13 examples of how they are deceived in stores


It seems to be the era of ubiquitous markets gradually goes into the past, with the heritage of the Soviet unobtrusive service, too, slowly part, but did not cease to deceive us. We collected 13 examples of how supermarkets inflate their buyers.

Second freshness

If you see the sausage or cheese in the store, beautifully cut on the tray and closed in a stretch film, then it is better to take on the adjacent shelf that cutting, which was packed in a vacuum at the factory. The date on such a "homemade" cutting says only about when it was packed. If the goods were settled, then specially trained people open the packages, rebound and glue the new date. Naturally she will be todayday.


When you buy a perishable goods, for example, milk, kefir or bread, then it is better to take the packaging that is in the depths of the shelf. There are usually the freshest products, and those that lie for a couple of days, put forward. So they disassemble them faster.

Goods not for action

When not looking take the goods on the action from the shelf, where, it seems, all the designal, make a big mistake. Among the goods with a discount can be completely littered by the pair of names at the usual price. It seems that this is not a crime, but if you are inattentive, you will pay extra.

Owning prices for discounts

Sale or action, it is not always so profitable. You can not know, but some stores raise prices for goods, keep it a couple of weeks, and then make a super-favorable offer, lowering the price tag to normal values. It seems to be an action, but the benefit of it is only the store. Soviet sellers for Customer ICC used lightweight weights for weights. Drilled filling and closed the hole with a plug in the color of the weights.

Discounts on the last breath

It happens that a perishable goods during transportation or in a warehouse is not properly stored. An experienced seller understands that it is not even an hour, and milk or kefir will be punished. Then he does a really big discount, not 10-20%, but all 50. Milk flies in a matter of hours, especially since the expiration date on the packaging is all right. And then the buyer is waiting for disappointment.

Bardak with price tag

It happens that one price of the goods on the shelf, and another turns on the checkout. The cashier is justified by the fact that in the database, the price was changed, and change in the trading hall yet. Perhaps this is the case, but most often a delay with the replacement of the price tag was intentional. Two or three hours can bring a good profit of the store. It also happens that the price is the price tag on the same, but less capacity. For example, in front of a bottle of 0.5 is a price tag for a bottle of 0.33. The inattentive person will not notice the trick.

Excess goods in the check

Stores often write off the shortage in the inventory, punching buyers an extra goods at the checkout. Well, you will not recheck the half-meter check when you're another 10 more people? And if you look more closely, there may be a few extra raw materials and a pack of washing powder. It is especially attentive to be when you buy an adult, with a huge trolley.


Buying fruits or vegetables is better to gain them on their own in a bag than to take ready-made sets. They often weigh less than indicated on the package. Of course, the kilogram is not deceived, but 10-12 rubles on each person will make a good gesheft store for the day.

Payment for ice

Frozen products, such as fish or ham, are sold in dense glaze of ice. It is weighted, naturally, also with ice, and we buy frozen water at the price of humpbacks. Nearby can lie fish more expensive, but without ice. Most likely it will be more profitable to buy it. We write over the fish, but you will not buy expensive ice. More often cheated in peak hours. In the evening and on weekends, when there are big queues, people annoyed and do not pay attention to the little things.

Discount marriage

Electronics stores Return the defective goods back to the supplier. After repair, it returns back with a discount of 30-50%. The store, accordingly, exhibits it, too, with a discount, even if not so big. The decent seller will tell the buyer to the cause of the discount, but often it is not done. You can distinguish the device that visited the REF sticker repair on the box (Refactoring).

Not brand

Sellers in corporate stores can sell their own goods under the guise of brand. For example, buy on the market decent on the kind of underwear or fake sneakers and put in a decent store. Not expecting a trick, the buyer takes them, especially since the price is low.

Remaining shop

It is almost in every supermarket. There "revive" laying sausages, sausages, cheeses. The sausage was washed from sticky plaque, the cheese is cut along the edges and repack. The pitched meat is soaked in vinegar and allowed into mince for the kitlet. Salads supermarkets themselves do not produce, but can sell them for a very long time. If the salad is told, then it is mixed, add more mayonnaise, and it looks like a new one.

Hazardous impurities

In the wave nuts can slip the pebbles for weight. They can increase not only the cost of buying, but also to create a reason for the unplanned visit to the dentist. Especially often it is found in glazed nuts. It is clear that the store does not glare themselves, but it means that he does not choose the suppliers.

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