Fake home earnings for moms: do not go on these ideas



Why suddenly a young mother can not make a career or at least make money? Internet disagree! It is only worth a woman with a little child in his hands to cry for her financial disability and insolvency, as the advice starts to be raised from everywhere. And if she does not follow them, herself the enemy itself.

You yourself have tried to follow your advice? They no longer make sense than to immediately send to sell "a *** y" on girlfriends.

Go to copywriters, you write without mistakes

Those who write notes for 1000 signs for the sake of CEO or rewritten news, indeed, do not need special professionally. Write competently, and enough with you. But they pay at such a work so that, while sitting down a full-fledged 8 hours a day, you will be able to pay only the spent Internet, electricity and coffee. In order to earn at least some kind of making money on writing texts, you need to write articles to write articles (build them, feed material) and some experience (present to the employer). Even better if you have a narrow specialization in journalism, in which you ate a dog. And, despite the 21st century, the huge number of magazines still insist that journalists spent the secondary, in general, salary in the office 8-12 hours a day for 5-6 days a week.


Here, it seems simpler. If you compose texts not so, the main thing is that you were to tell. What is not enough for your ability to write, will achieve the volume of unique photos and video. Won like people on this money row!

In fact, it turns out that video and pictures you manage to remove so-so, and the topic on which you can do so unique blog, in fact a thousand times revealed much more popular and promoted bloggers. Of course, you still have a chance to spin and even alone, but it will have to devote a lot of workdays that will not be paid to anyone.

Political comments

All behave, but pay. And opposition, and government officials. The author of this article has not received proposals from those and others. The point seems simple. We accept the offer from the side, the value and the views of which it seems to be sharing, and run with comments, finding posts by keywords.

Only here comments are written according to the methods, it is necessary to follow her pretty strictly, and knock them back so much for the very darling penny. Very soon, you begin to feel like a robot. In addition, representatives of the nasty side are often answered on your comments (who are charged, who are free of charge), and you have to lead a straight srach, and the second side will seem unreasonable and uncivilized aggressive. For the day of someone else's aggression, you go so that in a dream you will cry. And yes, for this shame you will pay again only the Internet, electricity and coffee. And no, there is still enough for diapers. You. For perpetuity and to cope with the consequences of constant stress.

Crafting and Handmade


And you just have a felt of cute little animals. And at home in warmth, and you all have time, and you can look at the child at the same time - let him give him slices of felt, let them cheat. And then you sell everything calmly. Right on the Internet. Right for sufficient money.

As an option, you can still make ceramics, sew dolls, weathered decorations from beads, to make unique scrapbooks, in general, make it all the same thing that you are desperately trying to sell in order to the blogs, communities of masters and the like places of thousands of women. Do you already feel, why are we clone? Another bad news - the child will always try to grasp the felt, go glue, shove a glass puppet eye and chant in the ear half of the bead package. And worse, work will remain difficult, even if there is a fashionable, pleasant and home. You will spend time and money at him, so forget about "all time."

It is better to leave any soap and a cup of afforestation as your personal type of art therapy. To rest after the working week.

Network marketing

A good thing, if you like to buy new cosmetics and not very bother, so that the cosmetics makes all such a lacker - because discounts from the company are rejected by cheap cosmetics. In general, all the trick is that these distributors are buyers, a pseudoscience and there is a normal retail price, and not consisting of sect, oh, in a marketer grid, if you're lucky, you just sell with cheating. Seriously sitting at home with a child make a business on trying to make a lot of women the most ordinary product, it is impossible.

Video lessons


If we are talking about the channel on YouTube with a request to send money for the coming continuation, then see the section of the blocking. If you want to send records to customers, you will very quickly find that someone from the close circle of communication, who started to try to earn, supports the idea of ​​free distribution of information and laid out your unique lectures on the network completely free. Lessons on Skype live canvas if you are so unique specialist that people are ready to pay even without personal contact and with a third of the lesson to listen to you, how do you get a child or sit on a pot on the pot. In general, dream dreams.


That is - to undress and perform sexy whims in front of the money chamber. With Skype Broadcast. Well, here it happens, and you can raise money. But the next time in the frame of the baby will spoil the business in the frame, even if your visa caresses herself, looking just like you in one apron for a whole hour with boiled vegetables in the most trunny way. And if we are talking about something stuck ... And it is inconvenient that the child cares, and it is afraid that they will post an entry on the Internet and you are recognized on the unique curvature of the blades, and you can jump on the maniac or defenders. Well him.

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