart. Then from joy, then from fear or rage. Sometimes from regrets. And all these feelings are normal.

Users who want to try and ask whether this experience will be incredibly terrible or inexpressible wonderful, I can only say one thing - "Yes."

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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