14 Real reasons to rejoice



Divorce is an unpleasant, of course, but as soon as the former caution will be removed from your apartments, a wonderful period will come when it can be egoist again. 14 different, but completely real women share the joys of the newly acquired idle life.

It can easily go to one person in the movie in the middle of the day, without explaining to anyone why I go alone and why I did not call him.

No need to walk on tiptoe more. I give music to the full coil and dance!

Finally, there was a free nurse for children - your ex! While he performs father's duty, you can spend time on yourself - to go to the cinema at least.


I am delighted with the fact that you do not need to share the closet. And the bedroom is now all! I can roll on the bed, read before bedtime and not worry that you will wake someone. I can sleep in a marine star pose. And no snoring under the ear!

How cool that no one expresses his opinion on every movement!

No compromises about movies. I can revise all the seasons of "friends" in a circle and do not pretend that already burning from impatience to see the next "foresage."

Now in my car plays what I want to hear. Once during a long trip, I first listened to the talking about the sport, then some kind of acoustic jazz, and then I was ready to jump straight on the road and go home on foot.

The best in freedom is the lack of need to constantly explain. Where I go, why, when I come back, what I spent money and why it was for it. When children stay with his father, I can go anywhere with anyone, and I can pass the whole day in pajamas, ignoring the mountain of dishes. When I meet with married friends, I immediately understand how lucky I was! Just kidding! Although not so much and kidding.

I can go overnight with my girlfriends as much as I want, and no one, besides my bank card, will not look at me ukrious.

Finally, you can eat in bed under the cinema! And when I say "is", I mean not a tiny elegant ice cream. I mean the full plate of real food!

Be free cool! I can flirt with a pretty barista in Starbucks, and no one will tell me that I can not.

I live in my own schedule. No longer need to check with someone's plans and think - and whether you fit into them, is there any inconvenience?

I furnished the apartment to your taste. Yes, I have a purple sofa in the style of the 1950s.


I can walk on dates though daily. And I go! Finally began to feel sexual and clear.

For once, I started to get out of restaurants! Always loved it, but when you have two children in your hands, which is not and five years old, it is not so easy. And now, with great pleasure I go to the urchopuit. It doesn't matter what is usually a pizza, or sushi. Lawless Heart.

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