9 horrors through which a woman will pass whose man is experiencing middle-aged crisis


Any man once passes through the hell under the name of the middle-aged crisis. More precisely, he believes that he passes through hell. In fact, the hell is not a man at all, and the unhappy, which at that moment is nearby. While the spouse is tastefully climbs hands, his half is forced to be smart, patient and understanding, like the wife of Fedor's father or Sophia Andreevna, for example.

In fact, of course, to be a wife of Fedor's father or not to be - to solve you. But to the fact that men call the crisis, it is better to prepare in advance.


A crisis husband will be sad and whining. From morning till night. For any idiot occasion. It will whine, because Monday, Thursday, autumn, the house ended coffee, there is coffee, but not the grade, the global financial crisis, life failed, so on. In this atmosphere of slotting whirl, you will need to remain benevolent and active. However, your benevolence will also disappear. Because he is all abandoned lonely tubosis, and you here are all so shining benevolence, a villain.

Unreasonable anger

When the husband won't be sad, he will be angry. And, as a result, homeing to all, and, first of all, to you. Even if you know how to cook the borsch "like a mother", play Schubert on Volynka and dance Camarinsky - it will be unless. "Do not say that, you don't look so much, you are doing myself." At such moments, you will really want to hang it out for the puzzles to the chandelier, but this desire you, unfortunately, do not realize. First, he is heavy. And, secondly, he has a crisis!


The crisis husband will turn into hellish paranoid. He will be seriously confident that everything that happens in the world is done in order to "bring it to handle / fool / grave." It would be tolerated, limit the poor to the theory of the liquidason conspiracy, but one day he would seriously accuse the mother-in-law that she was delivering the cutlets. "Why is it her?" "You will ask you and you will get in response -" Yes, to judge me! ". And he will check the checks from the supermarket, to secretly read your mail and it is absolutely to know that someone (of course a mother-in-law, who else?) Satisfied a cat to scatter in his slippers.


Over time, he will begin to remember and caring all the real and imaginary "resentment." It turns out that over the years of your joint existence, the vision has accumulated before the scratch. Here you will also open the depths of the male subconscious. You are surprised to find out that ten years ago, he threw his most beloved T-shirt. You find out that he was waiting for all the years of your marriage, when you gues you to congratulate him on the day of the paratrooper. And most importantly, the main thing - in 2008 you ate the cherry yogurt, and he wanted him so much! And God to say you to say that "yogurt was excellent."

Rotten movies

He will start listening to strange music and watch strange films. Get ready for the fact that all the time free from homeing, whims and whining, he will stick into anything heavy, guy and suicidal. Under these "grave messages" you will wake up and fall asleep. And instead of family comedy and detectives, you a hundred times review the dreary "boys" documentaryism about submarines, airships, fortification and deadly satuled commander.


Choosing with a crisis husband to the street or to visit, do not wait for the conversion of the poop in the iceman. Scandals with neighbors, disassembly with janitor, raids on waiters and sellers, as well as regular crossings with drivers of adjacent cars will become commonplace. Better arming with pofigism and pepper canister. Because in 99% of cases out of 100 it turns out that the driver of a neighboring car is also experiencing middle-aged crisis.

Active stage

At some point he declares that "it is necessary to change something globally." Of course, he will start with you, but at this point you will already learn to beat his attacks and just send it to a well-known address. And then everything that was before, including a statement by the district, which the neighbors filed on you will seem flowers. Because the active crisis husband is much more dangerous than passive. At best, he will lead himself a dachum and a young mistress, in the worst it will be hung to spend your perennial savings on extreme tourism or gambling. And he will begin to hang around in informal parties, buy a new T-shirt with Che, bike or helicopter. To suffer this or not - to solve you.


In the end, it will inevitably incur! And he will certainly commit something irreparable. She declared, for example, that all his life did not do that, and in fact he is a brilliant exchange broker, a web designer or, more worse, a writer. Under this bivent nonsense, he will throw a normal job and will plunge himself in the bunch of merciless freelance, and you (and children) in full financial ass. It is impossible to dissuade him from it, it is pointless to mind. You can only wait for this catastrophe if of course the laurels of Sofia Andreevna are still seduced.

Final Accord

Crisis husband can leave. Can really. But if he before it tried well on all the stages described above, then, most likely, you will think about Maxim, and hell with him. " And you will be right.

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