How to use food residues



Every year you are yes, yes, you personally - throw more than 100 kilograms of food on the garbage. Translate a kilogram in rubles and terrible. Many have already been horrified, and today there is a creative approach to the processing of remnants from the refrigerator - the most fashionable trend. We offer your plan to save poor unclaimed carrots and oranges.



Frozen beets, spinach and red cabbage will use you in the spring when everyone suddenly serves a passion for the painting of eggs. It will only be necessary to throw them into a boiling water bowler to get a rich natural dye.


And what, in fact, prevents you from cooking half a heartbeat, a few cabbage leaves, a half mushroom, a couple of bulbs, celery dyn and sluggish kinse? Soup you do not compose from this, and the broth is easily. The roast is all that you can fry, lay in a saucepan, pour water, add salt and spices and wait until it is welded. Vegetable broth can be cooled, pour into plastic bottles and again freeze. This is definitely cooler bouillon cubes.



Fresh (even conditionally fresh) vegetables can be frozen to grind in a puree or cut slices and impose on the face. Cucumber - for dry skin, potatoes - for bags under the eyes, celery - for problem skin.

Chocolate paste

Hot chocolate

No matter how much the "nuttella" can buy, but anyway, something will remain. If the hand does not rise to give it to the enemy, pour into the jar of milk, heating in the microwave and mix - hot chocolate is ready.


Patch for cake

Suppose you have simultaneously formed a stale bread and an hourly cake. Typical postpracket combination. Cut the cut of the cake with a slice of bread and fix it with a toothpick. Now the cake does not follow.


Sounded blanks


It's easier than a simple, but not intimidated residues of sauces and lulvation, too, can be freezed, so that at the right moment to focus "Focus-Pokus!" And remove them from the freezer.

Oranges and other citruses

Cleaner for everything

Sold from citrus cakes (the more, the better), lay in the jar and pour a cup of white vinegar. Leave the potion in a dark place for a week-other. And then the fired fragrant vinegar in a bottle with a sprayer. Lemonen from the peel is a good cleaner, and vinegar is a powerful antiseptic and a thunderstorm of any mold and vony. Such spray is suitable for cleaning wooden furniture, tiles in the bathroom and cutting tables in the kitchen.

Flower pot

If you cut a grapefruit or a large orange in half and dig a flesh, you can pour a handful of earth into an empty skin and stick some modest greens. A handful of such pots looks very unusual.

Deodorant for foot


Fuck the heel with a piece of lemon - acids will provide soft peeling, and essential oils will give a pleasant fragrance and disruption of bacteria.

Cleaning napkins for furniture

Mix the polfast of water with the same amount of vinegar and maca into this mixture of a stack of napkins - cotton or microfiber, but not paper, of course. Slightly sick, shove them into a jar with a lid, shifting each napkin slightly guy lemon crusts - the crusts should give juice. Screw the lid. All, now fragrant napkins are always at hand.

Bath Cleaning Paste

Unzie juice from grapefruit or lemon and mix it with a sea salt of rude (but not quite a Hamsky) grinding - there should be a thick porridge. On her sponge - and you can make cleanliness. Fruit acids from citrus siblings dissolve anybody, and the salt believes it. The main thing is that the means does not stink of chemistry.


Name Starina

This technique has landscaped designers for many years. If you want to hunt a noble moss on the dacha porch or where, mix in equal proportions of yogurt and water, chopsticks there and smear this low-apotiac substance that you want - the wall of the house, a garden statue or at least a flower pot. In such a nutrient medium, Moss will quickly grow.


Dried seasoning


Since the parsley with dill was still lit up and settled to dry, take the process under control - they are finally driving on the windowsill, under the sun - save on bags with spices.

Salad cubes

If some part of the parshese-secluded broom is still alive, we can fly green leaflets, put them in a mold for ice, bores with olive oil and freeze. You will get the finished portion refueling for salads, which also looks cool.

Air freshener

Mix in equal proportions vinegar, vodka (who caught it at all?!) And water. Drink into a bottle with a spray bottle dried rosemary, mint or oregano, for consuming the beauty you can add the remains of citrus peel or cinnamon stick. Bills it is good by a vinegar mixture and through the day-other you can use your own-eco-friendly freshener where you want. You can organize all this in a beautiful glass bottle, add a few drops of essential oils and stick a bundle of wooden speakers into it - there will be a diffuser.

Fragrant oil


Propychni several twigs of greenery into a bottle with olive oil. Every day it will become all fragrant.

Garden on the windowsill

Duffle onions, celery, cabbage, parsley and dill are not so good that it is easy to check: shove the roots, bars and bulbs in a jar with water and they will start germinate. Circle of life, all that.


Instant smoothie

In the freezer, any fruit can live forever. Buy bags for freezing on zipper and fold them the remnants of bananas, peaches and oranges. Let them lie. At the right moment, they can not be deflated, throw in a blender and get a glass of cold smoothie.


Or do not wait for the chance, and grind fruits right now. Add sugar or yogurt, rushes mashed molds (even the empty cups from yogurt will rise) and stick wooden sticks - such as coffee. Freeze and eat every time the ice cream is treated.

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