7 annoying types of moms with whom you will meet, becoming mom


Jenny Aisenman, the author of humorous columns by profession and mom in life, decided to take and push out other mothers. Those Mothers. Which are annoying everyone.

"Warned - hence, armed and will not fall into the trap," she believes, handing a list to his readers.

Polina "Eternal PMS"

7 annoying types of moms with whom you will meet, becoming mom 36661_1
Conversation with this walking triumph of depression pollles the horses of the show with the elderly stars of show business. Its heavy trite necessarily includes a conversation about the various types of diseases and children who have poisoned by school lunches. After a few minutes, you will be tightened in the abyss of disappointment and hopelessness, which will make you wonder about your security and your health and marriage.

Rule of survival near : Never lead to her dialogues alone, be sure to need a friend, which will pull you out of this abyss in time.

Elena "let's yourself"

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Your child is her son. It is designed to distract her siblings, giving her to enjoy peace of rest, a glass of wine and reading something brain-loading. She has no matter before children are busy while she doesn't hear them and does not see them. If you go to her and stop there your child, then unhappy, hungry, with a bruise or locked in the bathroom, which she, of course, have no explanation, because she did not know that your children need a look ... or a glass of water, or Some protective pieces.

Rule of survival near : It is better to invite her children to themselves, and if you let go to her native monastery, then only with a set for survival in extreme conditions.

Kira "I know everything"

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Always advise you how to become a good mother and wife, because, well, indeed, who do not need non-crushed tips on raising children and relationship with her husband? She will tell you, it is necessary or not to put vaccinations to children, how to make linen White and why your children are stupid from fast food.

Rule of survival near : raise some embarrassing theme like oral sex technician. If it does not run away in the hills, listen. Where else you will hear so much fun about these techniques.

Dasha "boring"

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A conversation with Dasha will make you regret that you do not wear a stitched capsule with poison in the collar. This sociable girl finds all the details of its stories not only mandatory for retelling, but also very interesting, it does not matter what we are talking about. Of course, you simulate interest and quietly nodding, in the way, whether the plastic knives for a picnic is enough to make Harakiri.

Rule of survival near : Pretend you called. If you have no phone with you, make anything, put on your ear and pretend what you answer.

"Basther" Nastya

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This maiden makes you think that with your child is not like this: maybe he is stupid, lazy or socially unacceptable? It doesn't matter what the achievements of your Chad, the offspring of Nastya did the same better before. "Your daughter does not know the alphabet yet? I want to say, I am sure, everything is in order with her. Probably my lily is just really in a hurry. She seemed to learn him back in the uterus, that is, then we taught it French. Is yours already speak French? Sorry, it was tactless ... She barely speaks Russian. "

Rule of survival near : Bay and run.

Tamara "Information flow"

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Tamara is similar to bad faceburst status in the flesh. It seems to her that nasty details about the ear gray of her son or the consistency of the contents of the pot after her daughter - what is needed for a conversation at lunch. Even if you know her only on the firstly linear line, you are from somewhere known about the bend of her uterus, because of which she prefers to do it with cancer.

Survival rule near: Tamara always postpones the details that will make the roaming rapper begins, so the ability to communicate to hello, while never ask how things are.

Olga "Inedistent"

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Olga has no idea what she really looks like her Chadushko. She dwells in the blissful ignorance that her invaluable offspring, in your eyes strangled a rabbit, can do something wrong. On the contrary, Olga will even be angry with the angel, she will explain that (without a doubt!) In fact, it actually happens or complains that her child always make a scapegoat.

Survival rule near: Hold on and hold your children and pets away from her and her baby. It seems that someone like Baby Olga and serial killers grow.

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